This paper presents a conceptual framework for analyzing how researchers and district leaders perceive and navigate differences they encounter in the context of research-practice partnerships. Our framework contrasts with images of partnership work as facilitating the translation of research into practice. Instead, we argue that partnership activity is best viewed as a form of joint work requiring mutual engagement across multiple boundaries. Drawing on a cultural-historical account of learning across boundaries (Akkerman & Bakker, 2011) and evidence from a study of two longterm partnerships
In these articles, we argue that museums, particularly children’s museums, are well positioned to become unique learning laboratories. Laboratories that would not only produce research about why museums are important educational and cultural institutions, but that would also be the site for new discoveries in the basic science of how children learn. This two part series describes a new model of collaborative research and practice for children’s museums. The first of the two articles considers what it would mean for museums to be learning laboratories. We describe our partnership with the
Fusion Science Theater (FST) uses elements of playwriting to make informal science education more engaging as well as educational. FST shows incorporate an overarching scientific question that is asked and then answered by a series of participatory exercises and demonstrations. The shows also use “embedded assessment” of learning, which asks children to “vote their prediction” both before and after these activities. The FST National Training and Dissemination Program had three major goals: (1) To develop and implement a Performance Training Program to train professional audiences to perform
Madison Area Technical CollegeJoanne Cantor
One challenge in scaling up effective educational programs is how to adjust implementation to local contexts. One solution that the authors Penuel, Fishman, Cheng, and Sabelli propose is “design-based implementation research,” (DBIR) in which researchers and practitioners collaboratively identify problems and strategies during implementation while learning from this process to support innovations in new contexts.
As interest in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education grows (Olson & Riordan, 2012), the need for professionals to clearly communicate sophisticated concepts associated with these areas also increases (Fischoff & Scheufele, 2013). This evaluation focuses on a 3 credit university course “Training in Science Education Outreach” which utilizes a novel course structure. The course’s main aim is to teach graduate and undergraduate students how to speak to the public about science, focusing specifically on language science. The structure of the course is non-traditional
The New Directions in Audience Research Initiative, initially funded by IMLS in 2009, is a special initiative of the University of Washington Museology Graduate Program. New Directions aims to train graduate students in Audience Research & Evaluation within informal learning settings through laboratory style coursework that integrates the strengths of professional and peer mentoring, fieldwork, academics and client-centered experiences. Audience Research & Evaluation is an ever increasing field and one that is integral to all aspects of museum practice. Students who participate in New Directions learn the value of effectively incorporating outcomes based planning and research-based practice into their chosen area of museum practice and become advocates for evaluation within the museum field. Primary partner sites include the Woodland Park Zoo, and the Pacific Science Center who's Evaluation staff assist student teams in designing, implementing and reporting on evaluation projects within their institutions as well as other affiliated partner sites. Past affiliated partner sites include, the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture, EMP Museum, Frye Art Museum, Henry Art Gallery, Museum of History and Industry, Northwest African American Museum, Seattle Aquarium, and the Washington Park Arboretum.
