Heather King
Highlighting the wider relevance of science centre evaluations: a reflection on the evaluation of a physics engagement programme
Highlighting the value of evidence-based evaluation: pushing back on demands for ‘impact’
Highlighting the value of evidence-based evaluation: pushing back on demands for ‘impact’
Why do Finnish students have an edge in science?
Reading between the lines
Questioning the Draw-A-Scientist Test
Moving into, or away from, science?
A Learning Research Agenda for Natural History Institutions
Practitioners’ perceptions of their science engagement practices
Making the unthinkable thinkable
How urban girls negotiate school science
Sources of inspiration for STEM decisions
Environmental beliefs and willingness to take action
Visual and spatial thinking in science
Supporting opinion-forming skills
Informal sector internships foster professional identity development for teacher candidates
Seven recommendations for supporting adolescent learners
Dramatic Science
Using small group discussions in science teaching
Students’ understanding of the causes and consequences of climate change
Identifying implicit assumptions to support learning
Researcher-teacher co-design: Can it work?
Does the authenticity of an object matter?
Using narrative to communicate science
Student views of an out-of-school, university lab science enrichment programme
Examining the skill of observation in young children
Relating culture to prior knowledge
Designing professional development for inquiry-based science teaching
Using drama to understand science
Socioscientific issues and moral sensitivity
Early childhood teacher beliefs about learning science
Record keeping to support inquiry
Current trends in science teacher professional development
Toward successful collaborations between museum and schools
Separating science learning into concepts and language
Do personality attributes affect a student’s motivation to learn science?
Public understanding of and sense of responsibility for global climate change
Compatible or in conflict? Negotiating religious and scientific viewpoints
The value of both talking and writing for learning to argue in science
Science camps and student identities in science
Developing pedagogical connections among ideas, experiences, and concepts
Pre-service teachers’ understanding of climate science
Children’s use of repertoires to engage with socioscientific issues
The need for museum programs for people with dementia and their caregivers
Reflections from scientists about their career choices: Key influences and significant factors
Designing practical work to reduce cognitive load and increase learning
Zoo visitors’ understanding of animal biology and conservation
Native American perceptions of scientists
Bridging the gap between formal and informal contexts
The nature of collaborative inquiry using computer-based tools
Re-thinking learning in science
Democratic participation and scientific literacy
What makes girls want to study physics?
Museum educators learn by doing
Beliefs about action for climate change: Key influences and implications
The meaning of science inquiry: what do teachers think?
Providing a real-world purpose for learning
Defining technology
Using the Visitor-Identity Model
Moving away from pencil-and-paper tests
Assessing learning in the outdoors
The importance of learning about risk
Professional development through school-based communities of practice
Connecting in-school and out-of-school learning experiences
The role of teacher self-efficacy beliefs in the success of PD
Matching exhibit designer intentions with visitor experience
Argumentation as part of lab work
The importance of drawing in the learning process
Negotiating the discourse of socio-scientific issues
Comparing novice and expert inquiry: What help do novices need?
The impact of teachers on students’ science interest
Learning from hobbyists to understand science learning
An understanding of neuroscience for science educators
The impact of gender on young people’s STEM choices
Museums less influential than Internet on civic science literacy
Can drawings represent a child’s thinking?
The benefits of fieldwork
Identifying with science?
Young people’s choices for further study in STEM
Teaching families the skills of inquiry
Museum visits as part of teaching sequences
A science communication collaboration between a science center, college, and industry
Teachers’ feelings about teaching about climate change
Identifying research themes for public engagement in natural history museums
Working in partnership with young people to develop museum resources
Teacher concerns around practical work and inquiry-based science
Moving beyond outcome-based evaluation in education
A review of Internet-based science learning resources
Supporting learners with special needs to ensure equity for all
How teachers’ beliefs about field trips affect their practices
What questions do students ask scientists?
Supporting the use of concept cartoons
Is learning science like learning a language?
A focus on PCK for teacher education
Studying interest generated by engineering design activities
Exploring the factors affecting student engagement with science
What makes public lectures effective?
Supporting STEM teaching and learning of visually impaired students
International comparison of student interest and enjoyment in science
A focus on inquiry and supporting English language learners: results from a PD intervention
The effect of science museums on academic achievement
A framing narrative for collaborative partnerships supporting research and learning in informal science institutions
The effect of parents’ attitudes on student achievement in science
Teaching through place to promote cultural and biotic diversity and well-being
Impact on science identities over time
Contrasting perspectives on equity work
Computer-based toolkit extends inquiry across settings