PROFILE Bronwyn Bevan Director of Research Wallace Foundation About informal science Projects Early-Concept Grant for Exporatory Research (EAGER): Supporting STEM education by networking DRL resource networks: DRLNET A Research+Practice Collaboratory (2015-2020) From Common Measures to Measures in Common: A Convening to Enhance Measurement of Outcomes of Afterschool STEM Programs Leading the Next Generation of Informal STEM Education Broadening Participation Efforts: A Professional Development Program for Mid-Career Professionals Science Learning +: Broadening Participation in STEM through Transdisciplinary Youth Development Activities Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education (2016-2022) Developing and Researching Equity-focused Across-Settings Models for STEAM (DREAMS) Full-Scale Development Project: Relating Research to Practice: A Web Resource for ISE Professionals The Coalition for Science After School NSF AYS Learning and Youth Research and Evaluation Center (LYREC) Relating Research to Practice in Informal Learning Environments: A Proof of Concept Informal Learning and Science in Afterschool: A Research and Dissemination Project Planning Conference: National Initiative for Science After School; Santa Fe, New Mexico, January 28 - 30, 2004 A Research+Practice Collaboratory (2012-2017) Research Purposeful Pursuits: Leveraging the Epistemic Practices of the Arts and Sciences The Trouble with STEAM and Why We Use it Anyway The Main Course Was Mealworms: The Epistemics of Art and Science in Public Engagement Broadening Perspectives on Broadening Participation in STEM: A Summary Report What Is a STEM Learning Ecosystem? What Does Learning Have to Do with Science Communication? Why Broaden Perspectives on Broadening Participation in STEM? Broadening Perspectives on Broadening Participation in STEM: A Toolkit to Support Science Engagement Professionals Charting the Intersection of Informal STEM Education and Science Communication: Results of a Social Network Study Where Informal STEM Education and Science Communication Meet: Two Studies Chart the Intersection of ISE and SciComm STEM Learning Across Boundaries Infrastructures to Support Equitable STEM Learning Across Settings STEM Learning Ecologies: Relevant, Responsive, and Connected Appendix - Art+Science: Broadening Youth Participation in STEM Learning Art+Science: Broadening Youth Participation in STEM Learning Enriching and Expanding the Possibilities: Research-Practice Partnerships in Informal Science Making as a Strategy for Afterschool STEM Learning: Report from the California Tinkering Afterschool Network Research-Practice Partnership What counts as learning when researchers and practitioners work together Inquiry-based learning may not always lead to higher levels of scientific achievement Professional Development for Museum Educators: Unpinning the Underpinnings Scientific argumentation approaches and orientations Assessing learning in OST settings: A review of the research Designing and Building Infrastructures to Support Equitable STEM Learning Across Settings Reframing science literacy Accessing identities: Structuring math activities to support more equitable opportunities to learn Where It Gets Interesting: Competing Models of STEM Learning After School Reconceptualizing “PD” as continuous professional learning A four-phase model of interest What Afterschool STEM Does Best: How Stakeholders Describe Youth Learning Outcomes New York develops an afterschool quality framework and assessment tool Art as a Way of Knowing Conference Report LOST Learning Opportunities: Learning about Out-of-School Time Multiple routes for the development and pursuit of interests Out-of-School Time STEM: Building Experience, Building Bridges Hot Topics in Informal Science Education Mathematics as a cross-setting phenomenon Making Science Matter: Collaborations Between Informal Science Education Organizations and Schools What kind of science and for whom? Links between choice, interest, and learning in a computer-based lesson Using video in informal learning science settings: Selection, analysis, management, and the question of ethics Inquiry, agency, and science learning in afterschool U.S. mathematics scores linked to nation’s economic inequalities Examining links between STEM education and the economy Theories of development as linking setting, interactions, and child Environmental activism as a context for learning science The relationship of scientific questioning and scientific argumentation Diverse everyday experiences expand opportunities for science learning Supporting scientific practices through opportunities to design and reflect Direct instruction supports early elementary students' thinking about evolution Supporting development of positive dispositions through collaborative learning activities Developing communities of practice for middle school math teachers Science isn’t “settled:” Disrupting canonical science to engage more students Structuring emergent, collaborative learning through inquiry Designing research-based afterschool science programs for girls Structured youth programs: A review of the research Strong pre-college STEM experiences linked to later notable achievements in STEM Classroom talk, participation, and learning: Is all talk good talk? Online Infrastructure for Informal Science Education Professionals Sociocultural perspectives on science education Blending OST and school discourse patterns to engage urban youth in science Relevance as Rigor Learning Through STEM-Rich Tinkering: Findings From a Jointly Negotiated Research Project Taken Up in Practice Making and Tinkering: A Review of the Literature Equity in Out-of-School STEM Learning: Professional Development Needs and Strategies What is the role of informal science education in supporting the vision for K-12 science education? Evaluation One Sky Institute Summative Evaluation