PROFILE Philip Bell Professor of Education University of Washington College of Education About informal science Projects A Research+Practice Collaboratory (2015-2020) Science Learning +: Broadening Participation in STEM through Transdisciplinary Youth Development Activities Developing and Researching Equity-focused Across-Settings Models for STEAM (DREAMS) Full-Scale Development Project: Relating Research to Practice: A Web Resource for ISE Professionals Robotics and E-Textiles Backpacks for Family Learning A Research+Practice Collaboratory (2012-2017) Research The Trouble with STEAM and Why We Use it Anyway Special Issue: Designing Learning Environments for Equitable Disciplinary Identification Appendix - Art+Science: Broadening Youth Participation in STEM Learning Art+Science: Broadening Youth Participation in STEM Learning Design-Based Research: An Emerging Paradigm for Educational Inquiry Learning Science in Informal Environments: People, Places, and Pursuits Distributed Expertise in a Science Center The School Science Laboratory: Considerations of Learning, Technology, and Scientific Practice Learning In and Out of School in Diverse Environments: Life-long, Life-wide, Life-deep Conceptualizations of argumentation from science studies and the learning sciences and their implications for the practices of science education Family sense-making practices in science center conversations LOST Learning Opportunities: Learning about Out-of-School Time "What comes to mind when you think of science? The perfumery!": Documenting science-related cultural learning pathways across contexts and timescales What is the role of informal science education in supporting the vision for K-12 science education?