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resource project Media and Technology
As part of its overall strategy to enhance learning in informal environments, the Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program funds innovative research, approaches and resources for use in a variety of settings. The project will derive a nationwide online coaching/mentoring program for out of school educators in rural settings. The program builds on a Noyce Foundation pilot project. The issue to be addressed is that educators in rural settings are challenged in a multitude of ways due to isolation. This project will try to find ways to alleviate some of the consequences of isolation through resource sharing, knowledge sharing, and unique techniques for communicating with students. Partners in this effort are the Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance, the National AfterSchool Association, Development Without Limits, and the Maine State Library.

By using widely-available technologies, this project will bring fully online instructional coaching in STEM to out-of-school educators who live too remotely to attend ongoing in-person workshops. The project team will achieve this by adapting a highly promising coaching program where groups of educators video-record their own work with youth, practice key skills, and meet regularly to discuss their work. The project will: (a) test technical challenges to achieve fully virtual implementation; (b) design and adapt a specific STEM-skill curriculum to align with different levels of need; (c) customize the model to work with rural librarians; and (d) integrate the work into existing state and national accreditation systems.
resource project Media and Technology
As part of its overall strategy to enhance learning in informal environments, the Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program seeks to advance new approaches to, and evidence-based understanding of, the design and development of STEM learning in informal environments. This includes providing multiple pathways for broadening access to and engagement in STEM learning experiences, advancing innovative research on and assessment of STEM learning in informal environments, and developing understandings of deeper learning by participants. The goal of this project is to make 21st century quantum science comprehensible and engaging to non-expert informal adult learners. This project has strong potential to add new knowledge about the public's perception and understanding of quantum physics. This scientific content is often difficult for informal audiences to grasp, and there are relatively few accessible learning resources for a non- professional audience. The development of this online, interactive resource with short animations, graphics, and simulations has strong potential to fill this gap. It will develop a visually driven online resource to engage non-expert audiences in understanding the basics of quantum physics. The web design will be modular, incorporating many multimedia elements and the structure will be flexible allowing for future expansion. All content would be freely available for educational use. There is potential for extensive reach and use of the resources by informal adult learners online as well as learners in museums, science centers, and schools. Project partners are the Joint Quantum Institute at the University of Maryland and the National Institute of Standards and Technology, College Park. An independent evaluation of the project will add new knowledge about informal learners' perceptions and/or knowledge about quantum science and technology. An initial needs assessment via focus groups with the general public will be designed to find out more about what they already know about quantum physics topics and terminology, as well as what they want to know and what formats they prefer (games, simulations, podcasts, etc.). In person user testing will be used with early versions of the project online resource using a structured think-aloud protocol. Later in year 1 and 2, online focus groups with the general public will be conducted to learn what they find engaging and what they learned from the content. Iterative feedback from participants during the formative stage will guide the development of the content and format of the online resources. The Summative Evaluation will gather data using a retrospective post-survey embedded with a pop-up link on the Atlas followed by interviews with a subset of online users. Google Analytics will be used to determine the breadth and depth of their online navigation, what resources they download, and what websites they visit afterward. A post-only survey of undergraduate and graduate students who participated in resource development will focus on changes in students' confidence around their science communication skills and level of quantum physics understanding.
TEAM MEMBERS: Emily Edwards Curtis Suplee
resource project Media and Technology
Research tells us that media -- be it on television or film or in the form of radio podcasts -- are the most widely utilized and trusted sources for public science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning. Media narratives can shape opinions and knowledge about STEM as well as either reduce or enhance cultural biases and perceptions of STEM. However, little is known about the process by which STEM media professionals develop and assess mastery of "STEM Media," or to what extent evidence-based communication strategies and data-supported effective practices are considered and used by creators of STEM media. This conference proposal will bring together STEM professionals and media creators to determine how STEM media makers develop and assess expertise in STEM media making and articulate best practices. The goal is to promote cross-industry collaboration between media producers, STEM professionals and communication researchers in crafting evidence-based media for the public. The project will also create a 2-year STEM Media Fellows program as well as expand the Science of Communication Strand at two Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festivals (JHWFF) and at the Science Media Awards and Summit in the Hub (SMASH) conference in 2018. The work will be led by Jackson Hole WILD, a nonprofit professional organization, in partnership with Colorado Mesa University.

