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resource evaluation Media and Technology
Goodman Research Group, Inc. conducted an external evaluation of WGBH's NOVA scienceNOW (NsN) multimedia project as part of the project’s award from the Advancing Informal STEM Learning division of the National Science Foundation. The evaluation assessed NsN’s effectiveness in meeting its broad goals for its public and professional audiences, including increasing public appreciation for, understanding of, and engagement in or pursuit of science, increasing science cafe organizers’ and speakers’ perceived expertise and skills, and fostering a community of practice among cafe organizers. The NsN
TEAM MEMBERS: WGBH Educational Foundation Colleen Manning
resource research Public Programs
As organizations grow in size, geographical scope, and complexity, it is increasingly apparent that sponsorship and support of communities of practice—groups whose members regularly engage in sharing and learning, based on common interests—can improve organizational performance. Although many authors assert that communities of practice create organizational value, there has been relatively little systematic study of the linkage between community outcomes and the underlying social mechanisms that are at work. To build an understanding of how communities of practice create organizational value
TEAM MEMBERS: Eric Lesser John Stork
resource research Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
This chapter presents an introduction to design-based implementation research (DBIR). We describe the need for DBIR as a research approach that challenges educational researchers and practitioners to transcend traditional research/practice barriers to facilitate the design of educational interventions that are effective, sustainable, and scalable.
TEAM MEMBERS: Barry Fishman Bill Penuel Annie Allen Britte Cheng Nora Sabelli
resource research Public Programs
This poster was presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Science Teacher Education in Charleston, SC from January 9-12, 2013. The study seeks to answer the question "What is the role of conversation in influencing science learner identity development during an informal science education camp?"
TEAM MEMBERS: University of North Carolina, Wilmington Kelly Riedinger
resource evaluation Exhibitions
The Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History (NMAH) contracted Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. (RK&A) to conduct a formative evaluation for Places of Invention, an exhibition funded by the National Science Foundation. The exhibition aims to stimulate visitors’ thought about how people, resources, and spaces work together to support invention in historic and modern communities. Through formative evaluation, RK&A explores visitors’ use of exhibition prototypes (including barriers to use) and the meanings visitors take away
TEAM MEMBERS: Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation National Museum of American History Smithsonian Institution
resource project Media and Technology
The Magnet Lab has a strong commitment to education. Through the Center for Integrating Research & Learning, the lab supports educational programming at all academic levels: K-12, technical, undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral. Please explore the links listed to the left to find out more about the depth of our educational resources for the community, for teachers and for students as well as our unique research offerings. Our programs are designed to excite and educate students, teachers and the general public about science, technology and the world around them. All of our programs are developed in close collaboration with research scientists and educators. Housed at and partly funded by the MagLab, the Center is uniquely positioned to take advantage of the excellent resources, connections, world-class facilities and cutting-edge science the lab has to offer. We also receive generous support from the National Science Foundation and the State of Florida. The Center maintains a rigorous research agenda designed to investigate how Center programs and materials affect teachers and students. Our Mission Statement is to expand scientific literacy and to encourage interest in and the pursuit of scientific studies among educators and students of all ages through connections between the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory and the National Science Foundation, the community of Tallahassee, the State of Florida and the nation.
TEAM MEMBERS: Roxanne Hughes
resource project Public Programs
The C2C award addresses the lack of validated instruments to measure teamwork and collaboration in middle and high school students in out of school time (OST) settings by implementing a rigorous four-phase process to develop new assessments. Phase 1 focuses on defining the construct of teamwork and collaboration skills so it aligns with the research literature and is relevant to outcomes in a variety of STEM OST programs. Construct maps are developed during Phase 2 to guide item development. The instruments are piloted in Phase 3 through think-aloud interviews and survey administration with a diverse set of youth and programs. Through an iterative process, items are revised or removed based on their psychometric properties. The final phase is a national field test with a cross-section of STEM OST programs. C2C's intellectual merit is its potential to advance understanding of how to measure teamwork and collaboration skills in STEM OST programs. There is a national call for more measures to evaluate 21st century skills. C2C's creation of instruments to measure teamwork and collaboration skills in STEM OST programs helps to address this gap. The work of C2C addresses broader impacts and benefit society by creating tools to understand the role STEM OST programs play in readying our nation's youth for the STEM workforce. C2C will create instruments validated specifically for this diverse population, allowing programs to understand the role they play in important societal STEM workforce readiness outcomes. C2C also benefits the informal science education field by conceptualizing the construct of teamwork and collaboration within STEM OST programs and developing validated instruments to understand the impact of these programs on youth.
TEAM MEMBERS: University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Amy Grack Nelson Frances Lawrenz
resource research Public Programs
In supporting education research from early childhood learning to doctoral work and beyond, EHR stimulates evidence-based innovation in teaching, instructional tools, curricula and programs. NSF-funded work in these areas has improved learning and achievement, developed more effective teaching models, and prepared a more globally competitive and diverse U.S. STEM workforce.
TEAM MEMBERS: National Science Foundation
resource research Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
This is a brief study of the changes in the merit review criteria for proposals submitted to the National Science Foundation (NSF) over its 60-year history. Because far more worthy proposals are received than are fundable, it has been necessary for the NSF to develop review criteria to distinguish among meritorious proposals. For reasons of politics and policy, NSF has had to consider criteria other than simply good science—what are now known as “broader impacts.” This study shows that the general nature of the criteria has not changed over the years. Instead, the NSF has fought a continuing
TEAM MEMBERS: Marc Rothenberg
resource research Public Programs
This report discusses the legacy and impact of YouthALIVE! (Youth Achievement through Learning, Involvement, Volunteering, and Employment), an initiative in the 1990s of the Association of Science-Technology Centers with support from the DeWitt-Wallace Reader’s Digest Fund to enable museums and science centers to establish programs for youth from underserved populations. YouthALIVE! programs are characterized by intensive, multi-year engagement in the life of the institution, including a wide variety of opportunities for science teaching, learning, and mentoring, and conducting scientific
TEAM MEMBERS: Cary Sneider Meg Burke
resource research Informal/Formal Connections
Research Universities and the Future of America presents critically important strategies for ensuring that our nation's research universities contribute strongly to America's prosperity, security, and national goals. Widely considered the best in the world, our nation's research universities today confront significant financial pressures, important advances in technology, a changing demographic landscape, and increased international competition. This report provides a course of action for ensuring our universities continue to produce the knowledge, ideas, and talent the United States needs to
TEAM MEMBERS: National Research Council
resource research Informal/Formal Connections
American Chemical Society President Bassam Z. Shakhashiri appointed and charged this Commission to undertake a wholesale review of graduate education in the chemical sciences over a yearlong period. This document is a compact rendition of the Commission's final report, emphasizing only main conclusions and recommendations. The Commission judges that the sate of graduate education in the chemical sciences is healthy in many respects, but has not kept pace with the significant changes in the world's economic, social, and political environment since the end of World War II, when the current
TEAM MEMBERS: American Chemical Society