The purpose of this paper is to provide a better understanding of Maine’s capability to promote 5th-12th graders’ engagement and achievement in STEM during out-of-school hours. The paper will provide a background for the design conference task of constructing “STEM intensives” that make optimal use of Maine’s resources and connect these resources with students in ways that make sense.
Schools do not define education, and they are not the only institutions in which learning takes place. After-school programs, music lessons, Scouts, summer camps, on-the-job training, and home activities all offer out-of-school educational experiences. In Learning at Not-School, Julian Sefton-Green explores studies and scholarly research on out-of-school learning, investigating just what it is that is distinctive about the quality of learning in these “not-school” settings. Sefton-Green focuses on those organizations and institutions that have developed parallel to public schooling and have
The MacArthur FoundationJulian Sefton-Green
This study investigated middle school students’ identity development as learners of science during learning conversations at an informal science education camp. The central research question was: What is the role of conversation in influencing science learner identity development during an informal science education camp? Identity in this study was defined as becoming and being recognized as a certain type of person (Gee, 2001). This study focused particularly on discursive identity, defined as individual traits recognized through discourse with other individuals (Gee, 2005; 2011). The study
This presentation from the January 2012 Annual Meeting of the Association for Science Teacher Education examines identity formation in middle school science, presenting informal education programs as a way to change perceptions by exposing students to real scientists. The study focuses on middle school students' science identity formations before and after their participation in summer science camps.
Young people today have grown up living substantial portions of their lives online, seeking entertainment, social relationships, and a place to express themselves. It is clear that participation in online communities is important for many young people, but less clear how this translates into civic or political engagement. This volume examines the relationship of online action and real-world politics. The contributors discuss not only how online networks might inspire conventional political participation but also how creative uses of digital technologies are expanding the boundaries of politics
This report, commissioned by the Wellcome Trust, provides a review of the value of informal science learning to science education in the UK. The study seeks to provide: a better understanding of the scope of informal science learning, its theoretical base and the types of change it can bring about in the understanding of and attitudes towards science; recommendations for robust methods for evaluating the impact of informal science learning, based on an analysis of practice in the field; recommendations on reaching deprived learners, schools and families; and recommendations based on best
GHK ConsultingRichard LloydRoss NeilsonSuzanne KingMark DyballWellcome Trust
This checklist provides a step-by-step process for preparing, leading, and ending an after school science project. The document also includes a partner checklist for science coaches and trainers when instructing adult learners.
National Partnerships for After School Science 2
Presentation on NSF grant DRL-0813455 (""Inquiry in the Community: Building Science Capacity in Volunteer Leaders"") presented at the CAISE Convening on Professional Development and Informal Science Education, February 2nd, 2012.
Presentation on NSF grant DRL-1114481 (""Full-Scale Development: Science STARS-Nurturing Urban Girls' Identities Through Inquiry-Based Science"") presented at the CAISE Convening on Professional Development and Informal Science Education, February 2nd, 2012.
Presentation on NSF grant DRL-1114568 (""Fusion Science Theater National Training and Dissemination Program"") presented at the CAISE Convening on Professional Development and Informal Science Education, February 2nd, 2012.