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Community Repository Search Results

resource research Media and Technology
Robotics brings together learning across mechanism, computation and interaction using the compelling model of real-time interaction with physically instantiated intelligent devices. The project described here is the third stage of the Personal Rover Project, which aims to produce technology, curriculum and evaluation techniques for use with after-school, out-of-school and informal learning environments mediated by robotics. Our most recent work has resulted in the Personal Exploration Rover (PER), whose goal is to create and evaluate a robot interaction that will educate members of the general
TEAM MEMBERS: Illah Nourbakhsh Emily Hamner Debra Bernstein Kevin Crowley Ellen Ayoob Mark Lotter Skip Shelly Thomas Hsiu Eric Porter Brian Dunlavey Daniel Clancy
resource research Media and Technology
To help answer questions about the behavior of participants in human-robot systems, we propose the Cognitive Evaluation of Human-Robot Systems (CEHRS) method based on our work with the Personal Exploration Rover (PER). The CEHRS method consists of six steps: (1) identify all system participants, (2) collect data from all participant groups, including the system’s creators, (3) analyze participant data in light of system-wide goals, (4) answer targeted questions about each participant group to determine the flow of knowledge, information, and influence throughout the system, (5) look for
TEAM MEMBERS: Kristin Stubbs Debra Bernstein Kevin Crowley Illah Nourbakhsh
resource research Media and Technology
The authors present an exploratory study of Black middle school boys who play digital games. The study was conducted through observations and interviews with Black American middle school boys about digital games as an informal learning experience. The first goal of the study is to understand the cultural context that Black students from economically disadvantaged inner-city neighborhoods bring to playing digital games. The second goal of the study is to examine how this cultural context affects the learning opportunities with games. Third, the authors examine how differences in game play are
TEAM MEMBERS: Betsy James DiSalvo Kevin Crowley Roy Norwood
resource project Media and Technology
The project DIG: Scientists in Alaska's Scenery will perform proof-of-concept on integrating a tourist's visit with place-based stories of meaningful science research in the Arctic. DIG (Digitally Integrated Guide) will widen the general public's interaction with the cultural and natural environment by allowing them to access Web sites and load their handheld mobile devices with engaging descriptions of research. Access can occur before, during, or after their visit - even if the visit takes them far from computers, electricity and the Internet. The creation of user-friendly access to technology and to scientists' stories will provide a new information tool for the public. For these tourists, or others interested in research in Alaska, opportunities to learn directly from the scientists themselves are almost non-existent. Moreover, tourists have no capability to link such research with places they visit. DIG's place-based outreach will be delivered using standard media (broadcast TV, publications) and social media (Web, facebook, twitter, etc.) and mobile devices. DIG demonstration project will join scientists, Alaska Native peoples, tourists, media makers, interpreters and technology experts in inquiry-based learning designed to maximize engagement by the general public. The radically different approach to Arctic-focused science documentary proposed here fosters the close collaboration of the scientist and media maker. Video podcasts (vodcasts) and supporting Web-based materials will be created for three current research projects in Alaska, with a focus on NSF-funded projects. Such projects include anthropology and cultural/linguistic study, paleontology, climate change research, biology, and other areas. Delivery and evaluation will emphasize tourists who visit, or are planning to visit, the National Parks of Alaska. These tourists are accessible to the research team, and they are motivated to seek out information about the places they are visiting. If successful, our approach to science education and outreach will augment their knowledge about research in Alaska, resulting in a deeper and more informed experience.
