Current accounts of the development of scientific reasoning focus on individual children's ability to coordinate the collection and evaluation of evidence with the creation of theories to explain the evidence. This observational study of parent–child interactions in a children's museum demonstrated that parents shape and support children's scientific thinking in everyday, nonobligatory activity. When children engaged an exhibit with parents, their exploration of evidence was observed to be longer, broader, and more focused on relevant comparisons than children who engaged the exhibit without
The American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) has dedicated Conservation Endowment Funds (CEF) to conduct a multi-institutional research project (MIRP) that will investigate the overall impact of visits to zoos and aquariums on visitors' conservation-related knowledge, attitudes, affect, and behavior. With oversight and input from MIRP Co-Principal Investigators and key advisors, the Institute for Learning Innovation [carried out] the following goals: 1. Conducting a literature review; 2. Developing an overall research plan, design and methodologies for conducting a multi-institutional
Young children's everyday scientific thinking often occurs in the context of parent-child interactions. In a study of naturally occurring family conversation, parents were three times more likely to explain science to boys than to girls while using interactive science exhibits in a museum. This difference in explanation occurred despite the fact that parents were equally likely to talk to their male and female children about how to use the exhibits and about the evidence generated by the exhibits. The findings suggest that parents engaged in informal science activities with their children may
This seminal book describes the nature and extent of science learning in America with particular attention to the innumerable sources of science education existing outside the formal education system.
Institute for Learning InnovationJohn H Falk
This formative evaluation gathered feedback from third graders in response to a Leica reel, which is a filmed storyboard with dialogue. The 22 minute video focused on using surveys to gather, organize and analyze data. The research goals were to assess viewers' comprehension of the survey process as presented in the video; their understanding of what a survey is; their perception of being able to do a survey themselves and their interest in doing a survey. Cyberchase is the Emmy Award-winning mathematics series and website on PBS KIDS GO! using broadcast, web, new media and educational
During the scripting phase of production, Cyberchase producers obtained peer reviews of draft scripts from mathematics educators and teachers. This report is a responsive evaluation of the common themes that emerged from 55 reviews of 26 scripts by 25 experts, focusing on script appeal, content presentation and informal learning approach. Cyberchase is the Emmy Award-winning mathematics series and website on PBS KIDS GO! using broadcast, web, new media and educational outreach to impact millions nationwide. Designed for children ages 8 to 11 and packed with mystery, humor, and action
A pilot study of five episodes in the Cyberchase series was conducted in late Fall 2001. The study was designed to assess the broad educational value, impact and appeal of the series, and to pilot the approach and instrumentation for a more extensive study in the spring of 2002. The study included more than 450 children and 20 teachers. Cyberchase is the Emmy Award-winning mathematics series and website on PBS KIDS GO! using broadcast, web, new media and educational outreach to impact millions nationwide. Designed for children ages 8 to 11 and packed with mystery, humor, and action, Cyberchase
This report presents findings from a summative evaluation of Go Figure! conducted by Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. (RK&A) for the Minnesota Children's Museum (MCM). Go Figure! is a traveling exhibition that is visiting both libraries and children's museums across the country. The exhibition was developed by the Minnesota Children's Museum in collaboration with the American Library Association through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services and is intended to engage children two through seven years and their parents in exploring math through hands-on, book-based math
Randi Korn & Associates, Inc.Minnesota Children's Museum
Marvelous Molecules: The Secret of Life is a 3,500-square-foot exhibition installed on the lower exhibit floor of the New York Hall of Science (NYHoS) between Hidden Kingdoms and Realm of the Atom. The 27 exhibit elements are grouped in sections that feature molecules for sensing, moving, reproduction, defending, and other biological functions. The big idea of the exhibition is: Inside what appear to be very different living things, molecules interact in similar ways to make things happen. In Spring 2001, a summative evaluation of Marvelous Molecules was conducted by Serrell & Associates
With a Small Grant for Exploratory Research, we will identify and measure the properties of spatial layout that affect visitors' exploration and exposure to information in science museum exhibitions. It is the nature of museum learning that it is associated with movement in space. The ways in which displays are arranged in spatial sequences, the ability to simultaneously view different objects, the grouping of objects in space, the rate of change in directions, the relative distance between one display and another, all become powerful aspects of the presentation of knowledge that are far more important in the museum than they are in any other learning environment. This study will apply new techniques for spatial analysis to provide rigorous, quantitative descriptions of spatial layout. These descriptors will then be used to understand how layout affects visitor movement patterns in exhibitions.
The Institute for Research on Learning is undertaking a multifaceted effort to help parents become more involved in the mathematics education of their children. This project establishes a Design Consortium; develops new materials and collaborative activity structures; provides outreach, training, and technical assistance to communities; and disseminates these products to the educational community. The design consortium creates contexts for raising parent participation in communities where it is most needed and uses these contexts to plan and construct mathematics materials based on issues parents face in everyday life. The outreach activities include planning support and workshops for schools, community organizations, and parent groups. Dissemination is done through presentations and talks and through research articles.
Shelley GoldmanJennifer Knudsen
resourceprojectProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
Discovery Place in Charlotte, NC is planning and coordinating a visit by Chinese delegates to designated United States Science Museums toward identifying cooperative endeavors related to public understanding of science. Planning also will be done for a separate delegation of informal educators from Japan. Discovery Place will work with the Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) to assist in planning and arranging portions of each delegation's visit in order to help science center professionals from all three countries meet and learn more about each other's institutions, programs and priorities. Through this networking, U.S. institutions will be encouraged to participate in exchanges and cooperative projects. The meetings also will help all sides identify potential partners and develop the relationships necessary to pursue joint activities such as staff exchanges, cooperative development of exhibits and programs and design of workshops. Specific planning activities to be undertaken by Discovery Place include: Identifying appropriate museum and media production sites for the Chinese delegation to visit; Coordinating the purposes of the visit with these sites; Working with The Institute of Pacific Asia (IPA is the NSF grantee that is handling the administrative aspects of the Chinese and Japanese visits) to develop a specific agenda for each site visit; Coordinating with ASTC to arrange such activities as: Presentations by members of the Chinese and Japanese delegation in ASTC conference sessions, Participation by members of the Chinese and Japanese delegations in ASTC conference events and sessions, and Assisting IPA in developing an agenda for a one-day US/China delegation meeting immediately following the conference. This project provides rare opportunities for informal science educators and policy makers to explore a wide range of program options for the United States, China and Japan to inform the public and build support for science.