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Community Repository Search Results

resource research Public Programs
The goal for this research study was to determine the role of the SciGirls gender-equitable strategies on participating youths’ STEM identity changes in 16 participating SciGirls’ programs across the nation. The definition of STEM identity was based on Eccles (2007), Carlone and Johnson (2007) and Calabrese Barton and colleagues (2013). According to these researchers, individuals must have a positive STEM identity in order to persist in STEM careers. This positive STEM identity is affected by an individual’s expectations of success in STEM and the value they see in STEM and STEM careers
TEAM MEMBERS: Roxanne Hughes Kari Roberts Jennifer schellinger
resource research Media and Technology
Participants in this study reported a variety of resources used in the past to learn to code in Apex, including online tutorials, one-day classes sponsored by Salesforce, and meet-up groups focused on learning. They reported various difficulties in learning through these resources, including what they viewed as the gendered nature of classes where the men already seemed to know how to code—which set a fast pace for the class, difficulty in knowing “where to start” in their learning, and a lack of time to practice learning due to work and family responsibilities. The Coaching and Learning Group
resource research Public Programs
This zine summarizes the book "Equity, Exclusion and Everyday Science Learning." It provides an accessible graphic introduction to how inequalities in everyday science learning happen, so that we can get to a place where everyday science learning practices could disrupt and transform social inequities rather than reproducing them.
TEAM MEMBERS: emily dawson Sophie Wang
resource research Media and Technology
This handout was prepared for the Climate Change Showcase at the 2019 ASTC Conference in Toronto, Ontario. It highlights resources available on related to the topic of climate change.
resource research Public Programs
In this poster, the Center for Research on Lifelong STEM Learning shared lessons learned from a study that used audio and video data from GoPros to investigate the entry characteristics of zoo and aquarium visitors and how those characteristics played out in terms of decision-making behaviors and meaning-making talk during a visit.
resource research Public Programs
In this paper we share an emerging analytical approach to designing and studying STEAM programs that focuses on how programs integrate the respective epistemic practices—the ways in which knowledge is constructed—of science and art. We share the rationale for moving beyond surface features of STEAM programs (e.g., putting textiles and electronics on the same table) to the disciplinary-specific ways in which participants are engaged in creative inquiry and production. We share a brief example from a public STEAM event to demonstrate the ways in which this approach can foster reflection and
TEAM MEMBERS: Bronwyn Bevan Jen Wong Sam Mejias Mark S Rosin
resource project Media and Technology
In 2018, the Croucher Foundation conducted its third annual mapping exercise for the out-of-school STEM learning ecosystem in Hong Kong.

The study reveals a rich and vibrant ecosystem for out-of-school STEM in Hong Kong with over 3,000 discrete activities covering a very wide range of science disciplines. This third report indicates extremely rapid growth in available out-of-school STEM activities compared to 2016 and an even larger increase in the number of organisations offering out-of-school STEM activities in Hong Kong.

STEM educators are eager to foster long term collaboration with each other, and with schools. At the same time, good working practice by schools, teachers, STEM educators and institutions that involves and engages local communities was discovered, showing the diversified modes of connection which could enhance the sustainability of STEM ecosystem.