The digital revolution has transformed how young people discover and pursue their interests; how they communicate with and learn from other people; and how they encounter and learn about the world around them. How can we identify best practices for incorporating new media technologies into learning environments in a way that resonates with youth, including their interests, goals, and the ways they use technology in their everyday lives? How do we resolve the need to document and recognize informal STEM learning and connect it to formal education contexts? What strategies can be developed for inspiring and tracking student progress towards the learning goals outlined in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)? These questions are the underlying motivation for this CAREER program of research. Digital badges represent a specific kind of networked technology and have been touted as an alternative credentialing system for recognizing and rewarding learning across domains, both inside and outside of formal education contexts. While there is considerable enthusiasm and speculation around the use of digital badges, the extent to which they succeed at empowering learners and connecting their learning across contexts remains largely untested. This project seeks to fill this gap in knowledge. The approach taken for this program of study is a three phased design-based research effort that will be focused on four objectives: (1) identifying design principles and support structures needed to develop and implement a digital badge system that recognizes informal STEM learning; (2) documenting the opportunities and challenges associated with building a digital badge ecosystem that connects informal learning contexts to formal education and employment opportunities; (3) determining whether and how digital badges support learners' STEM identities; and (4) determining whether and how digital badges help learners to connect their informal STEM learning to formal education and employment opportunities. In Phase 1, an existing prototype created in prior work at Seattle's Pacific Science Center will be developed into a fully functional digital badge system. In Phase 2, the PI will also work collaboratively with higher education stakeholders to establish formal mechanisms for recognizing Pacific Science Center badges in higher education contexts. In Phase 3, the badge ecosystem will be expanded and students' use of and engagement with badges will be tracked as they apply to and enter college. The project involves high school students participating in the Discovery Corps program at the Pacific Science Center, undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Washington, and stakeholders in the K-12 and higher education community in Seattle. Educational activities integrated with this program of research will support: (1) mentoring University of Washington students throughout the project to develop their skills as practice-oriented researchers; (2) incorporating the research processes and findings from the project into university courses aimed at developing students' understanding of the opportunities and challenges associated with using new media technologies to support learning; and (3) using the research findings to develop educational outreach initiatives to support other informal STEM learning institutions in their use of digital badges.
The Boys and Girls Club Afterschool Outreach Program, designed by UC Irvine Science Educators in conjunction with Chemistry at the Space-Time Limit faculty, aimed to increase elementary students' interest, enthusiasm, and learning outcomes in STEM fields through the development of hands-on physical science science lessons. External evaluation results showed the program was successful in altering students' perceptions of scientists and supported their internalization of science as a potential career choice. Now in its third year, the program continues includes support from undergraduate student, graduate student, and faculty volunteerism.
Harvard Library's Testing the National Digital Stewardship Residency (NDSR-MA) Model in Massachusetts will test the pilot program (NSDR-DC) developed by the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. to help 10 students gain the skills, experience, and network to begin successful careers in digital stewardship; to increase the number of skilled digital stewardship professionals; and to aid replication of the model residency program across the country. Students will gain both theoretical understanding and real world experience while host institutions will gain experience, training materials, new tools, professional relationships, and staff. The digital stewardship community at large will have more well-trained and networked professionals and future leaders along with curriculum and training materials to help tackle today's nationwide preservation and curation challenges.
Andrea Goethals
resourceprojectProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
Curating Research Assets and Data using Lifecycle Education (CRADLE): Data Management Education Tools for Librarians, Archivists, & Content Creators is a collaboration among the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill's School of Information & Library Science, the Odum Institute for Research in Social Science, and the University Libraries. It is focused on helping data librarians, archivists, and information and library science students learn about data management and on providing instruction to data creators in their institutions. The project will result in free online courses on data management for researchers and information professionals to be offered through a "free university" platform as well as face-to-face workshops involving UNC staff, faculty, and students. Support is provided for two CRADLE fellows who will learn about and contribute to the development of this work on effective and efficient data lifecycle management.
The goal of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro's Academic and Cultural Enrichment (ACE) Scholars: New Americans for Community College Librarianship project is to increase the number of immigrants and refugees in community college librarianship. The project includes a recruitment drive, a targeted and focused curriculum that emphasizes multicultural, multilingual, and community engaged librarianship, and a proven practicum model, the Real Learning Connections. The project will result in a sustainable curriculum as well as a multilingual and multicultural cadre of 10 librarians, ready to serve diverse community college students, and ready to work in community college library environments.
The cybersecurity workforce is one of the most critical employment sectors in the country. The Cybersecurity for Science Information (CSI): Developing Workforce Proficiency project brings together the University of Tennessee (UT) and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to develop plans for curriculum and research opportunities that will provide students with knowledge and hands-on experiences to confront today's ever-changing cybersecurity challenges. For this planning grant, UT and ORNL will collaborate with the University of New Mexico Library and the Los Alamos National Laboratory to develop a detailed recruitment strategy; blueprints of cybersecurity educational modules; a platform for sustainable curriculum design; and a strategy for ongoing assessment The project will also identify additional stakeholder groups.