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Project Descriptions

Massachusetts Parent Involvement Project

July 1, 1997 - December 31, 2002 | Public Programs, Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The Massachusetts SSI (Project PALMS) will conduct this project in partnership with MITS (the Museum Institute for Teaching Science, Inc.) and will develop, demonstrate the effectiveness of, and disseminate a locally-driven model for parental involvement in mathematics, science, and technology education. The model builds on the SSI structure by starting with parents who are active in PALMS District Leadership Teams for Systemic Change (approximately 2900 parents). These parents will have opportunities for additional training with materials such as Project PRISM, EQUALS, AAAS, etc. These support the new State frameworks and assessments developed through he SSI, and are also in support of the high quality curriculum materials recommended for implementation in schools. Parents will then develop local plans for engaging other parents in their communities. Materials will be developed, including a manual on How to Build Coalitions to Engage Community Members in Mathematics, Science, and Technology Reform. In addition, materials will be developed and outreach activities will be conducted to include activities for parents and children (estimated to reach an additional 21,000 parents) held in nontraditional environments such as subways, laundromats, health clinics, and malls. Products will include a manual on building coalitions to engage communities in supporting mathematics and science reform, and a collection of field-tested prototype outreach activities. Findings will be disseminated through the Eisenhower Consortia, National PTA, Urban League, and National Council of La Raza.


Funding Program: ISE/AISL
Award Number: 9705223
Funding Amount: 2326703


  • Thomas Noonan
    Principal Investigator
    Massachusetts Department of Education
  • Mary Jane Schmitt
    Co-Principal Investigator
    TERC Inc
  • Pendred Noyce
    Co-Principal Investigator
    Massachusetts Department of Education
  • Discipline: General STEM | Mathematics | Technology
    Audience: Parents/Caregivers | Elementary School Children (6-10) | Middle School Children (11-13) | Youth/Teen (up to 17) | Museum/ISE Professionals
    Environment Type: Public Programs | Community Outreach Programs | Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks | Professional Development and Workshops

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