Learning Science in Informal Environments draws together disparate literatures, synthesizes the state of knowledge, and articulates a common framework for the next generation of research on learning science in informal environments across a life span. Contributors include recognized experts in a range of disciplines--research and evaluation, exhibit designers, program developers, and educators. They also have experience in a range of settings--museums, after-school programs, science and technology centers, media enterprises, aquariums, zoos, state parks, and botanical gardens. Learning Science
This white paper is the product of the CAISE Public Engagement with Science Inquiry Group. It describes how public engagement with science (PES) in the context of informal science education can provide opportunities for public awareness of and participation in science and technology. The term engagement is characterized by mutual learning by publics and scientists rather than a one-way transmission of knowledge from experts to publics.
This white paper is the product of the CAISE Public Participation in Scientific Research Inquiry Group. It describes how public participation in scientific research (PPSR) through informal science education can provide opportunities to increase public science literacy.
The National Research Council, through its Board on Science Education, will carry out a synthesis study of informal science learning based on a workshop funded by a prior NSF planning grant. The intellectual merit of this project is based on the formation of a committee of experts representative of the diversity of the field who will engage in a fact-finding process on learning science in informal settings, deliberate about the evidence and produce a major report that will be published by the National Academies Press. The study will describe the status of knowledge in the field currently, articulate a common framework for the next generation of research on informal science learning and provide guidance to the community of practice. By presenting what we know about the characteristics of effective informal science learning environments across a range of outcome measures, the study will achieve broader impacts by assisting practitioners, policymakers and researchers in directing their efforts towards realizing the potential of informal science education for advancing public science literacy.
The University of Pittsburgh Center for Learning in Out-of-School Environments (UPCLOSE) proposes to redevelop its web-site, http://www.informalscience.org, which has become the primary online resource for researchers and practitioners dedicated to dissemination and development of knowledge about informal science and learning. The redesigned site will include more multimedia elements, an expanded research database and an improved search function. The site will be expanded by adding a quarterly Informal Learning Research newsletter (with the American Educational Research Association), conference reporting, interview articles, monthly evaluation tools and tips articles, Informal Science in the News clipping service, Research Toolkit and a listserv. It also will include digitized resources of the Visitor Studies Association. This web-site will support the continued creation of a cumulative body of empirical research and improve connections between research and practice. In so doing, it will foster the continued development of a community of practice in informal STEM education. This project will significantly enhance a major element of the infrastructure for this field.
The Franklin Institute Science Museum is planning, implementing, evaluating and disseminating the results of a 2.5 day conference entitled "Museums and New Family. Audiences - Building Relationships." The conference will be held in Philadelphia and involve a total of 75 professionals representing 25 museum/community programs, local community partners, advisers, and community partnership funders. Growing out of several initiatives over the past decade, the primary goal of the conference is to explore how museums and other informal science education organizations can develop and maintain long-term museum/community relationships to engage underserved families in informal STEM activities. Outcomes will include stronger relationships, a set of best practices and guidelines to be disseminated to the field, and the beginnings of a network.
The Liberty Science Center (LSC) will develop "Science Now, Science Everywhere (SNSE)," a three-year project using mobile phones to expand exhibit learning at three LSC exhibits. Goals of the project include conducting intensive research on the capabilities of mobile phones for exhibit learning; developing methods with mobile technology to sustain and expand informal learning beyond the science center; investigating the effectiveness of mobile learning, as a means to engage wider audiences and underrepresented groups in science learning; and inspire new generations of technology users to participate in informal science learning. "SNSE" research will greatly expand upon limited findings on pedagogical and technological issues associated with mobile learning. Results will be disseminated to the field at professional conferences, via the project's website, and at the Association of Science and Technology Centers' RAP Sessions at the Liberty Science Center. An online resource and planned symposia for ISE professionals will be hosted by LSC on the "SNSE" process with review of the research and guidance on how to utilize project prototypes. Collaborators include Caterpillar Mobile, the Center for Mobile Communication Studies at Rutgers University, the Institute for Learning Innovation, and Verizon Communications.
