This report documents two formative evaluations on an interactive media piece that allows its users to zoom in from a human hand to an atom. This zoom uses a spiral to connote zooming and is a departure from a more conventional zoom in which each successive image is a magnification of a portion of the preceding image. Interview protocols are included in the appendix of this report.
The Science Museum of Minnesota surveyed 30 museum visitors after they used the Bump and Roll exhibit. This formative testing of the exhibit assessed the activity's ability to teach about nanoscale properties and scientists' uses of them.
The Science Museum of Minnesota surveyed 30 museum visitors after they used the Changing Colors exhibit. This formative testing of the exhibit assessed its ability to teach about nanoscale structures and the uses of nanophenomena to create new products.
This report documents a study conducted at the Exploratorium to characterize how visitors depict the concept of small. The study looks at visitors’ drawings in order to inform the design of diagrams, animations and other visualizations that help the public visualize and learn about the nanoscale in informal learning environments.
The 2010 Delivery and Reach study documented the delivery of nano education activities at NISE Network partner institutions and estimated the public reach of those activities. Surveys used in this study are included in the appendix of this report.
The Review of NISE Network Evaluation Findings: Years 1-5 seeks to investigate the work of the NISE Network since its inception in 2005 and provide an overarching summary of NISE Net Public Impacts evaluation efforts to the NISE Network and the broader ISE field.
This study looks specifically at the activities of the Tier I, II and III institutions as a way of determining whether it is likely that NISE Net will have an impact on the public through the NSET public outreach activities of those institutions. The main question driving this study is the following: To what extent is NISE Net reaching the public through the different tiers of the Network? This study presents preliminary findings from the Study 2 investigation, looking specifically at the actions of the professionals who have come into contact with NISE Net (including those who have attended
The Nanoawareness Study is designed to answer the question "What, if any, impact do NISE Net activities delivered at Tier 1 and Tier 2 institutions have on the nanoawareness of the public audiences that experience those activities?" The Nanoawareness Study was initially conducted in Year 3 and then replicated in Year 4 with some methodological changes and a different sample of participants. The following report describes the Nanoawareness Study findings from Year 4 in comparison to findings from Year 3. This appendix of this report includes the online survey instrument used in the study.
In this article, Wendy Pollock, ASTC's Director of Research, Publications, and Exhibitions, and J. Shipley Newlin, Program Director for Physical Sciences at the Science Museum of Minnesota (SMM), discuss "Wild Music: Sounds & Songs of Life," an exhibit produced by a partnership between ASTC, SMM, and the Music Research Institute at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. The unique design approach incorporated sound experiences for a wider range of users, including visitors who are blind or have low vision, as well as created an overall sound environment that was meaningful and
This article explores the particular challenges and opportunities for science centers in working on a relationship between the Western science paradigm and traditional knowledge systems. Included are key principles to keep in mind when promoting science, while still respecting traditional cultural values and individuals' cultural identities.
In this article, Katherine I. Goodall, Director for Institutional Advancement at ASTC, describes the challenges and opportunities science centers face in these difficult economic times. This article provides a high-level overview of the complex subject of financial viability, and includes descriptions of private and public funding trends, earned income, increasing value for visitors, and key lessons learned.
In this article, Alan J. Friedman, a consultant on museum development and science communication, details his experience working on the development of the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie (Center of Science and Industry) in Paris, 1981. Friedman describes lessons learned including the value of planning, the role of evaluation and prototyping, and comparisons between American French exhibit development.
Alan J. FriedmanVisitor Studies Association