The article offers information on Quin Etnyre, a 13-year-old boy from Southern California who founded the electronics company Qtechknow. Topics discussed include Etnyre's invention of the ArduSensors plug-and-play electronic device components, Etnyre's used of the open-source electronics prototyping platform Arduino to began his company, and Entyre's hobbies such as sports including volleyball, track, and swimming.
In the article, the author discusses technological developments in the education sector in the U.S. as of October 2013. He cites the introduction of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) in early 2013 that is focused on science and engineering in the K-12 curriculum. The NGSS' four disciplinary core concepts include Earth and Space Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Engineering and Technology. He presents several NGSS-friendly software like Celestia and NetLogo, as well as hardware such as the Arduino open-source programmable controller.
This book chapter describes the early evolution of Project FeederWatch, Classroom FeederWatch (which later evolved into the Lab of Ornithology's BirdSleuth), and early work to conduct citizen science online with the advent of the World Wide Web. It cites and presents data from several evaluation reports produced for the Lab's first citizen science award from the National Science Foundation, called "Public Participation in Ornithology." Contact Rick Bonney ( for a PDF of this chapter.
Cornell Lab of OrnithologyRick Bonney
resourceresearchProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
This handout is from a research and practice workshop at the NARST annual conference. The handout takes researchers through an exercise to craft a pitch to practitioners with whom they would like to partner for a research study.
National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST)
resourceresearchProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
In this presentation from a workshop on research and practice at the NARST annual conference, Bill Penuel of the University of Colorado and Ted Willard of the National Science Teachers Association discuss strategies that education researchers can use to propose partnerships and collaborations with practitioner communities.
In this presentation from a workshop on research and practice at the NARST annual conference, presenters presenters discuss: how to identify persistent problems of practice from practitioners' and stakeholders' perspectives; how to develop a collaborative design process that leverages the expertise of practitioners, researchers, subject matter experts in science, and other stakeholders; and how to formulate design goals that foreground supports for implementation, equity and diversity.
What Teachers and Districts Most Need from Research and Researchers: In this presentation from a workshop on research and practice at the NARST annual conference, Dan Gallagher of Seattle Public Schools and Tana Peterman of University of Washington discuss examples of what practitioners need from the education research community.
This executive summary presents demographic data and survey results from participants in the 2010 SciGirls summer camp. Based on the post survey responses, the majority of the participants felt that the camp had increased their interest in science (78%) and science careers (97%). Those students who did not mention an increased interest said that they already had a high interest in science and STEM careers before camp.
This executive summary provides data tables with demographic information and follow-up responses from participants in the SciGirls program. These results demonstrate that participation in the camp had varying specific effects on students all leading to an increased interest in STEM.
The Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago (MSI) formed the Institute for Quality Science Teaching (IQST) with the goal of improving science achievement of 4th-8th grade students in the Chicago area by creating a series of courses for teachers who lack the background in science or science teaching to teach effectively. This study was designed to evaluate teachers' increased content knowledge in one IQST course, Get Re-Energized (GRE), which focuses on energy topics. The study discovered improvement for teachers who received the course, and those teachers' students scored higher on energy