The project will employ three strategies to advance effective STEM media production and product effectiveness. First, an initiative to provide professional development in Communication Science will be part of the 2017 and 2018 Jackson Hole WILD conferences to increase the attending STEM media professionals' understanding of evidence-based practices. The content will be presented through structured sessions at the conferences with recordings of the sessions made available online as well as through partner organizations. Second, the STEM Media Fellows program will recruit emerging STEM professionals who are interested in media making. The goals of the STEM Media Fellows program are to prepare these diverse STEM professionals with knowledge and skills for media development, and form collaborations among the STEM professionals and media creators. Third, in collaboration with Colorado Mesa University, the project will conduct a Delphi study to determine how mastery of STEM media making is acquired and assessed. The Delphi study will involve gathering perceptions and experiences from the world's leading STEM communicators and media makers regarding how they learned to be professionals and how they would determine the level of expertise of other STEM media makers. The results of the Delphi study will synthesize models and identify best practices that could be used to inform the STEM media industry efforts to align media production with evidence-based practices. These results will be disseminated through appropriate peer-reviewed journals, industry associations, and other outlets of research on informal science education. This project is funded by the Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program, which seeks to advance new approaches to, and evidence-based understanding of, the design and development of STEM learning in informal environments. This includes providing multiple pathways for broadening access to and engagement in STEM learning experiences, advancing innovative research on and assessment of STEM learning in informal environments, and developing understandings of deeper learning by participants.
TEAM MEMBERS: Ru Mahoney Louis Nadelson Lisa Samford
resource project Media and Technology
As part of its overall effort to enhance learning in informal environments, the Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program, seeks to advance new approaches to, and evidence-based understanding of, the design and development of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning in informal environments. This includes providing multiple pathways for broadening access to and engagement in STEM learning experiences, advancing innovative research on and assessment of STEM learning in informal environments, and developing understandings of deeper learning by participants. In alignment with these aims, the STEM + Digital Literacies (STEM+L) project will investigate science fiction as an effective mechanism to attract and immerse adolescents (ages 10-13) from diverse cultural backgrounds in environmental and human health content and socio-scientific issues. This work is particularly novel, as the current knowledge base is limited, and largely addresses the high school level. Therefore, the results of the proposed effort could yield important findings regarding the feasibility of this activity as an effective platform for science learning and engagement for younger students. As such, STEM+L would not only advance knowledge in the field but would also contribute to a growing AISL portfolio on digital literacy and learning.

STEM+L is an early stage Innovations in Development project that will engage thirty middle school students in out of school time experiences. Over a twenty-four-week period, students will work collaboratively in groups in-person and online with their peers and field experts to design, develop, and produce STEM content rich, multimedia science fictions. The in-person learning experiences will take place on the University of Miami campus during the summer and academic year. Culminating activities include student presentations online and at a local Science Fiction Festival. The research component will employ an iterative, design-based approach. Four research questions will be explored: (a) How do students learn science concepts and multimodal digital literacies through participating in the STEM+L Academy? (b) How do students change their views in STEM related subject matter and in pursuing STEM related careers? (c) How do students participate in the STEM+L Academy? (d) How do we best support students' participation and learning of STEM+L in face-to-face and online environments? Data collection methods include video records, student-generated artifacts, online surveys, embedded assessments, interviews, and multimodal reflections. Comparative case analysis and a mixed methods approach will be employed. A rigorous evaluation will be conducted by a critical external review board. Inclusive and innovative dissemination strategies will ensure that the results of the research and program reach a broad range of audiences including both informal and formal STEM and literacy educators and researchers, learning scientists, local communities, and policy makers through national and international conference presentations, journal publications, Web2.0 resources, and community outreach activities.