TEAM MEMBERS: Gregory Newby Liz O'Connell Deborah Perry
resource evaluation Public Programs
Front-end and formative evaluation of the Science Museum of Minnesota'€™s Invention, Design, Engineering, and Art (IDEA) Cooperative youth development program was carried out from June 2008 - May 2009. The front-end and formative evaluation activities were guided by four overarching questions. 1. To what extent are youth able to apply IT and engineering process skills to design challenges? Can they come up with multiple solutions to challenges? Are they persistent problem solvers? 2. To what extent does the program provide youth with the necessary resources to help youth prepare for both
TEAM MEMBERS: Amy Grack Nelson Melissa Fitzenberger Kathleen Miller Claire Phillippe
resource evaluation Public Programs
All youth in the Science Museum of Minnesota's Kitty Andersen Youth Science Center (KAYSC) are invited to complete a web-based exit survey upon leaving their current team. The survey is the same across all KAYSC teams, with the addition of some questions specific to a team experience and outcomes. This report includes select data from the exit surveys for the Invention, Design, Engineering, and Art (IDEA) Cooperative high school team, called the Invention Crew. The purpose of the exit surveys were to understand youth's overall experience on the IDEA Coop as well as the impact of the IDEA Coop
TEAM MEMBERS: Amy Grack Nelson Gayra Ostgaard
resource evaluation Public Programs
All youth in the Science Museum of Minnesota's Kitty Andersen Youth Science Center (KAYSC) are invited to complete a web-based exit survey upon leaving their current team. The survey is the same across all KAYSC teams, with the addition of some questions specific to a team’s experience and outcomes. This report includes select data from the exit surveys for the Invention, Design, Engineering, and Art (IDEA) Cooperative middle school team, called the Design Team. The purpose of the exit surveys were to understand youth's overall experience on the IDEA Coop as well as the impact of the IDEA
TEAM MEMBERS: Amy Grack Nelson Gayra Ostgaard
resource evaluation Public Programs
The goal of the SISCOM program is to improve science achievement of economically disadvantaged middle school students in science, through the development, implementation, and dissemination of a replicable, model program for use with underserved youth, especially girls, in informal educational settings. A number of programs and interventions geared toward bolstering the STEM interest and achievement of urban youth have been implemented across the country. Key elements that have proven to be successful have been incorporated into the SISCOM program include the longevity of intervention
TEAM MEMBERS: Penny L. Hammrich, Ph.D. Kathy Fadigan, Ed.D. Judy Stull, Ph.D.
resource evaluation Media and Technology
Goodman Research Group, Inc. (GRG) conducted a comprehensive multi-method external evaluation of the Design Squad PBS television series and its outreach initiative. Design Squad is a live-action reality television series for 9-12 years-olds that aims to provide hands-on experiences and positive images of engineering through design competitions. The broad evaluation goals were to: 1) assess the extent to which children's knowledge, interest, and awareness of engineering increased as a result of watching the Design Squad series, 2) document the implementation of the community events resulting
TEAM MEMBERS: Peggy Vaughan Elizabeth Bachrach Margaret Tiedemann Irene F Goodman WGBH
resource evaluation Exhibitions
This report describes a summative evaluation of Secrets of Circles, a 2,600 square foot exhibition created by Children's Discovery Museum of San Jose and funded by the National Science Foundation. The exhibition and related programs were designed to highlight the uses of circles and wheels in everyday life. Circles have properties that make them extremely effective as an engineering tool, and they are ubiquitous in cultures around the world. The appendix of this report inclues interview and observation protocols and questionnaires used in this study.
TEAM MEMBERS: Sue Allen Children's Discovery Museum of San Jose
resource evaluation Exhibitions
Too Small to See is a 5,000 square-foot interactive traveling museum exhibition designed to provide hands-on nanotechnology science education to youth age 8 to 13 and adults. It debuted at Disney's Epcot and will reach over three million people during a five-year US tour. This evaluation examines the exhibition’s outcomes and impact on increasing visitors’ awareness of, interest in, engagement with, and understanding of nanoscale science, engineering, and technology. An overarching goal is to document the project’s contribution to the portfolio of federally funded Science Technology
TEAM MEMBERS: Douglas Spencer Tina Phillips Tori Angelotti Shane Murphy Fred Conner Cornell University
resource evaluation Media and Technology
In MIT’s NSF-funded Terrascope Youth Radio (TYR) program, urban youth, many from groups historically underrepresented in the sciences, worked as paid interns who received training in radio production, reporting and writing stories with scientific content and audio storytelling to create environmentally oriented audio pieces that were engaging and relevant to their own and their peers’ lives. Teen interns participated between July 2008 and Autumn 2012. TYR’s goals were to improve a broad audience of teens’ engagement with, knowledge of, and attitudes about science, technology, engineering, and
TEAM MEMBERS: Karen Gareis Massachusetts Institute of Technology Karina Lin Irene F Goodman