John H Falk
University Professor, Professor of Free-Choice Learning
Oregon State University
International Travel Grant: Connected Audiences
International Conference: The Integration of Science Centres with Natural History Museums for Imparting Informal Education
International Travel Grant: Connected Audiences
Efficacy Study of Metropolitan Denver's Urban Advantage Program: A Project to Improve Scientific Literacy Among Urban Middle School Students
Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education (2012-2015)
Conference, Symposia, and Workshop: Engaging the Science Center Community in Defining and Utilizing Impact Metrics
Pushing the Limits: Building Capacity to Enhance Public Understanding of Math and Science Through Rural Libraries
Assessing the Impact of a Visit to a Zoo or Aquarium: A Multi-institutional Research Project
Informal Science Education Resource Center (ISERC)
Collaborative Research: Research: Zoo And Aquarium Action Research Collaborative (ZAARC)
Science Minders Project
The Utilization of Science Museums by African Americans: Factors Influencing Free-Choice Visitation
Elementary, Secondary, and Informal Education: Investigating the Long Term Impact of a Science Center on Its Community
A Multi-Factor Investigation of Variables Affecting Informal Science Learning
The Role of Media in Supporting Free-Choice Science Learning
In Principle, In Practice: The Second Annapolis Conference on Museum Learning
Free Choice Learning: Accessing the Informal Science Education Infrastructure
Understanding the Long-term Public Institution for Personal Learning: The Impact of Museums
Using Big Data and Visual Analytics to Investigate the Long-term, Cascading Effects of Informal STEM Learning
Rural Gateways: Fostering the Development of Rural Librarians as Informal Science Facilitators
SYNERGIES: Customizing Interventions to Sustain Youth STEM Interest and Participation Pathways
SYNERGIES--Understanding and Connecting STEM Learning in the Community
Interested, Disinterested, or Neutral: Exploring STEM Interest Profiles and Pathways in A Low-Income Urban Community
Valuing free-choice learning in national parks
Investigating the Cascading, Long Term Effects of Informal Science Education Experiences Report
Towards a 21ST Century Approach to Science Education Policy
The contribution of science-rich resources to public science interest
Business Models for the 21st Century: Overview of ASTC 2004 Presentation
Informal STEM Education: Resources for Outreach, Engagement and Broader Impacts
The Synergies research–practice partnership project: a 2020 Vision case study
Understanding youth STEM interest pathways within a single community: the Synergies project
Taking an Ecosystem Approach to STEM Learning: The Synergies Project as Case Study
CAISE Convening on Broader Impacts and ISE Front‐End Report
Museum Education Research: Future Directions
Visitor Learning in Zoos and Aquariums: A literature review
In Principle, in Practice: Museums As Learning Institutions
Optimizing out-of-school time: The role of free-choice learning
The School Field Trip: Where You Go Makes the Difference
The Relation Between Visitation Frequency and Long-Term Recollection
Science learning in a leisure setting
The contribution of free-choice learning to public understanding of science
An identity-centered approach to understanding museum learning
Public Institutions for Personal Learning: Establishing a Research Agenda
Outdoor education: A technique for assessing student behaviors.
Redefining the Visitor Experience: The Interactive Experience Model
Using Identity-Related Visit Motivations as a Tool for Understanding Adult Zoo and Aquarium Visitors' Meaning-Making
Museums as Institutions for Personal Learning
Free‐choice environmental learning: framing the discussion
The novel field trip phenomenon: Adjustment to novel settings interferes with task learning.
Assessing the Impact of Museums
Invisible Forces Exhibition: Using Evaluation to Improve an Exhibition
Using the Contextual Model of Learning to understand visitor learning from a science center exhibition
School field trips: Assessing their long-term impact
The Effect of Visitors' Agendas on Museum Learning
A Partnership in Outdoor Science Education
Redefining the museum experience: The Interactive Experience Model.
Utilizing Museums to Promote Public Understanding of Science: Early Adolescent Misconceptions About AIDS Prevention
Family behavior and learning in informal science settings: A review of the research.
Museum Recollections
Recalling the Museum Experience
Wheeling Your Way Through the Outdoors
The effect of visitation frequency on long-term recollection
Recent Advances in the Neurosciences: Implications for Visitor Studies
Time and Behavior as Predictors of Learning
Analysis of Family Visitors in Natural History Museums: The National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C.