TEAM MEMBERS: Ji Shen Blaine Smith
resource project Media and Technology
As part of its overall strategy to enhance learning in informal environments, the Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program funds innovative resources for use in a variety of settings. This project will advance knowledge in the design of interest triggers for science in immersive digital simulation learning games. When learners are interested in a topic, it can have a profound impact on the quality of their learning. Although much is known about how informal learning experiences can promote interest in STEM, much less research has addressed links between technology use and interest development. This Exploratory Pathways project will investigate (1) the impact of entertainment technology use by middle school learners on STEM interest development, (2) the design of interactive educational technologies created specifically to trigger interest in astronomy, and (3) informal learning resources for sustained interaction with STEM content over time. In particular, learners will have the opportunity to interactively explore the scientific consequences of considering alternative versions of Earth via "What if?" questions, such as "What if the earth had no moon?" or "What if the earth were twice its current size?". While using the simulations, learners will be invited to make observations and propose scientific explanations for what they see as different. Given recent discoveries of potentially habitable worlds throughout the Galaxy, such questions have high relevance to public discourse around space exploration, conditions necessary for life, and the long-term future of the human race. Studies will occur across three informal learning settings: museum exhibits, afterschool programs, and summer camps, and are driven by the following research questions: What technology-based triggers of interest have the strongest influence on interest? Which contextual factors are most important for supporting long-term interest development? And, what kinds of technology-based triggers are most effective for learners from audiences who are underrepresented in STEM? This research will result in an empirically tested approach for cultivating interest that will allow educators to leverage the "What if?" pedagogy in their own work, as well as downloadable materials suitable for use in both informal and formal learning settings.

Planned studies will identify features that are effective in triggering interest, with an emphasis on groups underrepresented in STEM, and elaborate on the importance of engaging learners in explanatory dialogues and in service of interest development. It is hypothesized that interacting in such novel ways can act as a trigger for interest in astronomy, physics, and potentially other areas of STEM. Design iterations will also investigate different forms of learning supports, such as guidance from facilitators, collaboration, and automated guidance available within the simulations, and identify how features vary with respect to learning contexts. Data collected will include interview and survey data to track interest development, measures of knowledge in astronomy and physics, and log files of simulation use to better understand how behaviors in the simulations align with stated interests. Results of the studies will advance the theoretical understanding of interest development and its relationship to interactive experiences, and will also have practical implications for the deployment of technology in informal settings by identifying features critical for triggering the interest of middle school learners. This project is funded by the Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program, which seeks to advance new approaches to, and evidence-based understanding of, the design and development of STEM learning in informal environments. This includes providing multiple pathways for broadening access to and engagement in STEM learning experiences, advancing innovative research on and assessment of STEM learning in informal environments, and developing understandings of deeper learning by participants.
TEAM MEMBERS: H Chad Lane Jorge Perez-Gallego Neil Comins
resource project Media and Technology
Lineage is a comprehensive educational media and outreach initiative that will engage individuals and families in learning about deep time and evolution, helping audiences come to newfound understandings of the connections between the past, present, and future of life on Earth. The project is a partnership between Twin Cities PBS (TPT) and the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History and is linked to the opening of that museum's new Deep Time Fossil Hall in June 2019. The project includes a two-hour film for national broadcast on PBS, and a 20-minute short version for exhibition in science centers. The documentaries will show how scientists, using paleontology, genetics, earth science and other disciplines, can reconstruct in detail the origins of living animals like birds and elephants, revealing their ancient past as well as evidence of ecological change that can inform our understanding of Earth today. Extensive educational outreach will include the creation of "Bone Hunter," an innovative VR (Virtual Reality) game designed for family co-play that engages multiple players in the process of paleontology as they piece together a fossil in a digital lab. Bone Hunter and other collaborative educational activities will be deployed at Family Fossil Festivals that will attract multi-generational learners. One such Festival will take place at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., while others will be based at geographically diverse institutions that serve underserved rural as well as urban communities. Lineage is a collaboration between national media producers, noted learning institutions and researchers, including Twin Cities Public Television, the Smithsonian Institution / National Museum of Natural History, Schell Games, the Institute for Learning Innovation (ILI), and Rockman et al. One of the project's primary innovations is its exploration of new learning designs for families that use cutting-edge technologies (e.g. the Bone Hunter virtual reality game) and collaborative multi-generational learning experiences that advance science knowledge and inquiry-based learning. An external research study conducted by ILI will investigate how intergenerational co-play with physical artifacts compared to virtual artifacts influences STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) learning and engagement. The findings will lead to critical strategic impacts for the field, building knowledge about ongoing innovation in the free choice learning space. The project's external evaluation will be conducted by Rockman et al and evaluative findings, as well as the educational materials derived from the project, will be widely disseminated through partnerships with professional and educator groups. Clips from the Lineage film and related learning resources will be hosted on PBS LearningMedia, so educators can incorporate these resources into their classrooms, and students and lifelong learners can explore and discover on their own. The project outcomes will have broad impact on public audiences, deepening and advancing knowledge and understanding about important scientific concepts, and promoting continued, family-based collaborative learning experiences to expand and deepen STEM knowledge. This project is funded by the Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program, which seeks to advance new approaches to, and evidence-based understanding of, the design and development of STEM learning in informal environments. This includes providing multiple pathways for broadening access to and engagement in STEM learning.
