Marino et al. (2010) recently published a critique of a three-year National Science Foundation—funded investigation of the impact of zoo and aquarium visits on the public's understanding of animals and their attitudes toward conservation (Falk, Heimlich, & Bronnenkant, 2008; Falk, Reinhard, Vernon, Bronnenkant, Deans, & Heimlich, 2007; Heimlich, Bronnenkant, Witgert, & Falk, 2004). This critique of that critique will show that Marino et al. seriously misrepresent both the intent of the research and the methods used. The methods used by Falk and his colleagues were consistent with current
The American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) has dedicated Conservation Endowment Funds (CEF) to conduct a multi-institutional research project (MIRP) that will investigate the overall impact of visits to zoos and aquariums on visitors' conservation-related knowledge, attitudes, affect, and behavior. With oversight and input from MIRP Co-Principal Investigators and key advisors, the Institute for Learning Innovation [carried out] the following goals: 1. Conducting a literature review; 2. Developing an overall research plan, design and methodologies for conducting a multi-institutional
This article explores the development of observation in scientific and everyday contexts. Fundamental to all scientific activity, expert observation is a complex practice that requires the coordination of disciplinary knowledge, theory, and habits of attention. On the surface, observation appears to be a simple skill. Consequently, children may be directed to observe, compare, and describe phenomena without adequate disciplinary context or support, and so fail to gain deeper scientific understanding. Drawing upon a review of science education, developmental psychology, and the science studies
Most environmental learning takes place outside of the formal education system, but our understanding of how this learning actually occurs is in its infancy. By surfing the internet, watching nature documentaries, and visiting parks, forests, marine sanctuaries, and zoos, people make active choices to learn about various aspects of their environment every day. Free-Choice Learning and the Environment explores the theoretical foundations of free-choice environmental education, the practical implications for applying theory to the education of learners of all ages, and the policy implications
Education is a lifelong endeavor; the public learns in many places and contexts, for a diversity of reasons, throughout their lives. During the past couple of decades, there has been a growing awareness that free‐choice learning experiences – learning experiences where the learner exercises a large degree of choice and control over the what, when and why of learning – play a major role in lifelong learning. Worldwide, most environmental learning is not acquired in school, but outside of school through free‐choice learning experiences. Included in this article are brief overviews of
GLOBAL WARMING: UNDERSTANDING THE FORECAST. American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY (May 15, 1992 - January 19, 1993); Museum of Natural History of Los Angeles County (April 3 - July 25, 1993); Carnegie Science Center, Pittsburgh, PA (September 24,1993 - February 13, 1994); Denver Museum of Natural History (November 24, 1994 - March 26, 1995); St. Louis Science Center (May 26 - October 15, 1995); National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC (December 15, 1995 - May 5, 1996).
A study to assess the impact of school field trips on attitudes, behavior, and learning was conducted with 196 third and fifth grade children. Half the children went on an all-day field trip to a nature center to learn about the biology of trees; the other half were taught the same lesson outside their classroom during their regular science period. As measured by pre- and posttests, field experiences resulted in significant immediate learning and 30-day retention for all groups. Observational measures revealed that student behavior varied as a function of age and environmental context. A model
Discusses the objectives of Outdoor Biology Instructional Strategies (OBIS), one aspect of the program (lawn communities) and the evaluation of this activity. Includes resultant recommendations. The evaluation criteria are suggested as a model to be used in either designing or in evaluating curricula.
University of California-BerkeleyJohn H Falk
Tourism and leisure patterns are changing in the 21st century; increasing numbers of people view leisure and tourism as an opportunity to expand their understanding of themselves and their world. A research model is described herein that utilizes the construct of identity-related visit motivations as a tool for understanding tourists' visits to free-choice learning settings such as aquariums, coastal preserves, and whale-watching cruises. The model could have important implications for both future tourism research as well as improved tourism practice.
Zoos, aquariums and ecotourism experiences have the potential to positively impact visitors’ awareness, appreciation and actions in relation to the wildlife they encounter and the environment in general. This paper presents findings from a three-year study of the impacts of wildlife tourism experiences on visitors’ environmental learning.
A Maryland school district and the Smithsonian Institution have become partners in outdoor science education. Working together, they have developed a series of activities for students in grades 1-8 that are an integrated part of a total unified science curriculum, meeting the need of teachers and students alike.
Describes the use of the "Plant Wheel" by the University of California Botanical Garden as a means of providing elementary school children with a structured activity as they explore the Garden at their own pace. This activity accommodates the children's curiosity, energy, and attention span.