Factors influencing African American leisure time utilization of museums
Estimating experimenter induced bias in field studies: A cautionary tale.
Poster - ZAARC: Zoo and Aquarium Action Research Collaborative
Informal Science Education: Lifelong, Life-Wide, Life-Deep
Sample Abstracts from the First Annual Visitor Studies Conference
Factors contributing to adult knowledge of science and technology
The use of time as a measure of visitor behavior and exhibit effectiveness.
Assessing the impact of exhibit arrangement on visitor behavior and learning
Free-Choice Science Education: How We Learn Science Outside of School
The Case for Informal Science Education
Toward an agenda for advancing research on science learning in out-of-school settings
Summary - The Field Trip Milieu: Learning and Behavior as a Function of Contextual Events
Visitors’ learning for environmental sustainability: testing short- and long-term impacts of wildlife tourism experiences using structural equation modelling
A perspective on field trips: Environmental Effects on Learning.
Global Warming: Understanding the Forecast
Dialogue and Synthesis: Developing Consensus in Visitor Research Methodology
Why Zoos and Aquariums Matter: Assessing the Impact of a Visit to a Zoo or Aquarium
Supporting the Implementation of NGSS through Research: Informal Science Education
Leisure Decisions Influencing African-American Use of Museums
Critique of a Critique: Do Zoos and Aquariums Promote Attitude Change in Visitors?
The Museum Experience Revisited
The things of science: Assessing the learning potential of science museums
Enhancing Visitor Interaction and Learning with Mobile Technologies
The Informal Science Education Landscape: A Preliminary Investigation
Museums as Institutions for Personal Learning
Museum Recollections
Investigating the Role of Emotion in Science Center Visitor Learning
Identity and the Museum Visitor Experience
Predicting Visitor Behavior
Maximizing the External Value of Museums
Many Experts, Many Audiences: Public Engagement with Science
Serious Fun: Viewing Hobbyist Activities through a Learning Lens
Measuring the impact of a science center on its community
Viewing Art Museum Visitors Through the Lens of Identity
Lessons Without Limit: How Free-choice Learning is Transforming Education
The field trip milieu: Learning and behavior as a function of contextual events
FORUM: Communication about science in a traditional museum — visitors’ and staff’s perceptions
International Science Centre Impact Study
Investigating public science interest and understanding: evidence for the importance of free-choice learning
Re-envisioning success in the cultural sector
Learning from Museums: Visitor Experiences and the Making of Meaning
Environmental effects on learning: The outdoor field trip.
In Praise of "Both-And" Rather Than "Either-Or": A Reply to Harris Shettel
Analyzing science education in the U.K.: Taking a system-wide approach
Interactives and Visitor Learning
Living in a learning society: Museums and free-choice learning
The Museum Experience
Outdoor Biology Instructional Strategies: Development and Evaluation
In Principle, In Practice
The 95 Percent Solution: School Is Not Where Most Americans Learn Most of Their Science
Investigating the impact of prior knowledge, experience and interest on aquarium visitor learning
Learning science from museums
Travel and learning: a neglected tourism research area
The Learning Tourist: The Role of Identity-Related Visit Motivations
Utilizing Museums to Promote Public Understanding of Science: Early Adolescent Misconceptions about AIDS Prevention
Life in Early California: A New Approach to the Outdoor Field Trip
Impact of National Aquarium in Baltimore on Visitors' Conservation Attitudes, Behavior, and Knowledge
The Director’s Cut: Toward an Improved Understanding of Learning from Museums
Contextualizing Falk's visitor identity-related motivation model
Exploring the impacts of wildlife tourism on visitors’ long-term environmental learning and behaviour
A Cross-Cultural Investigation of the Novel Field Trip Phenomenon: National Museum of Natural History, New Delhi
Public Understanding of Science: A Literature Review
Testing a museum exhibition design assumption: Effect of explicit labeling of exhibit clusters on visitor concept development
Policy statement of the "Informal Science Education" Ad Hoc Committee.
Free-Choice Learning and the Environment
Advancing the NSES Vision through Informal Science Education
Field Trips: A Look at Environmental Effects on Learning.
The Science Learning Ecosystem
ISE Learning Research and Evaluation