TEAM MEMBERS: Michael Rosenfeld Sarah Goforth Amy Bolton
resource project Media and Technology
The project will advance efforts by the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Institute for Learning Innovation to bring together young adults from communities historically underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to collaboratively conduct scientifically driven challenges embedded in a mobile learning tool based upon the AAAS Active Explorer platform. The project will be conducted at the Washington National Mall, San Francisco National Golden Gate Park, and the Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area, and will study how a mobile technology used in these settings can facilitate learner engagement in science content; how it can affect young adults' engagement in science-learning processes; and whether interest in learning science and technology has been furthered. The project is funded by the Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program, which seeks to advance new approaches to, and evidence-based understanding of, the design and development of STEM learning in informal environments, including pathways for broadening access to STEM learning experiences and advancing research STEM learning. Research questions will investigate science learning inequalities by addressing how place-based augmented reality games can connect young adults to scientific practices, including observing science phenomena, analyzing data, and communicating findings; how young adults develop science skills related to their science self-efficacy through participation in augmented reality science exploration; and how mobile technologies and gaming can serve as mediators that enable young adults to improve their science identity. In addition to engaging young adults in science activities at the National Parks and increasing their science skills, the project will provide valuable information to National Park staff and scientists to assist them in designing effective tools, resources and experiences to better engage young adults. Research teams will collect data in the form of digital ethnography, focus groups, activity reports, artifacts, and surveys. The project will document learning and engagement through mobile technology in three urban national parks that will involve 60 young adults at each location, and will create innovative measurement tools to monitor how informal settings can leverage the intersections of the arts and sciences to support student engagement and learning.
resource project Media and Technology
As part of its overall strategy to enhance learning in informal environments, the Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program funds innovative resources for use in a variety of settings. The project will fill a major gap in knowledge regarding why children listen to science podcasts and what impact they have on their STEM learning. Brains On! is an existing podcast for children 6-12 years old that is produced by American Public Media. The podcasts are kid-driven. Kid listeners send in questions and suggest the show topics. Every episode is co-hosted by a different child, who interviews top scientists about their work, sees research done first hand and helps shape the overall arc of the episode. The project team collaborates with a wide variety of scientists to create programming that is both appealing to kids and has scientific merit. Although Brains On! has enjoyed more than 2.4 million downloads collectively of its 50-episode library little is known about why children are drawn to it, how they are using its content, and what the impacts might be for those who listen to the podcast. There has been no previous research to understand why children choose to listen, or what impact it has on their learning. This Pathways project would produce new episodes and collaborate with the Science Museum of Minnesota that would conduct research to fill this large gap in understanding aural learning through podcasts. The Brains On! project has the following goals to create strategic impact: 1) explore and begin to develop knowledge around what makes children's science podcasts, such as Brains On!, appealing and what role they can play in impacting children and their families' science curiosity, learning, and awareness of science careers, and 2) develop a theory of action for the Brains On! podcast that could also inform the development of similar kinds of children's science podcasts. A mixed-methods exploratory research study will be carried out to address these goals. The three overarching research questions are: Who is the audience for Brains On! and what are their motivations for listening to science podcasts? How are Brains On! listeners using the podcast and engaging with its content? What kinds of impacts does Brains On! have on its audiences? The research results, including the theory of action, from the Brains On! exploratory study will benefit the fields of informal science education and public media by beginning to fill a gap in the current knowledge-base around the potential for science children's podcasts to contribute to a wide range of informal science learning outcomes for children and families, as well provide insight into what features of children's science podcasts can lead to those outcomes. The study results may also encourage other public media and informal science education organizations to create their own science podcasts for children, increasing the reach and potential impact of this emerging STEM media resource.
