The following three case studies are descriptive and evaluative in nature, and are designed to describe, explain, and portray in some detail three examples of COSIA partnerships. These cases are context bound; the place-based aspect of these cases is critical to the phenomenon being explored. Consistent with the goal for employing a case study approach for COSIA (Communicating Ocean Sciences to Informal Audiences) is the approach if investigating a phenomenon within the context of the places and partners involved. While each of these COSIA partnership sites are involved in other important and
Mark St. JohnUniversity of California, Berkeley
Nanoscience is an emerging scientific field, and therefore an increasing amount of funding is flowing into nanoscience and nanotechnology research, including money from the federal government. Several studies of public understanding and public attitudes toward nanoscience have shown that most of the public is generally uninterested in and unmotivated to learn about nanoscale science and technology3. Because this emerging interdisciplinary field of science offers so much promise, and because it will have an increasing presence in everyday life, the NSF is committed to increasing public
Mark St. JohnJenifer V. HelmsNanoscale Informal Science Education (NISE) NetworkPam CastoriJudy HirabayashiLaurie LopezMichelle Phillips
Using an instrument developed by the Yale Project on Climate Change and the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication, The Science Museum of Minnesota conducted a survey of their visitors to learn about their visitors' attitudes toward global warming. Based on the results of this survey, Science Museum of Minnesota visitors were statistically indistinguishable from the general public with regards to their attitudes toward global warming. By using this national study, we were able to interpret our visitors' knowledge and attitudes with respect to national trends and make
Molly PhippsScience Museum of Minnesota
The Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network (NISE Network) is a national infrastructure that links science museums and other informal science education organizations with nanoscale science and engineering research organizations. The Network's overall goal is to foster public awareness, engagement, and understanding of nanoscale science, engineering, and technology. In support of the NISE Network, this 2005 report reviews 20 secondary research documents with a focus on how nanotechnology has penetrated the consciousness of the general adult public.
Barbara FlaggNanoscale Informal Science Education (NISE) Network
During 2005-2008, the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network researched, designed, implemented, and evaluated public deliverables covering various aspects of nanoscience, nanotechnology, and nanoengineering. Working with four NISE Net museums, Multimedia Research used a web-based post-survey design to assess nanotechnology awareness in a sample of museum visitors exposed to nano-topic programs, exhibits, forums and activities (treatment group) compared with a sample of museum members who were not exposed to the deliverables (control group). Exposure to nano-topic deliverables appears to
IN 2005-2008, the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network experimented with forum models designed to provide attendees with an opportunity to learn about and discuss the implications of nanotechnology on their lives, society and the environment. For this summative evaluation, the forum Nanotechnology in Health Care was implemented at three NISE Net museums and evaluated with a pre-post one-group design. The Nanotechnology in Health Care forum model is successful in positively influencing attendees' definition of nanotechnology; their awareness, assessment, and understanding of both the
This study was conducted as a part of the formative evaluation of the NISE Network forum Nanotechnology: Risks, Benefits, and Who Decides? The purpose of the forum was to bring members of the public together to discuss whether experts, watchdogs, and/or the public should be the primary decision makers about nanotechnology policy. During the course of the forum, participants learned about nanotechnology and its societal and ethical implications from experts, had a chance to ask questions of the experts, participated in a small group discussion where they talked about the pros and cons of the
The NSF-funded Nanoscale Informal Science Education (NISE) Network produced exhibits and programs designed to develop awareness, engagement, and understanding of nanoscale science, engineering, and technology in the museum-going public. As part of the overall summative evaluation of the first five years of this grant, the Exhibits and Programs Study examines the measurable impacts of these public products on museum visitors. These exhibits and programs were developed during the first four years of the project as the NISE Network itself was growing and developing; the products show the strength
The Salmon Camp Research Team (SCRT) project was created to address the under-representation of Native Americans in information technology (IT) and IT-intensive professions in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) is partnering with the Native American Youth and Family Association (NAYA) under the renewed National Science Foundation (NSF) funding to strengthen community involvement and work directly with students year round. An SCRT program website is under development with program information and a social networking page
Phyllis AultOregon Museum of Science and Industry
During Year 1 of the Nanoscale Informal Science Education (NISE) Network, the Exhibits and Programs group, led by the Science Museum of Minnesota, conducted a marketing survey in an effort to find out what kinds of nano exhibits and programs institutions would find most useful, and what other forms of assistance the NISE Network could provide. Individuals from a total of 34 institutions (out of 48) completed the online survey for a 71% response rate. Key Findings: Respondents were most interested in the topics of nanoscience applied to biology, human body, and medicine (94%) and environmental
The Nanoscale Informal Science Education (NISE) Network held an online workshop in February 2010 focused on NanoDays and activities in the NanoDays kit. A formative evaluation was designed to measure workshop outcomes and identify necessary improvements for future NanoDays workshops and inform other NISE Net online workshops. The outcomes stated that workshop participants would 1) become more familiar with the NISE Network, 2) become familiar with what NanoDays resources are available on and how to find them, 3) increase their comfort level using NanoDays activities with their
It is relatively unknown what impact the Museum of Science has on its visitors once they leave our doors. This study aims to create a baseline understanding of how visitors follow up on what they have learned at the Museum. We examined follow up interviews from the Star Wars: Where Science Meets the Imagination exhibition evaluation and some of its accompanying programming, the Rethinking Urban Transportation forums, Bionics and Prosthetics forums, and The Force and Its Many Faces lectures. The follow up interviews were conducted via email and phone six to 10 weeks after visitors came to the