This paper reviews a wide range of literature applicable to understanding why and how hobbyists learn. Of particular importance appear to be theories such as situated learning and communities of practice, but insights from the cognitive sciences related to expertise, motivation and interest also emerged as important. The boundaries between formal and informal education continue to breakdown, making the need to understand and address the needs of learners of all ages, across multiple settings and situations more important than ever. Learning is becoming increasingly “on-demand”, mediated by
Earth science, which in this context does not include oceanic, atmospheric, and space sciences, is vital to the wellbeing of the United States and many of its issues, such as water resources, are expected to grow in importance. An earth science workforce will be needed to deal with this issues and it's important that this workforce draw on the talents of all citizens. Thus, federal education programs can be implemented to help attract and retain students on an earth science pathway; however, tight funding means agencies need to invest in programs that actually work. As a result, the U.S
National Research Council
resourceresearchProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
Advances in the life sciences - from the human genome to biotechnology to personalized medicine and sustainable communities - have profound implications for the well-being of society and the natural world. Improved public understanding of such scientific advances has the potential to benefit both individuals and society through enhanced quality of life and environmental protection, improved K-12 and undergraduate science education, greater understanding of human connections to the natural world, and more sustainable policies and regulations. Yet few systems of support exist to help life
Elizabeth Stallman BrownLaurence YoungKeegan SawyerNational Research Council
In case studies of two first-year elementary classroom teachers, we explored the influence of informal science education (ISE) they experienced in their teacher education program. Our theoretical lens was identity development, delimited to classroom science teaching. We used complementary data collection methods and analysis, including interviews, electronic communications, and drawing prompts. We found that our two participants referenced as important the ISE experiences in their development of classroom science identities that included resilience, excitement and engagement in science
Citizen science enlists members of the public to make and record useful observations, such as counting birds in their backyards, watching for the first budding leaf in spring, or measuring local snowfall. The large numbers of volunteers who participate in projects such as Project FeederWatch or Project BudBurst collect valuable research data, which, when pooled together, create an enormous body of scientific data on a vast geographic scale. In return, such projects aim to increase participants' connections to science, place, and nature, while supporting science literacy and environmental
It is an active time in both developmental psychology and art education. In developmental psychology some interesting new theoretical developments suggest a new level of maturity in the field. In art education there are some productive moves afoot that show that the tendency to emphasize spontaneous production in art class to the exclusion of understanding and appreciation is finally over. These are both welcome sets of changes; indeed, both are changes related to larger shifts in the cultural and intellectual climate of the 1980s.
American educators and policymakers have often claimed that the arts can have powerful effects in education and that these effects may reverberate far beyond the arts. Arts education has been argued to have social, motivational, and academic repercussions. But are such claims rooted in empirical evidence, or are they unsupported advocacy? The studies in this issue review systematically what is known about the power of the arts to promote learning in non-arts domains. Thus, we focus here only on the claims that have been made about the effects of arts education on cognitive, academic outcomes
Ellen WinnerLois Hetland
resourceresearchProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) permeate the modern world. The jobs people do, the foods they eat, the vehicles in which they travel, the information they receive, the medicines they take, and many other facets of modern life are constantly changing as STEM knowledge steadily accumulates. Yet STEM education in the United States, despite the importance of these subjects, is consistently falling short. Many students are not graduating from high school with the knowledge and capacities they will need to pursue STEM careers or understand STEM-related issues in the
Steve OlsonJay LabovNational Research Council
In the American educational climate of today, "basic" academic skills are valued while the arts are considered a frill. Many major urban school districts have cut back on arts education in order to strengthen academic subjects. Even though most of our schools have some arts education, and even though most of our citizens say they want their children to be exposed to the arts in school, only one in four students in American schools sings, plays an instrument, or performs plays in class each week. When budgets are tight, the arts are almost always the first programs to be cut. This study
The authors examine SAT data from the College Board in order to examine the correlation between the number of years of art education and SAT scores. By studying twelve years of data, they find that studying art is associated with higher SAT scores, and that students who take four years of art courses have higher scores than those who take some art but less than four years' worth.
The authors seek to investigate whether studying the arts makes people more creative, and by extension, whether studying the arts builds creative thinking skills that can be deployed outside the arts. They do so through a series of meta-analyses examining existing literature, and find that the presence of an association between studying the arts and creative thinking depends on experimental design and the form of creativity measured.
Erik MogaKristin BurgerLois HetlandEllen Winner
STEM learning ecosystems harness unique contributions of educators, policymakers, families, and others in symbiosis toward a comprehensive vision of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education for all children. This paper describes the attributes and strategies of 15 leading ecosystem efforts throughout the country with the hope that others may use their lessons to deepen rich STEM learning for many more of America’s children.