When it comes to STEM education, the nation’s K–12 public schools cannot do it all. The nature of 21st century proficiency in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics is too complex for any single institution. The good news is that schools do not have to do it alone. Museums, zoos, nature centers, aquariums, and planetariums are among the several thousand informal science institutions in the United States that regularly engage young people in observing, learning, and using STEM knowledge and skills. Providing a richness of resources unavailable in any classroom, informal science
Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education (CADRE)
In 1994, the Exploratorium launched the Framework project, a model initiative to demonstrate the vital role science museum exhibits could play in supporting science education reform. This publication offers an overview of the Framework project and discusses its assumptions, challenges, questions, and diverse perspectives. It is intended to help expand the dialogue about science education reform and how informal science museums and science centers can play an appropriate and productive role.
Using data from interviews with 133 physicists and biologists working at elite research universities in the United States, we analyze narratives of outreach. We identify discipline-specific barriers to outreach and gender-specific rationales for commitment. Physicists view outreach as outside of the scientific role and a possible threat to reputation. Biologists assign greater value to outreach, but their perceptions of the public inhibit commitment. Finally, women are more likely than men to participate in outreach, a commitment that often results in peer-based informal sanctions. The study
David JohnsonAnne EcklundAnne Lincoln
Scholars and pundits alike argue that U.S. scientists could do more to reach out to the general public. Yet, to date, there have been few systematic studies that examine how scientists understand the barriers that impede such outreach. Through analysis of 97 semi-structured interviews with academic biologists and physicists at top research universities in the United States, we classify the type and target audiences of scientists’ outreach activities. Finally, we explore the narratives academic scientists have about outreach and its reception in the academy, in particular what they perceive as
Elaine Howard EcklundSarah JamesAnne Lincoln
Bang, Warren, Rosebery, and Medin explore empirical work with students from non-dominant communities to support teaching science as a practice of inquiry and understanding, not as a “settled” set of ideas and skills to learn.
This report contains findings from a summative evaluation study of a set of four featured elements that comprise the new Nature Research Center of the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences. The elements were: 1) an exhibit, Ancient Fossils, New Discoveries; 2) Investigate Labs; 3) Daily Planet Scientist Talks; 4) Science Cafes. Evaluation was conducted as four distinct, multi-method studies to provide targeted understanding of visitor outcomes and experiences at each element. Findings across the four elements indicate that the features of the NRC are enjoyed by visitors and each supports
Assessing science learning in informal environments involves a series of challenges that are difficult to address using traditional assessment practices (National Research Council, 2009). Some of the assessment challenges inherent in informal and afterschool environments include: (a) interactions in these environments are diverse in terms of duration, type of activity, number of people involved; (b) they usually include emerging behavior due to unpredictable interactions with other participants (e.g., peers, family members, and facilitators); and (c) these environments are characterized by a
Cross-national assessments of student learning in mathematics, science, reading, computer technology, and civics have been successfully conducted since the 1960’s. Each subject required professional researchers and educators from different cultural backgrounds to reach agreement on a common definition of the content areas and measurement techniques for formal schooling. Two international organizations, the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) and the Organization for Economic and Cooperation and Development (OECD) are now continuously conducting
This background paper is intended to support consideration of assessments "in improving program quality and student learning outcomes in the field of informal science education." This includes three questions: (a) What definitions of engagement, interest, curiosity, and motivation might be used in evaluations of informal and after-school science learning programs and activities? (b) Given the diversity of learning experiences, what are the prospects for developing common definitions of engagement, interest, curiosity, and motivation? And, (c) Given the diversity of types of informal and after
The NRC Framework for K – 12 Science Education (2012) lists five major ideas that are essential to the design of assessments and learning environments: 1) limited number of core ideas of science, 2) cross-cutting concepts, 3) engaging students in scientific and engineering practices, 4) building integrated understanding as a developmental process, and 5) the coupling of scientific ideas and scientific and engineering practices to develop integrated understanding. What implications do these major ideas have for assessment in informal science setting? This paper will discuss each of these ideas
Observational instruments are receiving broad attention as measures of gauging the quality of interactions within formal educational settings (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 2012). Scores from observations are used as critical pieces of information in the evaluation of teachers for purposes of making employment-related decisions and supporting professional development. Given the potential high-stakes use, a large body of research is emerging to address the validity of observation instruments as assessments of quality (Gitomer & Bell, in press). Using this research base, this paper focuses
The practice and use of assessments in the informal science education (ISE) realm is highly diverse and inconsistent, with differing stakeholders having dramatically different attitudes towards which assessments (if any) they value. This essay reviews the landscape of attitudes and uses of assessment on the part of informal science education stakeholders beyond the research community.