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resource research Public Programs
Public engagement with science (PES) is about dialogue between scientific and technological experts and public audiences about societal questions that science can inform but not answer. In making decisions about these kinds of societal questions, social values and personal experience play roles equal to or greater than the one played by science. Rather than focusing exclusively on science itself, PES focuses on discussing problems that communities view as worth solving; the information society needs and wants from scientists; the potential risks, benefits, and consequences of new technologies
resource research Informal/Formal Connections
Scientists (and engineers) wishing to conduct public engagement do so in the context of established disciplinary norms and complex institutional systems that may support or limit their success. This report seeks to convey the known complexity, unique challenges, and opportunities for universities to better support for scientists in their public engagement work. The report is intended to drive discussion towards deeper exploration and development of actionable next steps. This is the executive summary of report from Workshop III: Academic Institutions, part of the Support Systems for
TEAM MEMBERS: Julie Risien Roberta Nilson
resource research Public Programs
As part of ongoing efforts to support a diverse and robust engineering workforce and ensure that children and adults from all communities have the engineering and design thinking skills to succeed in a science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)-rich world, identity has become a growing focus of research and education efforts. In order to advance our understanding of engineering-related identity negotiation within informal STEM education contexts, we conducted an in-depth, qualitative investigation of six adolescent girls participating in an afterschool engineering education
resource research Media and Technology
Due to the dynamic nature of many fields of science, most adults will acquire the majority of their science information after they leave formal schooling. Future public-policy decisions will require adults to have an understanding of the practice and nature of modern science and technology. A major source for continued learning is science media and journalism, which has the capacity to provoke and increase science curiosity and the value of science. In partnership with Jacobs Media Strategies, the Cultural Cognition Project at Yale Law School and Texas Tech University, KQED, the NPR and PBS
TEAM MEMBERS: Sue Ellen McCann Fred Jacobs Jason Hollins Asheley Landrum Dan Kahan
resource project Media and Technology
As part of its overall strategy to enhance learning in informal environments, the Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program seeks to advance new approaches to, and evidence-based understanding of, the design and development of STEM learning in informal environments. This includes providing multiple pathways for broadening access to and engagement in STEM learning experiences, advancing innovative research on and assessment of STEM learning in informal environments, and developing understandings of deeper learning by participants.

This RAPID project was submitted in response to the NSF Dear Colleague letter (NSF 17-128) related to Hurricane Harvey along the Gulf Coast. The PBS NewsHour team will produce 9 stories for national distribution using multiple broadcast and online channels that will engage the public and increase their understanding of the science and engineering research being conducted to better predict and mitigate the impact of future storms. Hurricane Harvey was the first of several storms in 2017 that hit first Texas then Florida and the Caribbean creating unprecedented devastation. This project aims to help the public better understand the science behind storms, and how scientists and engineers are actively collecting data, developing new models, using new technologies, and studying the environmental recovery. The PBS NewsHour team has in place experienced science journalists, production facilities, and a distribution network that can quickly develop media stories based on the work of scientists and engineers in the field, many of whom are funded by NSF. The NewsHour has a strong track record of telling stories that are scientifically accurate yet highly engaging and understandable to a diverse audience. Researchers from several universities including Texas A&M, Rice University, and Norfolk State University are advising the NewsHour team and may also be featured in some of the media. The team will also use their existing collaboration with education researchers at New Knowledge, Inc. to seek audience feedback on proposed/produced media.

The potential audience reach of these stories is extensive. Stories that are broadcast on the nightly PBS NewsHour reach 1.6 million people. The NewsHour's website currently reaches 6 million while their YouTube channel has 40 million views. They have a growing audience of younger viewers who mainly get their news on social media channels such as ScienceScope and Apple News. EXTRA is another service offered just for teachers.
TEAM MEMBERS: Patti Parson
resource project Media and Technology
As part of its overall strategy to enhance learning in informal environments, the Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program seeks to advance new approaches to, and evidence-based understanding of, the design and development of STEM learning in informal environments. This includes providing multiple pathways for broadening access to and engagement in STEM learning experiences, advancing innovative research on and assessment of STEM learning in informal environments, and developing understandings of deeper learning by participants. This Innovations in Development project will research and produce science media based on the role that interest, motivations, identify, and values play in engaging diverse, millennial audiences in a dynamic media environment. Using a design-based research approach the project team will develop Millennial Science Media Engagement Profiles (a set of categories describing different audience types who engage with science media in different ways). It will design and test science media content (text, audio, graphics, video), placement and platform use for millennials; and make conclusions around science media storytelling and outreach tactics that spark interest and engagement, the precursors to learning. Broader impacts include contributing significant new knowledge about millennials interest and engagement in science while they are at a stage in life making critical career decisions. It will also provide a model for other science media producers providing new protocols for creating targeted digital media for this specific audience. And further impacts include reaching a large national audience through social media. The project is a collaboration between KQED and researchers at Texas Tech.

