As STEAM has gained traction in informal education settings, it is important to support educators in learning about and developing STEAM learning experiences. We investigated what STEAM means to informal educators and how it relates to their everyday lives and identities by examining a STEAM objects activity. We found three themes in how the participants talked about the significance of the STEAM objects they shared: connection to land, historicity, and agency of materials. The STEAM objects served as boundary objects that connected communities of practice, showing the integrative nature of
Iteration is a central practice in art and science; however, it has yet to be deeply explored in STEAM learning environments. This study adopts a sociomaterial orientation (Fenwick and Edwards, 2013) to characterize the nature of iteration in one STEAM activity, an Optics Design Challenge, with informal educators. We found that iteration emerged as “microcycles” of interactions, specifically as adjustments, additions, and negotiations in both material artifacts and the narrative.
Materials play an important role in learning. Humans actors use materials in particular ways depending on the context and materials also can shape how human actors use materials. This study explores the dialogical relationship between the participants and materials in suminagashi, a Japanese paper marbling activity. We found that materials that are traditionally thought of as art materials, such as paintbrushes, are used to support practices often considered science practices, such as experimentation.
The integration of Art with Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEAM) has been growing in popularity, however, there are a variety of conceptualizations of what it looks like. This study explores images of STEAM by examining activities created by informal educators. We found that STEAM activities were conceptualized as using one discipline in the service of another, intertwined, or parallel. This provides concrete images of what STEAM can look like in educational settings.
Blakely TsurusakiLaura ConnerCarrie TzouPerrin Teal SullivanMareca GuthriePriya Pugh
A practical guide containing descriptions of 11 Tinkering activities for adult learners. It can be used by community development and informal learning practitioners working with adult groups. Some of the activities were newly developed while others were adjusted from already existing and tested activities. Special focus is given to activities suitable for adults from different backgrounds, taking into account different needs, interests and motivations. This publication is a product of Tinkering EU: Addressing the Adults, funded with support from the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
This poster was presented at the 2021 NSF AISL Awardee Meeting.
Programming includes
Neighborhood Walks led by teams of scientists/engineers and artists
Community Workshops, Local Artist Projects, and Youth Mentorship focused on neighborhood and citywide water issues
Intergenerational participation, from seniors and adult learners to young adults, teens, and middle schoolers
The pilot and feasibility study will develop instructional workshops for an adult population of quilters to introduce them to computational thinking. By leveraging pre-existing social structures, skill sets, and engagement in quilting, the researchers hope to help participants develop computer science and computational thinking knowledge and skills.
This poster was presented at the 2021 NSF AISL Awardee Meeting.
In Research + Practice Partnerships with 4 makerspaces in 2 cities, we pursue equity-oriented STEM-rich making with youth from historically underrepresented backgrounds, particularly BIPOC youth and youth in refugee & low-income communities, towards developing:
a theory-based and data-driven framework for equitably consequential making
a set of individual-level and program-level cases with exemplars of equitably consequential making (and the associated challenges) that can be used by researchers and practitioners for guiding the field
an initial set of guiding principles (with
This poster was presented at the 2021 NSF AISL Awardee Meeting.
Our overarching goal is to better understand the particulars of how and why youth co-make in life-based and STEM-rich ways with families and communities, such that we can better infrastructure community-based maker programs in support of youth learning and well-being.
This document is aimed primarily at Informal Learning (IFL) educators working with adult learners from disadvantaged and underserved communities, who wish to:
exploit the inclusive nature of Tinkering to create engaging and relevant STEM learning experiences for adult learners and their families
better understand how and why collaboration and co-design with community organisations can help develop more inclusive programming in STEM learning for adults.
It can also serve as a useful reference for community leaders and adult educators wishing to collaborate with the IFL sector