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Community Repository Search Results

resource research Public Programs
This paper introduces a model for using informal science education venues as contexts within which to teach the nature of science. The model was initially developed to enable university education students to teach science in elementary schools so as to be consistent with National Science Education Standards (NSES) (1996) and A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas (2011). The model has since been used in other university courses and professional development workshops for elementary, middle school, and high school teachers. Learners experience the
TEAM MEMBERS: Barbara Spector Ruth Burkett Cyndy Leard
resource research Public Programs
The article assesses professional development in the field of science through curricular and instructive methods in the museum. The National Science Education Standards, along with independent researchers, confirm and stress the importance of quality professional development for elementary science educators which can be provided by museum services and models. The study involved participants from two different elementary schools within the same urban district serving a Latino student body, which were recognized as bottom tiers in the academic performance index of California's Department of
resource research Public Programs
Bringing Up Girls in Science (BUGS) was an afterschool program for 4th and 5th grade girls that provided authentic learning experiences in environmental science as well as valuable female mentoring opportunities in an effort to increase participants' academic achievement in science. BUGS participants demonstrated significantly greater amounts of gain in science knowledge as measured by the Iowa Test of Basic Skills in Science (ITBS-S). The original BUGS participants and contrasts have now completed high school and entered college, allowing researchers to assess the long-term impact of the BUGS
TEAM MEMBERS: Tandra Tyler-Wood Amber Ellison Okyoung Lim Sita Periathiruvadi
resource research Public Programs
In this article, we explore how two informal educational contexts—an aquarium and an after-school science program—enabled disenfranchised learners to adopt an identity as insiders to the world of science. We tell the stories of four youth, relating what doing science meant to them and how they positioned themselves in relation to science. We contribute to the extensive literature on the value of learning beyond the school walls, yet focus on ethnically and linguistically diverse youth from low-income backgrounds who have often been excluded from such settings. We suggest that such out-of
TEAM MEMBERS: Jrene Rahm Doris Ash
resource research Public Programs
As the global economic competition gets tougher, American policymakers and researchers are interested in finding ways to increase the number of students pursuing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)-related majors in order for the United States to continue its role as an economic powerhouse. A survey study was employed to investigate a multi-charter school system's (Harmony Public Schools [HPS]) after-school program in which doing a science fair project was expected for all 4th-12th grade students, and students were encouraged to participate STEM-related clubs (MATHCOUNTS
TEAM MEMBERS: Alpaslan Sahin
resource research Public Programs
In this metalogue we build on the arguments presented by Puvirajah, Verma and Webb to discuss the nature of authentic science learning experiences in context of collaborations between schools and out-of-school time settings. We discuss the role of stakeholders in creating collaborative science learning practices and affordances of out of school time and formal science learning contexts. We contend that authentic science learning experiences are those where science learning happens within a social milieu and advocate for true collaborations between schools and informal settings in ways that
TEAM MEMBERS: Jennifer Adams Preeti Gupta Amy DeFelice
resource research Public Programs
The article discusses the 4-H Science mission of the 4-H Youth Development Program, an out-of-school-time program addressing science technology engineering and mathematics (STEM) learning. It states that one of the approaches is on robotics education using a Junk Drawer Robotics curriculum having three levels: Give Robots a Hand, Robots on the Move, and Mechatronics, each level having modules that focus on science and engineering concepts.
TEAM MEMBERS: Steven Worker Richard Mahacek
resource research Public Programs
This presentation given at the 2013 Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting examines evidence for the effectiveness of STEM education programs at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory.
TEAM MEMBERS: Roxanne Hughes
resource research Public Programs
Mueller, Tippins, and Bryan's contrast of the current limitations of science education with the potential virtues of citizen science provides an important theoretical perspective about the future of democratized science and K-12 education. However, the authors fail to adequately address the existing barriers and constraints to moving community-based science into the classroom. We contend that for these science partnerships to be successful, teachers, researchers, and other program designers must reexamine questions about traditional science education and citizen-science programs and attend to
TEAM MEMBERS: Steven Gray Kristina Nicosia Rebecca Jordan
resource research Informal/Formal Connections
This study examined the verbal prompts a tutor used to promote reflection and young students' responses to these prompts. Seven children (ages 8-12) participated in 260 min of one-on-one tutoring to learn scientific concepts related to gear movement; the tutor spontaneously provided these students with 763 prompts for reflection. Prompts reliably induced reflection: Students responded verbally 87% of the time. Turn-by-turn discourse analysis revealed seven distinct types of prompts and 11 distinct types of verbal responses. High-level prompts were strongly associated with high-level responses
TEAM MEMBERS: Travis Wilson Michelle Perry Carolyn Anderson Dean Grosshandler
resource research Media and Technology
The article discusses the use of comics in teaching science. Sharing a comic before starting a class puts students in a more receptive mood for the lesson that follows. Comics can be used as attention-getters and critical thinking stimulants. The comics to use should be related to the lesson to be discussed. Comics can also be used to ease the pain of returning an exam to a class that has performed poorly. They can be used to illustrate or explain a concept. Be critical in choosing a comic series since only a few are explicitly scientific.
TEAM MEMBERS: Kerry Cheesman
resource evaluation Public Programs
This portfolio contains the following reports: "Community Science Workshops: A Powerful and Feasible Model for Serving Underserved Youth. An Evaluation Brief"; "Community Science Workshops: Building a Bridge to Science for Urban Youth. A Descriptive Look at CSWs."; "What Do Community Science Workshops Do For Kids? The Benefits to Urban Youth."; and "CSWs by the Numbers: A Statistical Portrait of Community Science Workshops." Community Science Workshops are community-based non-profit programs that offer underserved youth living in low-income, high-minority neighborhoods a fun and safe way to
TEAM MEMBERS: Green Mountain College Mark St. John