The research will focus on the distinctive experience and interest of "millennial" science consumers. It builds on a previously funded national survey and series of focus groups with millennials looking at their science media preferences versus other generations. With these survey results this project will build profiles of millennial audiences based on two factors: level of science curiosity and level of science media engagement. The researchers will use a previously validated Science Curiosity Scale. The Millennial Profiles will be validated in two ways: through performance-based survey questions and through internet audience behavior analysis using existing digital analysis tools. KQED will produce different science media content and send it to certain groups conducting A/B testing to validate profiles online. The profile assumptions will continue to be tested until the team can effectively predict the kinds of science content that different profile groups prefer. The research will use a study protocol used in other domains to bridge the gap between lab and real-world settings. The protocol involves four steps: initial hypothesis development; ante experimental simulation; real-world communication; and ex post experimental simulations. Following the profile validation, the protocol will be used to test the efficacy of new KQED Science content, testing the variables that contribute to millennial engagement.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
TEAM MEMBERS: Sue Ellen McCann Sevda Eris Jennifer Brady Asheley Landrum
resource research Public Programs
We propose a thoughtful process for scientists to develop their “impact identity”, a concept that integrates scholarship in a scientific discipline with societal needs, personal preferences, capacities and skills, and one’s institutional context. Approaching broader impacts from a place of integrated identity can support cascading impacts that develop over the course of a career. We argue identity is a productive driver that can improve outcomes for scientists and for society. Widespread adoption of the concept of impact identity may also have implications for the recruitment and retention of
resource research Public Programs
The art/science nexus has historically been approached through a challenge of aesthetics versus mathematics, and processes of knowledge production. Notably absent in this debate are the social sciences that explore human experience and perception. In particular, what has not been addressed clearly in the literature is how reasoning about the human experience can be provoked when people encounter content that does not assert itself as neatly defined in either an art or science discourse. By reflecting on one case study of a public art/science installation, we explore new fields of knowledge
TEAM MEMBERS: John Fraser Fiona MacDonald Nezam Ardalan
resource evaluation Public Programs
This document contains the following Appendices that provide information for the I/CaLL Community Science Learning study. Appendix A: StreamLines Events Appendix B: StreamLines Events Survey Instrument Appendix C: Art + Science Brainstorm Coding Themes Appendix D: Art + Science Brainstorm Flyer
TEAM MEMBERS: John Fraser Nezam Ardalan
resource research Public Programs
I/CaLL is a four-year project that explores art as conduits for informal science learning on a citywide scale. The project attempts to transform the city of Indianapolis into an informal science-learning museum through the use of sculpture, dance, music, and poetry as educational tools in creating awareness and understanding of the city’s waterways. Specifically, I/CaLL addresses five sites located near and around waterways in impoverished or underserved communities, where art interventions created by artists in collaboration with scientists address topics around water sustainability
TEAM MEMBERS: John Fraser Nezam Ardalan Christina Shane-Simpson
resource evaluation Public Programs
This set of appendices represent all research instruments related to study presented in the I/CaLL Art Experiences and Advancing Science Literacy report (NewKnowledge Publication #NSF.097.115.07). Appendix A: Installation Site Intercept Interview Instrument Appendix B: Artists-Scientists Walk & Talks Instrument Appendix C: Post-Performance Event Survey Instrument Note that researchers did not use an instrument for the fourth aspect of the study, the post-performance event reflection sessions. Instead, they allowed the discussions to be directed by the reflection participants.
TEAM MEMBERS: John Fraser Rebecca Joy Norlander Sophie Swanson Nezam Ardalan Kate Flinner Joanna Laursen Brucker Nicole LaMarca
resource evaluation Public Programs
A mixed-methods series of surveys were used to explore public literacy related to environmental science and sustainability in Indianapolis. Surveys also explored predictive variables including environmental identity, nature affinity, use of nature places as learning opportunities, and motivations for visiting nature spaces. An online, citywide consumer survey was distributed alongside a parallel identical survey of employees at a major science-based corporation to assess variation in knowledge, attitudes, and learning behaviors. This science-based corporation provides substantial support to
TEAM MEMBERS: John Fraser Su-Jen Roberts Nezam Ardalan