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resource research Public Programs
Commonly described as youth-led or youth-driven, the youth-adult partnership (Y-AP) model has gained increasing popularity in out-of-school time (OST) programs in the past two decades (Larson, Walker, & Pearce, 2005; Zeldin, Christens, & Powers, 2013). The Y-AP model is defined as “the practice of (a) multiple youth and multiple adults deliberating and acting together (b) in a collective (democratic) fashion (c) over a sustained period of time (d) through shared work (e) intended to promote social justice, strengthen an organization and/or affirmatively address a community issue” (Zeldin et al
TEAM MEMBERS: Heng-Chieh Jamie Wu Mariah Kornbluh John Weiss Lori Roddy
resource evaluation Media and Technology
Over the last decade, the National Geographic Society (NGS) has been developing and supporting FieldScope, a web-based science information portal. Through an interactive mapping platform, citizen scientists have access to a wide range of tools that enable them to document and understand the world around them. By 2008, two major citizen science projects were using FieldScope, but the range of tools and the flexibility of projects were limited. NGS sought additional funding to expand the capabilities of FieldScope. In September 2010, NGS received a award from the National Science Foundation
TEAM MEMBERS: Audrey Kremer Ardice Hartry Xiaoxue ‘Vera’ Zhang
resource research Public Programs
This document contains the appendices and literature review from the report "Art+Science: Broadening Youth Participation in STEM Learning." It includes assessment tools used during the project.
resource evaluation Public Programs
This report details a four-month snapshot summative evaluation of the Bridging the Gap (BTG) program at the Wildlife Conservation Society. A snapshot summative evaluation in this instance means that the evaluation occurred as the program was concluding, but was not intended to evaluate the totality of the three-year program. The study sought to 1) better understand the effect the program had on teen participants' attitudes on any element associated with the program (STEM, careers, college, zoos, etc.); and 3) identify components of the program that were particularly successful or effective.
resource evaluation Public Programs
The 3-year Bridging the Gap program, developed and implemented by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), was designed to educate minority youth from New York City (NYC) about education and career opportunities available in wildlife and conservation sciences. This National Science Foundation (NSF) Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST)-funded program provided almost 150 minority high school students with conservation knowledge, practical information about the college application process and college life, and long-term support through continued contact with WCS
TEAM MEMBERS: Sarah Singer
resource evaluation Media and Technology
Produced by Twin Cities Public Television, St. Paul, MN, DragonflyTV (DFTV) is a weekly television series of half-hour live action shows for 8-12 year olds, distributed by PBS Plus. DFTV features real children engaged in real inquiry-based investigations in and around science centers across America. Six 2009 episodes of DFTV focus on the world of nanoscale science and technology. DFTV Nano highlights science centers and university research labs while applying the DFTV “Real Kids … Real Science” model to communicate basic concepts and the scientific process in nanoscience. The themes of the
TEAM MEMBERS: Barbara Flagg
resource evaluation Media and Technology
The Interactive Video Science Consortium is a non-profit group of fifteen science centers and museums that developed interactive video exhibits about Earth and Planetary sciences with two purposes in mind. One, the videodisc-based kiosk exhibits served as educational vehicles for four million visitors, representing the combined audiences of the fifteen participating museums. Two, through extensive testing and visitor research during the development process, the consortium members enlarged understanding of the appropriate and effective uses of the interactive video medium in science museums
TEAM MEMBERS: Barbara Flagg
resource evaluation Exhibitions
Prototype exhibits of "The Universe by the Powers of Ten" illustrated in three dimensions an exponential journey away from earth. The goal of the summative evaluation, implemented by Multimedia Research, was to assess the educational impact of the exhibits and accompanying interpretive techniques, for both non-school adult and teen samples and 6th grade school samples in the Maryland Science Center and the Montshire Museum of Science. Two interpretive conditions were compared - a printed handout and an explainer presentation. Further, the Montshire non-school sample experienced a third
TEAM MEMBERS: Barbara Flagg
resource research Public Programs
In the summer of 2003, a survey was carried out at the At-Bristol Science Centre (UK) to determine the effectiveness of the hands-on activities of "Explore". The section evaluated included 43 interactive experiences divided into two themes. The first, "Get Connected", consisted of examples of the latest digital technologies, such as a television studio, virtual volleyball, and radars. The second, "Curiosity Zone", was dedicated to natural phenomena and subdivided into three additional groups: "Natural Forces" which presented various forces of nature, "Focus on Light", which dealt with the
TEAM MEMBERS: Francesca Conti
resource evaluation Media and Technology
Under a subcontract with Randi Korn & Associates, who conducted a study of the on‐site museum exhibit, RMC was engaged to conduct an evaluation of the Places of Invention online map site for the Jerome and Dorothy Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation. The Places of Invention online map, part of the 3,500 square foot on‐site exhibit, was developed as a platform for collecting invention stories related to specific places or landscapes submitted by Smithsonian staff, Smithsonian Affiliations, and visitors to the online map. RMC investigated three key topics related to
TEAM MEMBERS: Elizabeth Goldman Kim Streitburger
resource evaluation Exhibitions
The Science Museum of Minnesota (SMM) engaged Rockman et al (REA) to conduct a summative evaluation of the museum’s Journey to Space (Space) exhibit. Space is a large-scale traveling exhibition that simulates a journey to the International Space Station (ISS), allows visitors to explore the physical properties of low gravity environments, and introduces some of the engineering and technology that makes it possible to live and work in space. This exhibit is a collaborative project led by SMM, the California Science Center and the three other members of the Science Museum Exhibit Collaborative
TEAM MEMBERS: J Shipley Newlin Jr Molly Reisman Nissa Kirtman Scott Burg
resource evaluation Media and Technology
The Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network (NISE Network) is a national infrastructure that links science museums and other informal science education organizations with nanoscale science and engineering research organizations. The Network’s overall goal is to foster public awareness, engagement, and understanding of nanoscale science, engineering, and technology. As part of the front-end effort, this report, Part IIB, documents 19 nanoscale STEM programming, media, and school-based projects that have been completed or are in development as of 2005.
TEAM MEMBERS: Barbara Flagg