In this article, Lynne M. Westphal of the USDA Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station, outlines discussions exploring the interactions between plant communities and people communities at a November 1992 symposium. The symposium aimed to assess current knowledge about the active involvement of people with plants and to clarify research needs that will lead to improved program management and information delivery.
In this article, Herbter W. Schroeder, of the USDA Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station, discusses a research study conducted at the Morton Arboretum (MA), which examined landscape preferences and meanings for a group of MA users. Schroeder interprets the findings of this study and makes recommendations for MA management and exhibit developers based on this research.
In this article, Marilyn G. Hood, Ph.D., of Hood Associates, discusses two year-long studies at major outdoor settings, which offer insights into the reasons why people choose to visit botanical gardens and arboretums and what they enjoy about these visits. Hood summarizes methods and key findings from theses four-season studies, which were conducted in 1987 at the Holden Arboretum (Mentor, Ohio) and in 1989 at the Chicago Botanic Garden (Glencoe, IL).
In this article, Jeff Hayward discusses the work of his evaluation group, People, Places & Design Research, in conducting visitor research of Lincoln Park on behalf of the Chicago Park District and the Recreation and Leisure Task Force. Researchers used three different methods to analyze the public's usage patterns and perceptions of Lincoln Park. Hayward outlines key findings and the value of this research project for master planning.
In this article, Jeff Hayward discusses the work of his evaluation group, People, Places & Design Research, in conducting visitor research at the New York Botanical Garden in the fall 1991 and spring 1992. Hayward shares key findings from this evaluation work and the institution's response to these findings. Hayward also includes technical details of the research studies.
In this article, Marilyn G. Hood, Ph.D., of Hood Associates, discusses African-American attendance and non-attendance at art museums. Hood presents findings from focus groups and individual interviews used to better understand African-American feelings about and perceptions of art museums, which she divides into internal dimensions and external dimensions.
In this article, John H. Falk, Ph.D., of Science Learning, Inc., discusses leisure decisions influencing African-Americans use of museums. Falk cites findings from two research studies that investigated the relative importance of a variety of critical variables postulated at possible reasons for the under-utilization of museums by African-Americans.
In this article related to evaluation and multicultural audiences, Jacksonville State University's Stephen Bitgood presents a "progress report" on a visitor center and environmental education project in Puerto Rico that is being designed to serve both the local Puerto rican audience as well as the international visitor. Bitgood shares findings from the study featured in a report to the Caribbean National Forest, part of the USDA National Forest Service.
In this article, Jacksonville State University's Stephen Bitgood and Don Thompson address the issue of how museums can appeal to multicultural audiences and assess the impact of their attempts to attract new audiences. Bitgood and Thompson outline a four-step process for addressing problems of multicultural audiences.
In this article, Don Thompson summarizes a 1993 article featured in the "Visitor Studies: Theory, Research, and Practice" journal, written by G. Donald Adams. Adams describes a project at the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village, in which newly discovered historical research guided the development and marketing of the Mattox House and African-American exhibit. Adam presents seven different types of research that were conducted during the project.
Don ThompsonVisitor Studies Association
This article highlights findings from a study conducted by researchers at Jacksonville State University that assessed group visitor behavior at four exhibits at the Anniston Museum of Natural History. Researchers studied if male and female adults behave differently at exhibits when they are with a child than when they are with another adult as well as whether or not adult behavior was consistent across different types of exhibits.
Stephen BitgoodChifumi KitazawaAndrea CavenderKaren Nettles
In this article, Jacksonville State University's Stephen Bitgood outlines variables that influence social learning in museums. Bitgood identifies group variables, which include those that originate from the quality or number of people within the group or from the combination of variables as well as exhibit characteristics, or design features of the exhibit that play a critical role in understanding how visitor groups behave.