Reflections and Ideas about Collaboration with Integrity explores the work Generations of Knowledge: Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Environmental Science (National Science Foundation DRL-1010559), a six-year collaborative project between OMSI and Native partners from diverse tribes, cultures, and ecoregions that co-created traveling exhibits and programs for science and tribal museums. This legacy document reflects on and shares what we learned on this journey, including our detours and course corrections. The legacy document strongly reflects the work of the whole project both in its
Victoria CoatsCecilia NguyenMolly SchmitzJaclyn BarberTim HecoxMarilyn JohnsonKyrie Thompson KellettTim SteevesLeah Gibson (Oglala Lakota)David Begay Diné [Navajo])Inez Bill (Tulalip/Lummi)Karen Kitchen (Osage)Katherine KrileHerb Lee, Jr. (Hawaiian)VerlieAnn Malina-Wright (Hawaiian)Nancy Maryboy (Cherokee/Diné [Navajo])Randall Melton (Seminole/CTUIR)Wenix Red Elk (CTUIR)David CozzoVicki Cruz (Cherokee)Deana Dartt (Chumash)Jill SteinShelly Valdez (Laguna Pueblo)Pamela Woodis (Jicarilla Apache)Tessa Campbell (Tulalip)
resourceresearchMuseum and Science Center Exhibits
This resource presents a catalog of 25 unique projects, with short descriptions and details about how each project integrates imagination. To support practitioner use, the projects are indexed by title, contributor, project context and format, project audiences, and imaginative ways of thinking. Projects in this resource were selected from works shared by Unpacking the STEM Imagination Convening participants, and works reviewed as part of a comprehensive literature review on imagination in STEM.
This resource presents a one-page summary of the methods, results, and conclusions from a comprehensive literature review of 137 pieces of literature addressing the intersections of imagination and STEM. The research questions guiding this comprehensive literature review were: (a) What types of literature address imagination in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education and practice? (b) How does the literature define imagination? (c) How does the literature position the role of imagination in STEM? Details of the literature review results can be found summarized in other
A brief summary of the results of an analysis of 137 pieces of literature reviewed as part of the project’s comprehensive literature review, focusing specifically on the range of ways imagination is positioned in relation to STEM (as a trait or capability, an outcome, a process, a theoretical framework, or as valuable).
This resource presents a list of categories of “imaginative ways of thinking” as well as word clouds illustrating the huge range of ways imagination is described in literature at the intersections of imagination and STEM. This resource reflects results from a comprehensive review of 137 pieces of literature addressing the intersections of imagination and STEM.
This report presents results of a survey of 101 professionals' perspectives on imagination in STEM, describing the survey’s methods and results. The goal of the survey was to describe the landscape of beliefs about and understandings of imagination in the context of STEM practice and STEM education. Findings suggest that professionals (representing various sectors within or adjacent to STEM education and practice) believe in the power of imagination in STEM; there is an appetite - and need - for more imagination-infused work; and definitions of imagination varied, offering an expansive range
This document categorizes several strategies for fostering imaginative thinking, emergent from our review of literature. Strategies are organized by high-level categories, sub-categories, and specific actions educators or experience designers can take to foster imagination in a range of contexts. The resource also includes relevant citations for further exploration of these strategies. This resource reflects results from a comprehensive review of 137 pieces of literature addressing the intersections of imagination and STEM.
This resource briefly summarizes the work of the Unpacking the STEM Imagination Convening and associated project research activities, and posits several "imagination problems" emergent from this work: 1) Defining Imagination; 2) Intentionally Addressing Imagination; 3) Fostering Imagination; 4) Addressing The Myth that STEM is Not Imaginative; 5) Buying-in to Imagination in STEM; 6) Un-Privileging Certain Imaginative Ways of Thinking; and 7) Inclusion and Imagination. This resource suggests areas for future research and development in the context of imagination in informal STEM learning
This white paper describes outcomes from a conference about using non-science art in science education. Art and science are often combined for entertainment, education (STEAM) and inspirational value. However, in almost all cases the art is science-themed (scientific visualizations, science-inspired art, art about scientific topics, etc.). This conference asks the question “what about art for arts-sake?”. That is, what is the impact of non-scientific art in science education? Can non-science themed art be used to broaden perspectives about science? Can it cue people to think about science more
This piece explores the politics and possibilities of video research on learning in educational settings. The authors (a research–practice team) argue that changing the stance of inquiry from surveillance to relationship is an ongoing and contingent practice that involves pedagogical, political, and ethical choices on the part of researchers and educators. This discussion is grounded in ethnographic data collected in an equity-oriented, after-school program organized around science, engineering, and arts education.
Presenting the Capacity Building for Youth Civic Leadership for Issues in Science and Society (CYCLIST) toolkit! Here on the CYCLIST leadership team, it is our hope that this toolkit will help educators incorporate civic engagement into their programming.
CYCLIST’S leadership organizations include the New England Aquarium, The Wild Center, and Action for the Climate Emergency (ACE). Partner organizations include the Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium, the Audubon Nature Institute, the Saint Louis Zoo, and the Woodland Park Zoo. This diverse group of organizations collaborated to provide
The National Network for Ocean and Climate Change Interpretation [NNOCCI] is a Community of Practice [CoP] dedicated to advancing the conversation on climate change, based on the principle that wide-scale training with proven communication techniques can change the national discourse around climate change to be more productive, creative, and solutions-focused.
NNOCCI CoP is a network of individuals and organizations in formal and informal education, the social sciences, climate sciences, and public policy. By 2018, the community represented more than 184 institutions in 38 states, and over