Informal physics programs are understudied partly due to the broad spectrum of program structures and wide variety of activities. Moreover, the program facilitators hold diverse positions - faculty members at universities, staff members of national labs, and student leaders. In this study, we conduct an in-depth analysis of surveys and interviews from a subset of a national data set. Our goal is to develop and validate a practitioner-focused model of the key organizational components of informal physics programs. Based on the model of The Physics Teacher Education Program Analysis (PTEPA), we
Dena IzadiBryan StanleyLily Boydclaudia fracchiollaKathleen Hinko
resourceresearchProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
This Informal Learning Review article briefly recounts the activities of Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education's (CAISE) over three award periods, from 2007 through 2022. It includes links to key CAISE resources and event documentation. CAISE sunsetted its activities in early 2022 and passed the baton of leadership of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program resource center to REVISE- the Reimagining Equity and Values in Informal STEM Education center.
The integration of Art with Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEAM) has been growing in popularity, however, there are a variety of conceptualizations of what it looks like. This study explores images of STEAM by examining activities created by informal educators. We found that STEAM activities were conceptualized as using one discipline in the service of another, intertwined, or parallel. This provides concrete images of what STEAM can look like in educational settings.
Blakely TsurusakiLaura ConnerCarrie TzouPerrin Teal SullivanMareca GuthriePriya Pugh
Over the last year we have been able to take a few hours each week to step back from our current work, reflect on our assumptions, learn from others, and explore new ways that our research could both uncover and help dismantle inequities and racism in the STEM education system. This eBook, and the series of blog posts on which it is based, is the result of these conversations and this reflective process. Our goal is to explore the themes and ideas that emerged from the year and how these might fundamentally change the way we think about STEM, work with families and children, and conduct
Children’s and parents’ spatial language use (e.g., talk about shapes, sizes and locations) supports children’s spatial skill development. Families use spatial language during playful construction activities. Spatial language use varies with construction activity design characteristics, such as the activity’s play goals. What is the connection between the building materials used and the spatial conversations families have during a construction activity?
Evan VlahandreasClaire MasonNaomi PolinskyDavid UttalCatherine Haden
Hands-on tinkering experiences can help promote more equitable STEM learning opportunities for children from diverse backgrounds (Bevan, 2017; Vossoughi & Bevan, 2014). Latine heritage families naturally engage in and talk about engineering practices during and after tinkering in a children’s museum (Acosta & Haden, in press). We asked how the everyday practice of oral stories and storytelling could be leveraged during an athome tinkering activity to support children’s informal engineering and spatial learning.
Informal educational activities, such as tinkering, can be beneficial for children’s engineering learning (Bevan, 2017; Sobel & Jipson, 2016). Storytelling can help children organize and make meaning of their experiences (Brown et al., 2014; Bruner, 1996), thereby supporting learning. Digital storytelling, in which narratives and reflections are combined with photos and videos in order to be shared with an audience, has become a familiar, enjoyable activity for many children (Robin, 2008). We examine whether digital storytelling activities during tinkering and reflection will be related to
Informal educational activities, such as tinkering, can be beneficial for children’s engineering learning (Bevan, 2017; Sobel & Jipson, 2016). Storytelling can help children organize and make meaning of their experiences (Brown et al., 2014; Bruner, 1996), thereby supporting learning. We examine whether digital storytelling activities during tinkering and reflection will be related to more engineering talk.We also explore whether children with previous digital storytelling experience will produce higher quality narratives than children without.
How to determine a sample size for studying your informal learning program
What’s important to consider when selecting a sample size, or participant group size, for studying your informal (science) education program? What value does a small sample size have? If program managers have ample resources for collecting a lot of data, what factors are important to consider?
Here is a collection of guidelines and examples for use in making an informed decision about determining the sample size for studying your informal learning program. To design a study whose findings are more authentic
Presentation slides and narration for the NARST 2022 Annual Conference. In this presentation we summarize findings from our interviewed with undergraduate STEM majors who identify as Latine, homing in on the ways in which they characterize "STEM" and "STEM people" and their descriptions of K-12 experiences that contributed to their characterizations of these concepts.
Introducing young children to STEM is critical for cultivating early interests and understanding that ultimately contribute to broader participation in the STEM fields. However, while there is substantial research around early childhood mathematics and a growing body of literature related to early childhood science, early childhood engineering continues to be the focus of only a few studies. To address this need, we conducted a design-based research (DBR) study focused on both (b) iteratively developing and improving home-based, engineering design activities for families with preschool-age
In collaboration with the Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC), Association of Children’s Museums (ACM) and Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN), and with support from the National Science Foundation, the Institute for Learning Innovation will virtually bring together 4-5 dozen diverse (expertise and role, background, demographics, geography) thoughtful STEM learning professionals to collaboratively re-imagine the future of the science museum community, in particular the particularly vulnerable small to medium size science museum sector. Participants will be asked to think