In this paper, the Franklin Institute's Ann Mintz discusses the managerial challenges associated with evaluation projects. Mintz explains how evaluators teeter on a continuum serving as both as artists and educators throughout the evaluation process. She cites evidence from an ongoing project at the Franklin Institute called the The Franklin Institute Computer Network that serves seven categories of museum visitors.
This paper analyzes the effectiveness of real people (actors) as communicators of messages in museums. It includes findings from an evaluation of professional actors, who assume the roles of fictitious and real characters from the history of science, technology, and medicine at the Science Museum in London. The study attempted to understand more fully how visitors react to such live interpretations.
This report presents front-end evaluation findings at the North Carolina Transportation Museum. The study was conducted to assist with the formidable task of programming the 110,000-square-foot roadhouse and to provide data for researchers and exhibit designers. Front-end evaluation goals included: (1) determine if pre-existing or natural traffic flow patterns were present in the roundhouse; (2) evaluate visitor interest in proposed research topics; and (3) obtain visitor reactions, insights, attitudes and expectations concerning proposed roundhouse programming.
In this paper, researchers at the Brookfield Zoo present a case study in evaluating a technology project involving partnerships between museums and formal education. THe focus is on the multiple-method design, which was required in order to work with all participants, from funders to educators, to teachers and students. A set of tools, from traditional surveys through teacher-led performance assessments, was used to measure student learning, teacher satisfaction, and effective implementation of technology and museum content into quality Web pages. The authors share their experiences to help
H. Elizabeth Stuart PerryCarol D. Saunders
This is a summary of A.W. Melton's 1936 paper, "Distribution of Attention in Galleries in a Museum of Science and Industry." Melton studied the role of movement in attracting visitors by evaluating a gear-shaper located in the machine tool section of the New York Museum of Science and Industry. Melton determined that while any kind of movement attracts visitors, the overall consequences of this movement on the exhibit may not be be positive.
In this article, Annette Noschka-Roos discusses a study of a computer-supported information system (CIS) touch-screen interactive in the "New Energy Techniques" gallery at the Deutsches Museum. The objective of the study was to gather systematic data on how the medium is used by visitors. Noschka-Roos provides key findings from the study.
Annette Noschka-RoosVisitor Studies Association
Robotics brings together learning across mechanism, computation and interaction using the compelling model of real-time interaction with physically instantiated intelligent devices. The project described here is the third stage of the Personal Rover Project, which aims to produce technology, curriculum and evaluation techniques for use with after-school, out-of-school and informal learning environments mediated by robotics. Our most recent work has resulted in the Personal Exploration Rover (PER), whose goal is to create and evaluate a robot interaction that will educate members of the general
Children’s worlds are increasingly populated by intelligent technologies. This has raised a number of questions about the ways in which technology can change children’s ideas about important concepts, like what it means to be alive or smart. In this study, we examined the impact of experience with intelligent technologies on children’s ideas about robot intelligence. A total of 60 children aged 4 through 7 were asked to identify the intellectual, psychological, and biological characteristics of 8 entities that differed in terms of their life status and intellectual capabilities. Results
The authors present an exploratory study of Black middle school boys who play digital games. The study was conducted through observations and interviews with Black American middle school boys about digital games as an informal learning experience. The first goal of the study is to understand the cultural context that Black students from economically disadvantaged inner-city neighborhoods bring to playing digital games. The second goal of the study is to examine how this cultural context affects the learning opportunities with games. Third, the authors examine how differences in game play are
Betsy James DiSalvoKevin CrowleyRoy Norwood
Historically, most efforts to improve public knowledge of science and technology have focused on improvements in K-12 schooling, although post-secondary education and informal education have also been mentioned as important factors. Currently, little empirical data exist to determine how or when to best leverage science and technology education energies and resources. This article examines a range of factors potentially contributing to adult knowledge of science and technology. Results from a telephone survey of 1,018 adult residents in greater Los Angeles, California (United States) showed
Research on human–robot interaction has often ignored the human cognitive changes that might occur when humans and robots work together to solve problems. Facilitating human–robot collaboration will require understanding how the collaboration functions system-wide. The authors present detailed examples drawn from a study of children and an autonomous rover, and examine how children’s beliefs can guide the way they interact with and learn about the robot. The data suggest that better collaboration might require that robots be designed to maximize their relationship potential with specific users
The following document summarizes results from a literature review conducted in Fall 2004 to inform the development of a nationwide research project that will explore universal access to the learning of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in museums. Through this project, the Museum of Science, with four collaborating institutions, will further the industry's knowledge and understanding of ways to create museum exhibitions that are inclusive of the learning needs of all museum visitors, including those with disabilities. Guiding the literature review was a topical