The Boston Children's Museum will collaborate with Action for Boston Community Head Start Programs and Evergreene Research and Evaluation on an integrated research-to-practice project whose focus is science learning by pre-school age children. It will produce the following deliverables: a research-based Adult-Child Interaction Inventory (ACII) cataloging a spectrum of nonverbal and verbal interactions that occur during science engagement between parents, grandparents, or caregivers and young children; an ACII User Guide for museum professionals detailing how the inventory can be used for exhibit and professional development; a 2,800 sq ft Peep's World permanent exhibition informed by the ACII research; and a best practices survey highlighting effective strategies for eliciting positive adult-child interactions derived from a Community of Practice established by this project. The project will apply the research findings on nonverbal adult-child behavior to designing exhibits eliciting interactions supporting early childhood STEM learning. Project outcomes will benefit museum exhibit and program developers, preshool educators and families with children ages 3 to 5.
Gail RingelTimothy PorterAnn Marie StephanLorrie Beaumont
resourceprojectProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and the University of Washington propose a conference, conference proceedings, and book that will build capacity and new collaborations at the intersection of the learning sciences and informal science education. These activities continue to expand on the outcomes of several recent conferences, publications, and projects related to research on the learning sciences and their application to varieties of educational settings. Fifty participants in this initiative will include both emerging and established researchers and practitioners, as well as international professionals.
The Association of Science-Technology Centers, the Institute for Learning Innovation, University of Pittsburgh Center for Learning in Out-of-School Environments, the Visitor Studies Association and other collaborators stewarded development of an Informal Science Education Resource Center (ISERC) to support ongoing improvement of the national infrastructure for informal science education. Activities included a clearinghouse for ISE-funded awards to enable others to learn from and build upon prior work, identification of practices and findings, and leadership development, with emphasis on increasing diversity in the field.
The Science Museum of Minnesota (SMM) is collaborating with the Museum of Science in Boston (MoS), the North Carolina Museum of Life and Science in Durham (NCMLS), Explora in Albuquerque, the Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Education at San Diego State University (CRMSE), and TERC in Cambridge, MA to develop, create and evaluate "MathCore for Museums," long-term math environments that children can interact with over multiple visits and over several years. The project is prototyping and producing 12 open-source, validated interactive exhibits about proportion: fractions, ratios, similarity, scaling, and percentages, basic concepts for understanding Algebra. The eight best exhibits will be replicated for each MathCore museum and the exhibits will be supported by a limited-access website designed to support and extend repeated use of exhibits and further exploration of ratio and proportion. Selinda Research Associates will conduct a longitudinal evaluation of the project. CRSME will conduct a research study of selected exhibit prototypes to investigate when children start to work on proving relations between similarity and proportion in informal settings, the relationship between children's artwork and mathematical insight, and the roles of bodily activity in learning to see relations in similarity and proportion. Results will be disseminated in peer-reviewed publications, at professional meetings, at the Association of Science and Technology Center's RAP Sessions at the NCMLS, and through the project's website.
J NewlinRicardo Nemirovsky
resourceprojectProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The Board on Science Education (BOSE) of the NRC is a standing committee of the National Academies. This proposal requests core support for BOSE so that it can continue to provide national leadership in science education. Specifically, BOSE (1) improves the knowledge base for science education; (2) identifies critical issues in science education policy and practice; (3) translates research and disseminates evidence-based information; and (4) builds an interdisciplinary community of scholars to bring knowledge to bear on important issues in science education. To carry out its mandate, BOSE conducts studies, sponsors workshop and works with government representatives to surface emerging policy issues. The Board has identified the following priorities for the next few years: intersection on research on learning and science education, cyber-enabled learning and teaching, analysis of the Education System to enable implementation and scale-up, reaching diverse populations, intersection of science and science education The core support enables two two-day Board meetings each year, coordination with DBASSE and other units of the Academy, and regular meetings between NSF and the Academies.