Adult facilitators in afterschool programs can work with LGBTQ youth to construct a safe space in which the youth can validate their identities in the process of doing literacy work.
This study uses an innovative data source--the Youth Data Archive--to follow elementary and middle school students from a single school district over four academic years to discern any links between their afterschool program participation and English language development. Students attending the program had greater rates of gain in English development, but they did not necessarily achieve proficiency gains or redesignation as "fluent English proficient" sooner than non-participating students. These results point to the need for increased examination of the link between in-school and out-of
Rebecca LondonOded GurantzJon Norman
A review of studies on what constitutes high-quality afterschool programming concludes that the field is reaching consensus on its definitions of quality— which means that funders, policymakers, and providers increasingly have a sound basis on which to make informed decisions.
Kristi PalmerStephen AndersonRonald Sabatelli
Over the past three years, hundreds of community-based afterschool comic book clubs have been launched in cities across the United States. These clubs have drawn in thousands of underserved youths in grades 1–12. In these clubs, children plan, write, sketch, design, and produce original comic books and then publish and distribute their works for other children in the community to use as learning and motivational tools. This synthetic and analytic research project explores the dynamics, outcomes, and impacts of afterschool comic book clubs.
This article describes the "In Addition" afterschool mathematics program and the pressures it faced due to standardized testing and homework. In addition aims to go beyond worksheets and drills to engage student's curiosity and help show them that mathematics is relevant to their lives outside the classroom.
Practitioner research fellowships help transform out-of-school-time practitioners from consumers of others’ research to makers of knowledge based on their own experience and practices.
Sarah HillSusan Matloff-NievesLena Townsend
This article from Afterschool Matters explores the challenge of engaging boys in writing. Loeper examines the difference between "engagement" and "flow", providing generalizable lessons for fostering engagement in out of school time activities.
Research on middle school participants’ engagement in afterschool programs shows that such programs often serve as developmental contexts for promoting “flow” experiences. Compared to when they are in other settings after school, participants in afterschool programs are more likely to experience high concentrated effort and intrinsic motivation, experiences consistent with Csikszentmihalyi’s concept of flow. Organized sports, arts enrichment, and academic enrichment activities were found to be particularly engaging program activities, in contrast to homework completion. The importance of high
Social network analysis of a local afterschool ecosystem in Dallas County, Texas, reveals programs’ relative isolation from one another and their dependence on just a few funding sources. Considerable opportunity exists for programs to collaborate to build a more cohesive system of afterschool programming.
This document describes the Dimensions of Success (DoS), an assessment tool created by researchers at the Program in Education, Afterschool, and Resiliency (PEAR). DoS was created to help out-of-school time programs and researchers monitor and measure quality. It allows observers to collect systemic data along 12 quality indicators to pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of afterschool science learning experiences.
Anahit PapazianAshima ShahCaitlin Rufo-McCormick
While much of the current concern over the literacy development of low- and moderate income children focuses on schools (and, to a lesser degree, on parents), many observers are arguing for a role for other institutions. In particular, funders are turning to afterschool programs to address this critical developmental task. This paper explores the roles afterschool programs can and do play in the literacy development of low-income children, drawing on surveys and observations of afterschool programs in Chicago, New York, and Seattle.
The ability to set and work toward goals is not inborn. This study examines how an afterschool program worked to help elementary-age children learn goal-setting strategies.