This paper sketches the context for participation in science by girls from historically underrepresented populations and offers a detailed description of Sisters4Science (S4S) and its personalized, girl-centered pedagogy. The S4S example suggests a need to complement current out-of-school science programs with lessons from girl-centered practice and research.
This article describes Boyz 2 Men, a product of the Educational Alliance's Project Try. This program targets inner city men and promotes positive expressions of self and responsibility in the treatment of others. Addressing pervasive sexist and homophobic expressions and attitudes can help free young men for fuller self-expression, though the process is never easy.
This article describes Youth as Resources, a nationwide initiative involves youth and adults as equal partners in projects that improve community life. Some examples of the projects include the Rural Renewable Energy Alliance, which engages teenagers to install solar heating in low income homes, and the Haydenville Preservation Committee, which implemented neighborhood cleanup and landscaping projects in rural Ohio.
At a family service agency in the North Bronx, staff members have drawn a vital connection between community and literacy. The authors explain how their literacy program evolved from a basic tutoring opportunity into a curriculum using themes and information gleaned from the young participants’ immediate community surroundings.
Positive behavior support, with its emphasis on teaching desired actions rather than punishing undesirable actions, can be a powerful tool for managing young people’s behavior. This article examines its' application in afterschool settings.
Brian McKevittJessica DempseyJackie TernusMark Shriver
The example of two pilot credentials in Massachusetts, The School-Age Youth Development Credential (SAYD) and the Professional Youth Worker Credential (PYWC), can help us to understand the importance of establishing credentials and what we can expect to accomplish in doing so. This knowledge can guide the next steps in establishing a national credential for afterschool and youth workers.
This article examines youth experience and engagement in a community service afterschool program viewed as a relational experience, with experiences and engagement being a product of activity, advisors and influence of peers.
Jeffrey JonesJoshua BenchBethany WarnaarJohn Stroup
This is a review of Jrene Rahm's 2010 book "Science in the making at the margin: A multisited ethnography of learning and becoming in an afterschool program, a garden, and a math and science Upward Bound program." Rahm's research focuses on the nature of how science and meaning making are achieved through these programs.
This article is a review of the 2011 book "Better Together: A Model University-Community Partnership for Urban Youth" by Barbara Jentleson. Better Together examines in depth the first decade of the Duke-Durham Neighborhood Partnership (DDNP), focusing on its involvement with six community-based afterschool programs sponsored by Duke’s Project HOPE (Holistic Opportunities Plan for Enrichment). The primary aim of Project HOPE was to provide academic support to Durham’s low-income minority youth.
Community technology centers (CTCs) help bridge the digital divide for immigrant youth in disadvantaged neighborhoods. A study of six CTCs in California shows that these centers also promote positive youth development for young people who are challenged to straddle two cultures.
Rebecca LondonManuel PastorRachel Rosner