Since 2005, the IMLS Office of Museum Services has funded research projects under the auspices of the National Leadership Grant program. These grants support projects that ‘raise the bar’ in museum research and practice. Funded projects have national impact and generate findings that, through broad dissemination, move the field forward. This project was funded in the program’s inaugural round. Why Zoos and Aquariums Matter: Working with Community Perceptions to Achieve Your Goals draws on the illuminating research conducted as part of the IMLS-funded study. Its findings provide useful
The Natural History Museum’s contemporary arts programme is described and discussed, in particular the developments since 2006. The various models of engaging with artists and the rationale behind the resulting exhibitions and displays are explained in more detail. Artists who have created new works enabled through the programme include Mark Dion, choreographer Siobhan Davies, Tania Kovats, Tessa Farmer, Dan Harvey and Heather Ackroyd.
Bergit Arends
resourceresearchProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The Delaware Valley Innovation Network (DVIN); a coalition of government, industry and educational institutions, received a three-year $5.1 million federal grant to create a data tool that incorporates economic, research and development, investment and real-time job information to provide a current and accurate picture of the region's life science economy and its assets. The project goal was to expand the talent pool for life sciences companies in southeastern Pennsylvania, South Jersey and northern Delaware. DVIN generated research projects, inventory assessments, cross-disciplinary
Delaware Valley Innovation NetworkJohn Hall
This newsletter issue focuses on natural history dioramas. Articles describe children's responses to dioramas, biological interest development in natural history dioramas, and inquiry at natural history dioramas.
Garibay Group worked with CLO staff to conduct front‐end research with targeted Latino communities. The goal of this research was to gain an in‐depth understanding of partner communities, including both Latino families living in these communities and of organizational partners. Specifically, research focused on understanding Latino families’ cultural values and norms regarding leisure choices, attitudes toward science, use of technology, and responses to and interested in citizen science.
Cecilia GarabayCornell Lab of Ornithology
Most environmental learning takes place outside of the formal education system, but our understanding of how this learning actually occurs is in its infancy. By surfing the internet, watching nature documentaries, and visiting parks, forests, marine sanctuaries, and zoos, people make active choices to learn about various aspects of their environment every day. Free-Choice Learning and the Environment explores the theoretical foundations of free-choice environmental education, the practical implications for applying theory to the education of learners of all ages, and the policy implications
This article features critiques of the Tusher African Center at the California Academy of Sciences. Marjorie Schwarzer, Chair and Professor of the Department of Museum Studies at John F. Kennedy University, Margaret Kadoyama, Principal of Margaret Kadoyama Consulting and Adjunct Faculty in the Department of Museum Studies at John F. Kennedy University, and Sheila Pressley, Director of Education at the Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco, share their analysis of the exhibition and assess its strengths and weaknesses.
Marjorie SchwarzerMargaret KadoyamaSheila Pressley
In this article, Sonal Bhatt, Assistant Director of Interpretation at the Wildlife Conservation Society (headquartered at the Bronx Zoo), describes the Zoo's Eco-restroom project, a multi-part experience that embodies their mission of conservation. Bhatt highlights the key features of Eco-restroom area, evaluation results, and lessons learned.
Sonal BhattNational Association for Museum Exhibition
In the recent exhibition project Animal Secrets, we looked at the impact of three strategies for fostering parent-child interactions in an exhibition for young children: environmental design, types of activities, and labels. Results from our study indicate that all three strategies can support parent-child interactions, but environmental design and activity type were more effective than labels overall in promoting parent-child collaboration. Mixed results for exhibit labels suggest the need for further research into how best to communicate with parents of young children in an exhibition.
Karyn BertschiMarcie BenneAnn Elkins
Complex ideas like evolution—which run counter to common, but mistaken, intuitive knowledge—are challenging, both for exhibit developers and for the evaluation and research teams who assess the impact of exhibitions. It is always difficult to document measurable changes in deep conceptual understanding following a single visit to an exhibition; Is this even possible with complex topics, such as evolution? In this article, we summarize a series of studies that may offer some help to exhibit developers and evaluators, as well as others who design and assess informal learning experiences. The
A recent collaboration between the production staff of DragonflyTV and 29 institutions of informal science learning pushed beyond the traditional roles of museum-media partnerships by engaging museum professionals in the production of television content and featuring the partner institutions on the TV show. The 14 DragonflyTV episodes produced as part of these partnerships were subtitled "DragonflyTV GPS: Going Places in Science" and were produced over two production seasons. The collaborations involved both large and small institutions, including hands-on science centers and natural history