We trust that this three-year study with its associated digital maps, provides a useful resource for schools, teachers, students, parents, STEM educators and education policy makers in Hong Kong.
TEAM MEMBERS: Siu Po Lee David Foster
resource research Public Programs
The goal of our research is to identify strengths and weaknesses of high school level science fair and improvements that might enhance learning outcomes based on empirical assessment of student experiences. We use the web-based data collection program REDCap to implement anonymous and voluntary surveys about science fair experiences with two independent groups -- high school students who recently competed in the Dallas Regional Science and Engineering Fair and post high school students (undergraduates, 1st year medical students, and 1st year biomedical graduate students) on STEM education
TEAM MEMBERS: Frederick Grinnell Simon Dalley Karen Shepherd Joan Reisch
resource research Public Programs
Research misconduct has become an important matter of concern in the scientific community. The extent to which such behavior occurs early in science education has received little attention. In the current study, using the web-based data collection program REDCap, we obtained responses to an anonymous and voluntary survey about science fair from 65 high school students who recently competed in the Dallas Regional Science and Engineering Fair and from 237 STEM-track, post-high school students (undergraduates, 1st year medical students, and 1st year biomedical graduate students) doing research at
TEAM MEMBERS: Frederick Grinnell Simon Dalley Karen Shepherd Joan Reisch
resource project Public Programs
This three-year research and implementation project empowers middle school LatinX youth to employ their own assets and funds of knowledge to solve community problems through engineering. Only 7% of adults in the STEM job cluster are of Hispanic/Latino origin. There is a continuing need for filling engineering jobs in our current and future economy. This project will significantly broaden participation of LatinX youth in engineering activities at a critical point as they make career decisions. Design Squad Global LatinX expands on a tested model previously funded by NSF and shown to be successful. It will enable LatinX youth to view themselves as designers and engineers and to build from their strengths to expand their skills and participation in science and engineering. The project goals are to: 1) develop an innovative inclusive approach to informal engineering education for LatinX students that can broaden their engineering participation and that of other underrepresented groups, (2) to galvanize collaborations across diverse local, national, and international stakeholders to create a STEM learning ecosystem and (3) to advance knowledge about a STEM pedagogy that bridges personal-cultural identity and experience with engineering knowledge and skills. Project deliverables include a conceptual framework for a strength-based approach to engineering education for LatinX youth, a program model that is asset based, a collection of educational resources including a club guide for how to scaffold culturally responsive engineering challenge activities, an online training course for club leaders, and a mentoring strategy for university engineering students working with middle school youth. Project partners include the global education organization, iEARN, the Society of Women Engineers, and various University engineering programs.

The research study will employ an experimental study design to evaluate the impact on youth participating in the Design Squad LatinX programs. The key research questions are (1) Does participation increase students' positive perceptions of themselves and understanding of engineering and global perspectives? (2) To what extent do changes in understanding engineering vary by community (site) and by student characteristics (age, gender, ethnicity)? (3) Do educators and club leaders increase their positive perceptions of youths' funds of knowledge and their own understanding of engineering? and (4) Do university mentors increase their ability to lead informal engineering/STEM education with middle school youth? A sample from 72 local Design Squad LatinX clubs with an enrollment of 10-15 students will be drawn with half randomly assigned to the participant condition and half to the control condition. Methods used include pre and post surveys, implementation logs for checks on program implementation, site visits to carry out observations, focus groups with students and interviews with adult leaders. Data will be analyzed by estimating hierarchical linear models with observations. In addition, in-situ ethnographically-oriented observations as well as interviews at two sites will be used to develop qualitative case studies.

This project is funded by the National Science Foundation's (NSF's) Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program, which supports innovative research, approaches, and resources for use in a variety of learning settings.
TEAM MEMBERS: Mary Haggerty
resource project Public Programs
Informal learning institutions, such as science centers and museums, are well-positioned to broaden participation in engineering pathways by providing children from underrepresented groups with motivational, self-directed engineering design experiences. Though many informal learning institutions offer opportunities for young visitors to engage in engineering activities, little is known about the specific features of these activities that support children's motivation in engineering design processes such as problem scoping, testing, and iteration. This project will address this gap and advance foundational knowledge by identifying features of engineering design activities, as implemented within an informal setting, which support underrepresented children's engineering motivation and persistence in engineering tasks. Researchers at New York Hall of Science (NYSCI) will observe children interacting with families and museum educators as they engage in different engineering design activities in NYSCI's Design Lab, an exhibition space devoted to hands-on exploration of engineering design. They will also survey and interview the children and their caregivers about these experiences. Analyses of these data sources will result in a description of features of design activities foster motivation and task persistence in engineering design. Findings will be disseminated nationally to other informal learning institutions, which in turn can use the knowledge generated from this project to create motivational, research-based, field-tested engineering design experiences for young visitors, especially for children from underrepresented groups. The experiences may encourage children to further pursue engineering pathways, resulting in a diversified engineering workforce with the potential to drive and sustain national innovation and global technological leadership.

