This project is composed of a 1,500 square foot permanent, and traveling exhibit, and a schools program focused on problem- solving, targeted primarily for children in grades 5-8. The exhibit includes a variety of classroom-tested puzzles, interactive computer programs, and hands-on challenge problems. These will enable participants to try and utilize different problem-solving strategies, and gain experience in spatial relationships, communicating mathematically, and reasoning inductively and deductively. Materials produced include: Solve It! Trunks, a problem-solving program that teachers can use as a single unit or integrate throughout the year; a publication which will enable others to reproduce the exhibits; and a Guide with suggestions about how to use the Problem-Solving Program. Other activities include Student and Family Problem-Solving Programs, and puzzle- based workshops.
James FrenzaJohn BowditchCynthia Yao
This is an after-school, informal science, engineering and technical advancement program for students in grades four through twelve. FSEA brings together students, volunteer mentors from business and industry, and teachers in activities centered around members working in teams designing, building, and testing FSEA hands-on projects making science, mathematics and technology "come alive." The goal for this project is to bring FSEA up to full implementation status and to expand the number of FSEA chapters to at least 300 and the number of students to at least 9,000. The anticipated outcome will be a national model implemented on a broad scale whereby small and large businesses participate with local schools in delivering technical education.
George WestromKeith Brush
resourceprojectProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The Louisville Science Center will develop "The World We Create", a 13,000 sq. ft. exhibit which will transform their second floor to an active learning environment where visitors can explore the simplest element of the creative process to the most sophisticated networks available to our society. The activities will be organized into five core exhibit areas: New Way Tunnel, Think Tank, Inventor's Garage, Chemistry Kitchen, and Tech World and will reinforce educational reform activities in math, science, problem- solving, team cooperation, and decision making. In addition to the large number of interactives, there is a substantial technology/telecommunications component known as the Tech Forum. This will serve at the home site for the Kentucky TeleLinking Network (KTLN). The educational objectives of the exhibit were developed under the guidance of prominent formal educators in the state and they address both the education reform goals of the state and national science and math standards. The exhibit has also been developed with direct participation of a number of private sector partners. It is an impressive community effort. The exhibit is scheduled to open in March, 1997.
This project, coordinated by the New Jersey Mathematics Coalition (and a major partner with the SSI) will use the recently completed New Jersey Frameworks in mathematics and science as the core of a parent education effort that will reach 300,000 parents of school age children in the state, representing 50% of the parent population and all 603 school districts. This project will be a vehicle for providing opportunities for parents to become familiar with these standards. The project will undertake a three-stage approach to parental outreach: (1) awareness activities, including the development of materials printed in both English and Spanish, public television, and a Website; (2) increasing involvement of parents through establishing a clearinghouse for information; and (3) activation activities to help parents work more effectively on mathematics and science reform efforts at the school, district, and state levels.
The Massachusetts SSI (Project PALMS) will conduct this project in partnership with MITS (the Museum Institute for Teaching Science, Inc.) and will develop, demonstrate the effectiveness of, and disseminate a locally-driven model for parental involvement in mathematics, science, and technology education. The model builds on the SSI structure by starting with parents who are active in PALMS District Leadership Teams for Systemic Change (approximately 2900 parents). These parents will have opportunities for additional training with materials such as Project PRISM, EQUALS, AAAS, etc. These support the new State frameworks and assessments developed through he SSI, and are also in support of the high quality curriculum materials recommended for implementation in schools. Parents will then develop local plans for engaging other parents in their communities. Materials will be developed, including a manual on How to Build Coalitions to Engage Community Members in Mathematics, Science, and Technology Reform. In addition, materials will be developed and outreach activities will be conducted to include activities for parents and children (estimated to reach an additional 21,000 parents) held in nontraditional environments such as subways, laundromats, health clinics, and malls. Products will include a manual on building coalitions to engage communities in supporting mathematics and science reform, and a collection of field-tested prototype outreach activities. Findings will be disseminated through the Eisenhower Consortia, National PTA, Urban League, and National Council of La Raza.
Thomas NoonanMary Jane SchmittPendred Noyce
The Hattiesburg Area Education Foundation is conducting a 12-month planning project in preparation for a Parental Involvement project. The planning objectives include the identification of materials and strategies in use, actively engaging parents, teachers, and other partners in dialogue about standards for mathematics and science education and in strategic planning, developing a plan for replication and dissemination, developing an evaluation plan, and developing a full proposal. A broad-based planning team is conducting the planning activities.
This planning project, sponsored by the Washington MESA program, will carry out a planning program which will result in a full proposal to support a strong parents program in the four MESA centers in the State of Washington. With funds from the planning grant the MESA staff will do an assessment of need for a parents program at ten target sites, identify potential partners in working with the project and develop a parent involvement plan for each center. Specific tasks will be to identify a parent coordinator at each site, to prepare the sites to deliver a program for family math, science and technology training and to develop parent leaders at each site who will work with the schools so that they can deliver a strong math, science and technology to all students as well as prepare parents to become active in their children's learning.
The Science Center of Connecticut will develop, evaluate, and install 57 mathematical exhibit activities in its new 160,000 sq. ft. exhibit facility. These activities will engage visitors in learning how math is an integral part of daily life and a necessary skill in many careers. Eight math topics will be treated: probability and statistics; relative scale; geometry; symmetry; math puzzles; chaos and fractals; numbers, measurements, and calculations; and estimations. The hands-on activities will range from involvement with low-tech to high- tech, computerized activities. The target audience is people nine and up and it will be available to the museums 500,000 annual visitors. The mathematics activities will be distributed throughout the museum and math will serve as a integrating theme for all the museum's exhibits. The topics are aligned with Connecticut s SSI program which focuses on applied mathematics in context of the science disciplines. Within the state, plans are taking shape to link with Connecticut Public Television to broadcast electronic field trips to the museum through Knowledge Network. Nationally, museum staff members will make presentations at both museum and mathematics education meetings to other museum professionals. The concept of thematic integration throughout the museum will be disseminated through the state and the nation.
