The Interactive Video Science Consortium is a non-profit group of fifteen science centers and museums that developed interactive video exhibits about Earth and Planetary sciences with two purposes in mind. One, the videodisc-based kiosk exhibits served as educational vehicles for four million visitors, representing the combined audiences of the fifteen participating museums. Two, through extensive testing and visitor research during the development process, the consortium members enlarged understanding of the appropriate and effective uses of the interactive video medium in science museums
The objectives of this project are to develop a mobile application to positively impact informal science learning in parks, to test the application in one of the nation’s most visited national parks, to evaluate affective and cognitive outcomes, and to provide enough documentation to be able to sustain replication across parks and STEM content areas. This poster was presented at the 2016 Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) PI Meeting held in Bethesda, MD on February 29-March 2.
Richard FerdigCuyahoga Valley National ParkPatrick LorchCC LuA. Kratcoski
To provide feedback during the development of a second series for “Journey to Planet Earth,” an evaluation of one finished program in the first series was carried out with two different samples: an adult PBS-viewer sample and a upper middle school sample. The former sample represents the traditional audience for an environmental series. The latter sample was included to explore how the video series appeals to and is understood by the age group for which the outreach efforts are planned. The general goals for the research were as follows:
• reaction to the program overall with respect to
With support from the National Science Foundation, MacGillivray Freeman Films has produced an IMAX® film titled, Journey into Amazing Caves. The 40-minute film follows two women cavers on an expedition as they explore limestone caverns of the Grand Can-yon, underwater caves of the Yucatan and ice caves of Greenland. Multimedia Research implemented a summative evaluation focused on the following major outcomes: To what extent and in what ways did the film appeal to viewers? To what extent did the film achieve its intended viewing goals? What did viewers perceive that they learned from the
With funding from the National Science Foundation, MacGillivray Freeman Films has produced an IMAX® film titled, Journey into Amazing Caves. The 40-minute film follows two women cavers on an expedition as they explore limestone caverns of the Grand Canyon, underwater caves of the Yucatan and ice caves of Greenland. Multimedia Research implemented a summative evaluation focused on the following major outcomes: To what extent and in what ways did the film appeal to eighth grade viewers? To what extent did the film achieve its intended viewing goals? Did exposure to a web-based school activity
With major funding from the National Science Foundation, the Museum Film Network and NOVA/WGBH in conjunction with MacGillivray Freeman Films have produced an IMAX/ OMNIMAX film called Stormchasers. Stormchasers follows scientists as they investigate the dramatic weather effects of monsoons, hurricanes, and tornadoes. A quasi-experimental pre-test/post-test nonequivalent comparison group design was used with middle school students to evaluate the film and ancillary schoolroom activities. Intact school classes were assigned to one of two treatments: viewing the film only (FILM) and viewing
With major funding from the National Science Foundation, the Museum Film Network and NOVA/WGBH in conjunction with MacGillivray Freeman Films have produced an IMAX/ OMNIMAX film called Stormchasers. Stormchasers follows scientists as they investigate the dramatic weather effects of monsoons, hurricanes, and tornadoes. A quasi-experimental separate-sample pretest/posttest design was used to evaluate the film in its natural theater setting, focusing on the following major outcomes with adult audiences:
• To what extent did the program appeal to adult viewers? • To what extent did the
Earth & Sky is a 90 second radio science series about environmental sciences, earth sciences and astronomy. Multimedia Research implemented a summative evaluation of the series, utilizing a survey mailed to respondents to a radio contest held just prior to the broadcast of Earth & Sky in eight commercial radio markets. A total of 152 surveys were returned (43% return rate). The survey is in the report Appendix. The series makes science accessible and interesting to the listening audience and generates excitement about science. The programs were perceived as affecting listeners'
This article summarizes summative evaluation of the impact on public radio listeners of Earth & Sky, a short-format science radio program airing daily on more than 1,000 commerical and public radio stations in the U.S. as well as on satellite and Internet radio outlets. Earth & Sky’s goals are to make science accessible and interesting and to increase science literacy by providing daily doses of science to listeners with a range of science backgrounds, knowledge and interest. Subsequent to listening to Earth & Sky, the producers hope listeners may be motivated to turn to other sources of
Earth & Sky is a daily short-format science series for both commercial and public radio. Produced by EarthTalk, Inc. of Austin, TX, the series is hosted by Deborah Byrd and Joel Block and consists of 90-second programs on a wide variety of topics mostly drawn from environmental sciences, earth sciences and astronomy. With support from the National Science Foundation, Multimedia Research presents the second study of a two-part summative evaluation on the impact of Earth & Sky on public radio listeners, focusing on traditional formats as well as the new “Edge of Discovery” programming that
Earth & Sky is a daily short-format science series for both commercial and public radio. Produced by EarthTalk, Inc. of Austin, TX, the series is hosted by Deborah Byrd and Joel Block and consists of 90-second programs on a wide variety of topics mostly drawn from environmental sciences, earth sciences and astronomy. With support from the National Science Foundation, Multimedia Research presents the first study of a two-part summative evaluation on the impact of Earth & Sky on public radio listeners, focusing on traditional formats as well as the new “Edge of Discovery” programming that
Earth & Sky is a two-minute public radio science series about environmental sciences, earth sciences, and astronomy. As broadcast of the series expanded across the U.S., Multimedia Research implemented summative evaluations of listeners in three different radio markets. The evaluations focus on whether listening to the series influences adults' knowledge of, interest in, and attitudes toward science and whether the series affects listeners' science-related activities.