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resource research Exhibitions
This paper discusses a research study, conducted as part of a formative evaluation of an HIV/AIDS exhibit developed by the New York Hall of Science, a member of the National AIDS Exhibit Consortium, and designed to investigate two issues: (1) What is the current state of youth awareness of the mechanism by which condoms help prevent the spread of HIV and other STDs; and (2) Which of two exhibit designs most efficiently communicates concepts related to HIV sexual transmission prevention. This research was designed to determine whether misperception about HIV transmission prevention existed and
resource research Public Programs
This paper analyzes the effectiveness of real people (actors) as communicators of messages in museums. It includes findings from an evaluation of professional actors, who assume the roles of fictitious and real characters from the history of science, technology, and medicine at the Science Museum in London. The study attempted to understand more fully how visitors react to such live interpretations.
TEAM MEMBERS: Sandra Bicknell Susie Fisher
resource research Media and Technology
In this article, Mary Stewart Miller, evaluator at the Cumberland Science Museum, discusses evaluation methods involving child visitors as well as adults. Stewart Miller shares methodology and findings from an evaluation of the museum's "Brain" exhibit, a study which involved interviewing children ages eight to thirteen.
TEAM MEMBERS: Mary Stewart Miller
resource research Public Programs
This is an abstract of Barbara J. Soren's 1990 Ph.D. Dissertation at Toronto University. Soren used an interpretive approach to understand the educational function of museums in curriculum-making terms. Soren conducted research at three informal sites in Ontario and found that planning for public education has features typical of a formal. curriculum-making process.
TEAM MEMBERS: Barbara Soren
resource research Public Programs
This article discusses a 1988-1990 study that analyzed the effectiveness of a collaborative effort between a museum and a school system to build an integrated curriculum package. The partners included the York County School System (VA) and the Yorktown Victory Center (operated by the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation). The theme of the curriculum was 18th Century Medicine and the unit was designed to enhance the science, math, and social studies instruction of fourth graders.
TEAM MEMBERS: Ronald Giese Judy Davis-Dorsey Joseph Gutierrez
resource research
In this article, Jacksonville State University's Sherri Lankford summarizes J. Chapman's 1986 lecture at the Society of Environmental Graphics Designers Annual Conference. Chapman conducted a series of 33 studies of wayfinding in hospitals to assist the design development of new facilities geared more toward patient and visitor needs. Key findings from these studies are included in this summary.
TEAM MEMBERS: Sherri Lankford
resource research Exhibitions
In this article, Stephen Bitgood and Arlene Benefield, both of the Center for Social Design at Jacksonville State University, present a critical appraisal of "The Heart Exhibition" which was set to undergo changes at the Franklin Institute of Science. This critical appraisal differs from an objective evaluation in that it is based on the opinions of the visitor experts (Bitgood and Benefield). The authors provide analysis and recommendations for each element of the exhibition.
TEAM MEMBERS: Stephen Bitgood Arlene Benefield
resource research Public Programs
In this article, Patricia Munro discusses the "Baffling Beauty" project developed by the Anstiftung, a nonprofit research organization in Munich. Munro summarizes the development of this "health forum," traveling exhibition as well as how evaluation techniques were integrated into the exhibit planning and implementation process.
TEAM MEMBERS: Patricia Munro Visitor Studies Association
resource research Exhibitions
In this article, Hans-Joachim Klein, of the University of Karlsruhe, and Patricia Munro discuss a comparative study of four health exhibitions to asses their effectiveness as a method of health promotion.
TEAM MEMBERS: Hans-Joachim Klein Patricia Munro
resource research Exhibitions
In this article, Gillian Savage of Environmetrics (Sydney) discusses exhibit planning and research efforts for the development of the Visitor Center at the Australian Institute of Sport.
TEAM MEMBERS: Gillian Savage
resource research Exhibitions
In this article, Barry Aprison, Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago, discusses the museum's "Prenatal Development" display, one of the oldest science exhibits in the US. Aprison discusses the success of the exhibit and cites recent visitor evaluation studies.
TEAM MEMBERS: Barry Aprison
resource project Public Programs
Passport to Health is a new program from the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, supported by the Colorado Health Foundation. It engages students, their families, and their teachers in discovering how incredibly unique their bodies are. Passport to Health expands upon the Museum’s newest permanent exhibition, Expedition Health. This interactive health exhibit has an expedition theme of climbing a mountain, which creates an environment for visitors to learn the science behind their amazing bodies. Passport to Health is a comprehensive hands-on program that deepens and extends the exhibit experience for 5th graders at about 30 participating Passport to Health schools, which are all low-income schools in the Denver metro area. Expedition Health and Passport to Health share the idea that health depends on genetics, lifestyle, and environment. The objective of Passport to Health is to increase students’ understanding of health science, raise their health literacy, and inspire them toward healthy lifestyles.
TEAM MEMBERS: Kate Tinworth