ONE, TWO, THREE...INFINITY: The World of Mathematics is a series of eight one-hour films about math in the real world. It will be produced by WQED/Pittsburgh for prime-time broadcast on the 340 PBS stations and in many foreign countries. The goal of the series is not to "teach" math but to show, in an entertaining fashion, the importance of math in many walks of life--music, art, engineering and communications, to name a few. Math affects our lives everyday in ways many of us have never imagined. Yet few of us ever stop to think about it, perhaps because of "Math anxiety." This series will be the first to reveal math's importance not only as a tool for discovery, but also as a major cultural force. Drawing on WQED's proven skill in creating special visual effects, and making liberal use of magic and mystery, puzzles, and paradoxes, the series will break down the public's fears and misconceptions about math. We hope viewers--children as well as adults--will come away with a new appreciation of mathematics and, most important, a more open attitude toward learning about it--the first step toward a higher level of math literacy. WQED's Producers and cinematographers bring many years of experience on such award- -winning programs as PLANET EARTH, THE INFINITE VOYAGE and the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SPECIALS. A diverse and distinguished advisory committee will help shape the series and ensure its accuracy. And a companion book, together with a program of educational materials and activities, will extend its reach beyond the television audience, making the series a potent catalyst for learning.
9710718 Kleiman Cultural Research and Communications, Inc. is developing a project that will center around a one-hour documentary program entitled Promises to Keep. The film, now in its planning phase, will chronicle the day-to-day efforts of students, teachers, and parents at one inner city public high school as they work to implement standards-based math and science reform while maintaining their commitment to full educational equity. The goal is to inform viewers about a significant reform effort underway, heighten their awareness of the possibilities of high quality math and science education for all, and stimulate them to support or initiate similar efforts themselves. During the planning phase, the applicants will focus their efforts in several critical areas: 1. Develop a better definition of the target audience so that the next stage can be designed best to address the needs and interests of that audience. 2. Clarify the goals, structure, and content of the program. For example, is the proposed film to be primarily motivational or should it provide a "blueprint for change?" How, specifically, does the school achieve its goals of excellence and how will this be conveyed in the film? How can school around the country relate to the examples set by Thurgood Marshall High School? 3. Design a strong outreach, promotion, and distribution plans to assure that this will reach the intended audience. 4. Assess the location constraints that will be present during production. 5. Familiarize the advisors with the school where the film is to be made. The Co-Principal Investigators and film producers for the project are Vivian Kleiman, an award winning producer of such programs as Color Adjustment and My Bodies My Business, and Sharon Wood who has produced, directed, and or written programs for Portrait of America and Super Chief: The Life and Legacy of Earl Warren. Project advisors include Dennis Bartels, Yolanda George, Donna Gerardi, Nancy Kreinberg, and Tom Romberg.
The Widmeyer-Baker Group (TWBG) working in conjunction with The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and the National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering, Incorporated (NACME) proposes to design and implement a campaign of Public Understanding and Engagement of Mathematics targeted toward national, state, and local audiences. The primary goal of the campaign is to engage the publics' thinking about what students in the United States should know and be able to do in mathematics in the middle school grades and the reasons mathematics is important to successful careers and to live an interesting and productive life. The approach will expose a diverse cross-section of Americans to mathematics using math puzzles designed by NCTM. TWBG will make widespread use of these camera-ready math puzzles in a variety of ways and formats. The primary audience for this campaign is the general adult population. The secondary audience is the middle school students and their parents, including persons serving as parent surrogates (i.e., extended family, foster parents, daycare providers, etc.). This initiative will be a grassroots effort capable of reaching every community throughout the United States. TWBG will be expected to make creative use and/ or collaboration with mass media, policy/administrative/teaching and grassroots organizations, corporations, and federal and state agencies in dissemination of the message about the campaign.
WNET is producing and evaluating the pilot phase of a multi-media mathematics education project for children aged nine to eleven. The centerpiece of the project will be an animated television series for national broadcast via PBS. In each of the weekly programs, a team of young characters would be drawn into a computer and become protagonists on intriguing missions in locations as varied as a contemporary theme park or the deserts of ancient Egypt. Facing an evil adversary, the young heroes use mathematics to overcome challenges in the course of their travels and adventures. At the end of each episode viewers will be invited to use mathematics to solve a cliffhanger. The series will be supported by a targeted national outreach campaign with cooperating public television stations and three national partners. Ancillary material will consist of an interactive Internet site and print materials including a magazine with activities, puzzles, problems, and comics. The PI for the project will be Ruth Ann Burns, Vice President and Director of Educational Resources Center at WNET. The two key Math Content Directors will be Mari Muri, currently an advisor to the Connecticut State Department of Education, and Carey Bolster, Director of the PBS Mathline K-12 projects. Joel Schneider of Children's Television Workshop will be the Lead Content Advisor. The Series Producer will be Kristin Martin who has most recently served as Lead Producer for The Magic School Bus. Edward Kaskt, a computer animator with extensive experience with Children's Television Workshop, Nickelodeon, ABC, NBC, CBS, and HBO will be the series' Creative Director.
Ruth BurnsCarey BolsterSandra SheppardBarbara Flagg