Stereoscopic 3D images, although going back to the mid-nineteenth century, are becoming pervasive in cinema, the Web, electronic games, television, graphic simulations, personal photography, and the entertainment and education ecologies. The use of stereo 3D goes beyond a technology vogue to the creation of effective experiences that are more naturally engaging for audiences by conveying real physical depth perception and the illusions of tangibility and tactility. This paper claims that because museums are all about compelling, memorable, and visceral experiences, 3D will become an
This article seeks to sharpen current conceptualizations of interests and engaged participation, and to derive lessons for the design of interest-driven science learning environments (formal and informal). The empirical basis of the research is a set of ethnographic records of two communities of amateur astronomers, as well as the details of astronomers' instantiations of the hobby. Hobbies are paradigmatic examples of interest-driven practices and thus they offer an excellent window into truly interest-related phenomena and processes. The analysis and data collection followed a grounded
This article adds to sociocultural theories of learning by investigating knowing and learning in the hobby of model rocketry. Hobbies are paradigmatic of interest-based, long-term pursuits and studying the tailored practices the rocketeers craft for themselves sheds further light on the relationship between the nature of practices and the learning processes that emerge in their enactment. My window into this issue is the core problem of determining the stability of model rockets, across phases of design, construction, and flying. Using ethnographic and experimental data, I catalog the various
This paper reviews a wide range of literature applicable to understanding why and how hobbyists learn. Of particular importance appear to be theories such as situated learning and communities of practice, but insights from the cognitive sciences related to expertise, motivation and interest also emerged as important. The boundaries between formal and informal education continue to breakdown, making the need to understand and address the needs of learners of all ages, across multiple settings and situations more important than ever. Learning is becoming increasingly “on-demand”, mediated by
Increasing evidence suggests that individuals develop their understanding of science concepts in and out of school, using varied community resources and networks. Thus in contrast to historic research approaches that focus exclusively on single organizations and/or educational events, the current paper presents exploratory research in which we utilized specific community ecology analytical tools and approaches to describe and analyze the UK science education community as a whole. Data suggest that overall the UK science education community is highly interconnected and collaborative within
The growing interest in integrating the arts across the curriculum represents an important change from previous concerns about teaching the structure of individual disciplines. It will require a change in the concept of cognition in the arts that is currently dominant in our psychology. This concept-the 'symbol systems' account-restricts thinking to one medium or symbol system at a time, whether the medium is a medium of perception-as in 'visual thinking'-or of expression-as with drawing. The restriction delegitimizes the kind of cross-media connections in thought that integrated learning
Family groups are a predominant museum-going demographic; an intact social group, within which members' actions and interactions of museum learning are socially and culturally constructed. Living history museums are the paramount of free-choice learning environments, full of possible avenues for exploration. The typical exhibits often contain little or no explanatory labeling, and a museum visitor's experience with objects and places becomes mediated through costumed interpreters instead of text. Utilizing a qualitative approach, this research was guided by questions concerning the learning
In case studies of two first-year elementary classroom teachers, we explored the influence of informal science education (ISE) they experienced in their teacher education program. Our theoretical lens was identity development, delimited to classroom science teaching. We used complementary data collection methods and analysis, including interviews, electronic communications, and drawing prompts. We found that our two participants referenced as important the ISE experiences in their development of classroom science identities that included resilience, excitement and engagement in science
The aim of this qualitative case study was to explore the use of stories as tools for learning within formal and informal learning environments. The design was based on three areas of interest: (a) the story as a tool for learning; (b) the student as subjects engaging with the story; and (c) the context in which the story learning activity takes place. In this study, students were engaged in a themed exhibit about human and animal senses at a public science centre. A story was created to support students’ engagement and interaction with the themed exhibit. The story was specially designed to
This case study is an analysis of the art criticism of one undergraduate and eight graduate art education students about the work of contemporary artist Robert Rauschenberg. The purpose of the analysis is to identify the students' use or nonuse of four thinking strategies found in the practice of three professional art critics and to assess implications for classroom art criticism.
A strategy for heightening university students' awareness within aesthetic encounters is described. The strategy, called aesthetigrams, is the focus of on going qualitative research, the purpose of which is to improve teaching and learning in regard to aesthetics-in-the-classroom. A more long-term research goal is discussed briefly. It addresses the possibility for a definition of aesthetic experience to be derived from student-produced records of their encounters.
This study used a goal-oriented motivation framework. The goals that high school-age adolescents held for their out-of-school learning activities were investigated. Two different approaches to goals were examined: (a) goal setting-the process of specifying desired outcomes and a self-regulated learning strategy, and (b) goal content -the life aims that people have that direct their behavior. Sixty-six students were interviewed. Few of the adolescents used goal-setting techniques effectively; only eight had a plan or series of subgoals necessary for achieving their major goal. Goal content