This is a poster from the 2014 AISL PI Meeting in Washington, DC. It describes KC Empower, a project that explores after school science for children with disabilities.
The MyBEST (Mentoring Youth Building Employable Skills in Technology) project, funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation's Informal Science Education program, concluded its three years of operation in 2006. This youth-based program was intended to provide participants with in-depth learning experiences involving information and design technologies. These experiences had a dual focus: enabling youth participants to gain fluency in using these technologies while showing them how adults apply them in work and academic endeavors. Appendix includes survey.
This working white paper begins the process of establishing a research agenda for how to use adult volunteers most effectively to engage K-12 students in STEM subjects. It does so by describing a comprehensive review of the literature, searching for articles and papers about programs designed to increase student interest, engagement, participation and academic achievement/attainment in STEM subjects.
During the spring of 2006, American Institutes for Research (AIR) conducted an evaluation study on behalf of WGBH. The purpose of the study was to gather data related to the effectiveness of the FETCH! Activity Guide, which was designed to extend the teachings of a new children’s show, “FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman.” The Activity Guide was developed for after-school program facilitators and other informal science educators to use at their facilities, either in conjunction with the television show or as stand-alone resources. Appendix includes instruments.
This is a handout from the session "Making Space for Innovation: Sampling of Making and Tinkering" at the 2014 ASTC Conference held in Raleigh, NC. The session provided an overview of different makerspaces and tinkering programs, including the goals, opportunities, and challenges of the making movement.
This is a handout from the session "Dream, Design, Fab! Engaging Youth With Digital Fabrication" at the 2014 ASTC Conference held in Raleigh, NC. The session described the Fab Lab program at the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago.
This article describes the development of Human +, an exhibition designed to explore the role of technology in daily life explored through the lens of technologies for people with disabilities. Reflecting the design cycle of Participatory Action Design, Human + integrated participation from people with disabilities, both as users and as designers of technology.
This is a handout from the session "Design/Build or Design/Bid/Build…that is the question!" at the 2014 ASTC Conference held in Raleigh, NC. The handout includes notes from the session that outline risks, opportunities, and solutions regarding exhibit design.
Bill BoothPenny JenningsGreg BelewTony ZodrowBarbara PuntSteve WiersemaTamara Schwarz
This tool was created by Museum of Science, Boston Design Challenges educators and the Research and Evaluation team, intended to record observations of children’s engagement in the engineering design process during participation in design-based activities in a science museum setting. It consists of a checklist of behaviors corresponding with steps of the engineering design process, previously developed for the program based on state and national standards, educator input, and past evaluator observations. The behavioral checklist matches to parts of the engineering design process, including
This article from the Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education (CAISE) offers an introduction to the field of informal STEM education (ISE). It provides a brief survey of informal STEM education projects related to biology and discusses opportunities for scientists to become involved.
The Designing Our World (DOW) project centers on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) equity and addresses the need for more youth, especially girls, to pursue engineering and fill vital workforce gaps. DOW will integrate tested informal science education (ISE) programs and exhibits with current knowledge of engaging diverse youth through activities embedded in a social context. Led by teams of diverse community stakeholders and in partnership with several local girl-serving organizations, DOW will leverage existing exhibits, girls’ groups, and social media to impact girls’
Oregon Museum of Science and IndustryAnne Sinkey
Research has intimated that engineering design activities can enhance students’ understanding of engineering and technology and can increase their interest in science. Few studies, however, have defined or measured this interest empirically. Dohn examined the effect of an eight-week engineering design competition on 46 sixth-grade students. His findings suggest that design tasks can indeed stimulate interest. He found four main sources of interest: designing inventions, trial-and-error experimentation, making the inventions work, and collaboration.