Supervising youth workers is a challenging, demanding job in a complex field. Too frequently youth workers get mired in reacting to the everyday crises that dominate their work, finding it difficult to rise above the daily demands to reach a place where reflection can help guide their work. Strategies based in action research can empower youth work supervisors to invest in their own growth and in the continuous improvement of their programs.
Exemplary career programming overcomes the obstacles to engaging older youth and shows them how to find the "next rung on the ladder." This article draws from several disciplines to integrate what is and is not known about engaging youth in career programming during out-of-school time.
Kathryn HynesKaylin GreeneNicole Constance
The “shared research dialogue” that emerged from the collaborative atmosphere of inquiry in a college out-of-school time (OST) certificate course suggests that developing the capacity for reflective practice is an important component of OST professional development.
A survey of out-of-school time administrators and staff shows that professional development can influence providers' willingness and ability to include children with special needs in their programs.
Jane SharpElizabeth RodasAlan Savodnik
This article presents research on collaboration between the New York City Department of Youth and Community Development and the New York Academy of Sciences to provide STEM learning opportunities in out-of-school time.
Professional development, training, workshop, technical assistance—from program to program or region to region, these can mean the same, or quite different, things. Let’s start a conversation toward consensus in the out-of-school time (OST) field on common definitions of our professional development terms.
The example of two pilot credentials in Massachusetts, The School-Age Youth Development Credential (SAYD) and the Professional Youth Worker Credential (PYWC), can help us to understand the importance of establishing credentials and what we can expect to accomplish in doing so. This knowledge can guide the next steps in establishing a national credential for afterschool and youth workers.
This article examines the literature on best practices in content-specific professional development and then aligns this work with the practices of a citywide afterschool chess program run by After School Activities Partnerships (ASAP) in Philadelphia. This analysis shows that implementing content-specific professional development based on best practices can lead to long-lasting and content-rich OST programming.
Our study looks at how participation in a continuous quality improvement initiative produces higher-quality practice in Rhode Island’s afterschool community by fostering change in program management practices. Among other findings, we discovered that quality improvement begins with program managers, who then lead the process of change.
Afterschool staff need to be able to supervise young participants so they can engage safely in a variety of activities. Afterschool programs should create a strong procedural plan to protect young people from harm and the program from liability.
Afterschool programs that strive to be inclusive should remember to welcome participants with disabilities. A new instrument can help afterschool programs determine how well they are doing at including kids with disabilities and assess whether those providing the services—leaders and staff—overestimate their organization’s inclusiveness as compared to those who use the services.