To better understand STEM interest development during adolescence in an urban community, we examined how “STEM Interested” youth differed from disinterested youth and how interest changed over time from age 11/12 to 12/13. We surveyed youth to measure interest in four components of STEM, used cluster analysis to categorize youth based on STEM interest, and examined how interest profiles and pathways differed for several explanatory factors (e.g., parental support, gender). Three STEM interest profiles emerged from the analysis: Stem Interested, Math Disinterested, and STEM Disinterested. Only
Drawing on results from a recent national study, we draw attention to the importance of the experiential learning cycle for enhancing meaningful outcomes of interpretive and educational experiences. The experiential learning cycle involves participating in a concrete experience, reflecting on that experience, drawing out lessons learned and principles from that reflection, and putting that knowledge to work in a new situation. Recent studies reveal that attention to completing all four stages of the experiential learning cycle can enhance positive outcomes for participants in educational and
Children and their families are practicing STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) skills through a library program. Hand-crank generators and LED bulbs are set out on each of the tables, along with two types of dough—conductive play dough and insulating modeling clay.
Brooks MitchellClaire RatcliffeKeliann LaConte
NASA@ My Library is made possible through the support of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Science Mission Directorate as part of its Science Activation program. The project is led by the National Center for Interactive Learning (NCIL) at the Space Science Institute (SSI) in partnership with the American Library Association (ALA) Public Programs Office, Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI), and Education Development Center (EDC). From 2016-2020, 78 public libraries (75 partner libraries and 3 pilot libraries), 18 State Library Agencies, 6 Portal to the Public Network sites, and 30 NASA-funded scientists participated in the project. More than 225,000 library patrons were reached through their efforts.
In 2021-2022, public libraries, universities, and state library agencies will participate in the project to increase and enhance STEAM learning opportunities in their communities, with an emphasis on reaching audiences underrepresented in STEM education and professions.
One part personal reflection, one part literature synthesis. This essay reflects on official statistics, common misunderstandings, and the COVID-19 numbers we're all becoming increasingly familiar with. The author calls on news audiences and journalists alike to become more knowledgeable about what official statistics can and can't do -- and to question the epistemic priority that so many people reflexively give to numbers by paying attention to what is not included.
To gather information about national opportunities for out-of-school time science, technology, engineering, and math (OST STEM) learning, Education Northwest conducted a systematic review of OST STEM programs for the Overdeck Family Foundation. The goal of this work was to better understand what programs and program elements have been successful in scaling up to regional and national levels. We were also interested in the evidence that these programs meet their academic and social goals with students, particularly students underrepresented in STEM, and how evidence of effectiveness relates to
Computing fields are foundational to most STEM disciplines and the only STEM discipline to show a consistent decline in women's representation since 1990, making it an important field for STEM educators to study. The explanation for the underrepresentation of women and girls in computing is twofold: a sense that they do not fit within the stereotypes associated with computing and a lack of access to computer games and technologies beginning at an early age (Richard, 2016).
Informal coding education programs are uniquely situated to counter these hurdles because they can offer additional
This NOVA multiplatform media initiative consisted of a 2-hour nationally broadcast PBS documentary, Polar Extremes; a 10-part original digital series, Antarctic Extremes; an interactive game, Polar Lab; accompanying polar-themed digital shorts, radio stories, text reporting, and social media content; a collection of educational resources on PBS LearningMedia; and community screening events and virtual field trips for science classrooms. Across multiple media platforms the project’s video content had nearly 13 million views.
The research explored the potential for informal STEM learning
This poster describes the Addressing Societal Challenges through STEM (ASCS) project. The project's research goal is to identify and describe the range of ways that informal STEM learning (ISL) institutions are addressing societal challenges and how STEM knowledge and scientific reasoning are situated in that engagement.
The poster was presented at the American Association of Museums (AAM) 2020 Virtual Conference.
As part of an NSF-funded project, Guidelines for Designing Challenging and Rewarding Interactive Science Exhibits (DRL-1612577), the Museum of Science, Boston, CAST, EdTogether, and the University of Rochester held a four-part webinar series on “productive struggle,” a mixed emotional experience during which learners persist through negative feelings like confusion and frustration to achieve a satisfying resolution. In this webinar series, members of the team talk through their thinking and methods in designing productive struggle exhibits and also highlight how designing for emotions can
Beth MalandainSunewan PanetoKatharina Marino
As part of an NSF-funded project, Guidelines for Designing Challenging and Rewarding Interactive Science Exhibits (DRL-1612577), the Museum of Science, Boston, CAST, EdTogether, and the University of Rochester held a four-part webinar series on “productive struggle,” a mixed emotional experience during which learners persist through negative feelings like confusion and frustration to achieve a satisfying resolution. In this webinar series, members of the team talk through their thinking and methods in designing productive struggle exhibits and also highlight how designing for emotions can
Sunewan PanetoBeth MalandainKatharina Marino
As part of an NSF-funded project, Guidelines for Designing Challenging and Rewarding Interactive Science Exhibits (DRL-1612577), the Museum of Science, Boston, CAST, EdTogether, and the University of Rochester held a four-part webinar series on “productive struggle,” a mixed emotional experience during which learners persist through negative feelings like confusion and frustration to achieve a satisfying resolution. In this webinar series, members of the team talk through their thinking and methods in designing productive struggle exhibits and also highlight how designing for emotions can