QUEST is a unique cross-platform science journalism collaborative that creates and distributes content for radio, television, interactive, and education audiences. The project collaborative comprises six leading public media providers representing markets across the country: KQED (San Francisco), Nebraska Educational Television (NET) and Radio, UNC-TV (North Carolina), WVIZ/ideastream (Cleveland), Wisconsin Public TV (WPT) and Radio, and KCTS (Seattle). QUEST is built on the success of the local, cross-editorial QUEST model, in which professionals from multiple disciplines--radio, television
The Boys and Girls Club Afterschool Outreach Program, designed by UC Irvine Science Educators in conjunction with Chemistry at the Space-Time Limit faculty, aimed to increase elementary students' interest, enthusiasm, and learning outcomes in STEM fields through the development of hands-on physical science science lessons. External evaluation results showed the program was successful in altering students' perceptions of scientists and supported their internalization of science as a potential career choice. Now in its third year, the program continues includes support from undergraduate student, graduate student, and faculty volunteerism.
The North Carolina State University Libraries and its partners will create a model framework for an interactive learning environment, applying the principles of gaming, artificial intelligence, systems automation, and experience design. Display screens, interactive applications, and computerized information systems have become almost ubiquitous within informal learning spaces in libraries and museums. The resulting convergence of physical and virtual environments, with the attendant urgency to fill screens with content that is meaningful and interactive, creates new challenges for keeping labor-intense digital content and applications fresh and relevant. The model will include an integrated assessment loop and tools for improving services to users.
The goal of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro's Academic and Cultural Enrichment (ACE) Scholars: New Americans for Community College Librarianship project is to increase the number of immigrants and refugees in community college librarianship. The project includes a recruitment drive, a targeted and focused curriculum that emphasizes multicultural, multilingual, and community engaged librarianship, and a proven practicum model, the Real Learning Connections. The project will result in a sustainable curriculum as well as a multilingual and multicultural cadre of 10 librarians, ready to serve diverse community college students, and ready to work in community college library environments.
In this chapter we present and discuss the results and reflections based on our recent developments and experiences in Europe and in Asia regarding how novel educational design patterns, mobile technologies and software tools can be combined to enhanced learning. We propose and recommend possible directions for the design of future educational activities and technological solutions that can support seamless learning. To the end, we discuss how the notion of seamless learning could be used to tackle some of the challenges our educational systems are facing in connection to the introduction of
Marcelo MilradLung-Hsiang WongMike SharplesGwo-Jen HwangHiroaki Ogata
Citizen Science refers to the general public engagement in scientific research activities when citizens actively contribute to science, either with their intellectual effort, through observation or with their tools and resources. For the last two years, the SOCIENTIZE project has coordinated many agents involved in the citizen science process, setting the basis for this new open science paradigm. The project has setup a network where infrastructure providers and researchers recruit volunteers from the general public to perform science at home. Through SOCIENTIZE, individual citizens have
Fermin Serrano SanzTeresa Holocher-ErtlBarbara KieslingerFrancisco Sanz GarciaCandida Silva
Urgent issues such as climate change, food scarcity, malnutrition, and loss of biodiversity are highly complex and contested in both science and society (1). To address them, environmental educators and science educators seek to engage people in what are commonly referred to as sustainability challenges. Regrettably, science education (SE), which focuses primarily on teaching knowledge and skills, and environmental education (EE), which also stresses the incorporation of values and changing behaviors, have become increasingly distant. The relationship between SE and EE has been characterized
The MU Broader Impacts Network is charged with assisting researchers in the design, implementation, and evaluation of their public engagement and outreach plans. We accomplish this primarily through one-on-one mentoring and by fostering collaboration between researchers and broader impacts programs.
Today educational activities take place not only in school but also in after-school programs, community centers, museums, and online communities and forums. The success and expansion of these out-of-school initiatives depends on our ability to document and assess what works and what doesn’t in informal learning, but learning outcomes in these settings are often unpredictable. Goals are open-ended; participation is voluntary; and relationships, means, and ends are complex. This report charts the state of the art for learning assessment in informal settings, offering an extensive review of the
Jay LemkeRobert LecusayMichael ColeVera Michalchik
Mobile Media Learning shares innovative uses of mobile technology for learning in a variety of settings. From camps to classrooms, parks to playgrounds, libraries to landmarks, Mobile Media Learning shows that exciting learning can happen anywhere educators can imagine. Join these educator/designers as they share their efforts to amplify spaces as learning tools by engaging learners with challenges, quests, stories, and tools for investigating those spaces.
Several major international studies recognize that children (and adults) pursue lifelong STEM interests and understandings, in and out of school, using a variety of community resources and networks. In most communities though, these resources are not well connected with one another, nor is there understanding on the ground of how children and adults can best access and use these resources to support their lifelong STEM interests and learning. The SYNERGIES project is predicated on the assumption that better understanding how 10-14 year old youth become interested and engaged with STEM (or not) across settings, time and space, will make possible a more coordinated network of educational opportunities, involving many partners in and out of school, and in the process, create a community-wide, research-based educational system that is more effective and synergistic. Using the under-resourced Parkrose community of Portland, Oregon as a case-study, the SYNERGIES team has been longitudinally studying the STEM interest and participation pathways of 200 youth for four years. Data from this investigation formed the foundation for a community-wide, multi-year STEM education improvement plan jointly developed by the schools, after-school providers, museums, libraries, parks, colleges, parents and businesses.
Women continue to hold less than a quarter of all STEM jobs in the United States, prompting many museums to develop programs and exhibits with the express goal of interesting young girls in scientific fields. At the same time, a number of recent museum exhibits have harnessed the popularity of pop culture and science fiction in order to interest general audiences in STEM subject matter, as well as using the exhibits as springboards to expand or shift mission goals and focus. Because science fiction appears to be successful at raising interest in STEM fields, it may be an effective way to