This project uses the framework of goal orientation, defined as learners' self-reflection of why and how they engage in tasks, to understand whether, how, and why underrepresented 7-12-year-olds engage in engineering design activities in an informal learning institution. Though previous research has suggested that goal orientation is strongly, positively related to learning and motivation in formal settings such as schools, research in informal settings has not robustly accounted for the role of goal orientation in participants' engagement with learning tasks in these unique learning environments. To better understand how children's goal orientations contribute to their motivation in engineering in informal learning institutions, researchers will answer the following research questions: (1) What are underrepresented children's goals and goal orientations while participating in engineering design activities in an informal setting? (2) What contextual factors--including facilitation strategies, materials, task relevance, and social interactions with family members--may support or discourage the adoption of different goal orientations? (3) How do goal orientations relate to children's learning experience in the engineering design activities and the likelihood that they will test and iterate their solutions? These questions will be answered through a mixed-method research study conducted with approximately 200 families, with children aged 7-12, recruited from underrepresented groups. Semi-structured clinical interviews, conducted with 20% of the children and their caregivers, as well as observations and surveys gathered from all families, will provide information on the children's goal orientation and engagement as they relate to specific engineering design activities. Qualitative content analyses and multilevel structural equation modeling will result in findings that will be disseminated widely to other institutions of informal learning. Ultimately, this project will generate new empirical knowledge regarding the features of engineering design activities in informal learning environments that increase engineering engagement and motivation among underrepresented children, thereby broadening participation in engineering pathways.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
TEAM MEMBERS: ChangChia James Liu Dorothy Bennett Katherine Culp
resource project Public Programs
As part of its overall strategy to enhance learning in informal environments, the Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program funds innovative research, approaches and resources for use in a variety of settings. In this project, Science Cafe's have emerged over the years as a useful mechanism for exposure of scientific information to the public. More recently, this forum has been successfully used as a communication mechanism for teens. While this mechanism is successful with urban and suburban youth, it has not been efficacious with rural teens. Thus, this project is designed to ferret out the challenges faced by Teen Science Cafe's(TSCs) in rural settings and find ways to surmount them. The long-term goal is to engage a large number of teens who will enter adulthood as citizens with a sophisticated understanding of the science process and who will follow a myriad of pathways into the U.S. STEM workforce. The research will focus on what works, for whom, and where with respect to the key components and outcomes of teen science cafe's in rural areas.

At the broadest level, the project will strengthen infrastructure and build capacity by producing a national model for bringing OST (out of school time) STEM to rural communities. Over the two project years, approximately 600 unique participants will participate in teen science cafe's that engage their curiosity in STEM, provide leadership opportunities, and make STEM occupations more visible, participatory and approachable for rural teems who often lack access to high quality STEM programs in school.

Specific goals of the project for rural settings are: (1) To test the feasibility and effectiveness of a national model of professional development centered on an in-person and virtual community of practice for informal STEM educators leading teen science cafe's. (2) Form research-practice partnerships involving the PIs and the leaders of cafe's to: i) identify and document existing local conditions, resources, and challenges and their significance for OST STEM education; ii) work collaboratively with peers and the PIs to systematically test new strategies for engaging rural teens in TSCs; (3) Cultivate a mindset among teens that STEM IS EVERYWHERE. Rural teens are often isolated and the STEM careers in their communities are largely invisible to them. To date, 19 geographically and demographically diverse active teen cafe's sites have committed to the project. The PIs will use a multifaceted approach to characterizing rurality, They will use the established Index of Relative Rurality (IRR) which includes four spatial variables (remoteness, overall population size, density, and proportion of built-up land). The impact of the Cafe's series at each site will be determined via multiple methods, including: (1) pre-post-surveys with teens, employing the measure of STEM attitudes and engagement; (2) detailed blog postings by adult leaders describing the challenges/successes of teen and (3) interviews with leaders to uncover their perceptions of the reasons associated with success of the strategy.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
TEAM MEMBERS: Michelle Hall Janice Mokros