TEAM MEMBERS: Molly Bloom Sanden Totten Lauren Dee Marc Sanchez Amy Grack Nelson
resource project Media and Technology
As part of its overall strategy to enhance learning in informal environments, the Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program funds innovative research, approaches and resources for use in a variety of settings. In this exploratory Change Makers project, the Concord Consortium will develop, test, and evaluate a citizen science program that leverages innovative technology, such that youth engage directly with energy issues through scientific inquiry. The project will create the Infrared Street View, a citizen science program that aims to produce a thermal version of Google's Street View using an affordable infrared camera attached to a smartphone. The infrared camera serves as a high-throughput data acquisition instrument that collects thousands of temperature data points each time a picture is taken. Youth will collect massive geotagged thermal data that have considerable scientific and educational value for visualizing energy usage and improving energy efficiency at all levels. The Infrared Street View program will provide a Web-based platform for youth and anyone interested in energy efficiency to view and analyze the aggregated data to identify possible energy losses. By sharing their scientific findings with stakeholders, youth will make changes to the way energy is being used. The project will start with school, public, and commercial buildings in selected areas where performing thermal scan of the buildings and publishing their thermal images for educational and research purposes are permitted by school leaders, town officials, and property owners. In collaboration with high schools and out-of-school programs in Massachusetts, this project will conduct pilot-tests with approximately 200 students.

To contribute to advancing learning, the study will probe three research questions: 1) Under what circumstances can technology bridge out-of-school and classroom science learning and improve learning on both sides? 2) To what extent can unobtrusive assessment based on data mining support research and evaluation of student learning in out-of-school settings? and 3) To what extent can instructional intelligence built into the app used in the program help students learn in out-of-school programs and improve the quality of data they contribute to the citizen science project? Data sources for investigating these questions include students' interaction data with the app logged behind the scenes and the images they have taken, as well as results based on traditional assessments from a small number of participants. Throughout the project, staff will widely disseminate project products and findings through the Internet, science fairs, conferences, publications, and partner networks. An eight-member Advisory Board consisting of cleantech experts, science educators, and educational researchers will oversee and evaluate this project.
TEAM MEMBERS: Charles Xie Alan Palm
resource project Media and Technology
The widespread accessibility of live streaming video now makes it possible for viewers around the world to watch live events together, including unprecedented, 24/7 views of wildlife. In addition, online technologies such as live chatting and forums have opened new possibilities for people to collaborate from locations around the world. The innovation that the projects provide is bringing these opportunities together, enabling real-time research and discussion as participants observe and annotate live streaming footage; sharing questions and insights through live Q&A sessions; and explore data with interactive visualization tools. Scientists will support the community's research interests, in contrast with traditional models of citizen science in which communities support the work of scientists. This project will enable people from diverse backgrounds and perspectives to co-create scientific investigations, including participants who might not otherwise have access to nature. The evaluation research for this project will advance the understanding of practices that enable interconnected communities of people to participate in more phases of scientific discovery, and how participation affects their learning outcomes. It is funded by the Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program, which seeks to advance new approaches to, and evidence-based understanding of, the design and development of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning in informal environments. This includes providing multiple pathways for broadening access to and engagement in STEM learning experiences, advancing innovative research on and assessment of STEM learning in informal environments, and developing understandings of deeper learning by participants. As such, this project will advance a new genre of Public Participation in STEM Research (PPSR). It will also advance scientific exploration using live wildlife cams and establish a database for long-term research to understand how bird behavior and reproductive success are affected by environmental change. This project aims to deepen public involvement in science, building on knowledge and relevance for STEM learning by creating an online learning environment that expands on traditional crowdsourcing models of PPSR in which participants collect data to answer questions driven by scientists. In this project, participants are involved in co-created research investigations, including asking questions, deciding what data are needed, generating data, looking for patterns, making interpretations, reviewing results, and sharing findings. The goals are to 1) create a system that involves the public more deeply in scientific research; 2) develop participants' science skills and interests; 3) increase participants' understanding of birds and the environment; 4) generate new scientific knowledge about wildlife; and 5) advance the understanding of effective project design for co-created PPSR projects at a national scale. Through iterative design and evaluation, the project will advance the understanding of the conditions that foster online collaboration and establish design principles for supporting science and discovery in online learning environments. Through scaling and quasi-experimental studies, the evaluation research will advance the understanding of how learning outcomes may be similar or different for participants engaging in different ways, whether they observe the cams and read about the investigation, process data as contributors, provide some input as collaborators, or join in most or all of the scientific process as co-creators. Despite the popularity of live wildlife cams, with millions of people watching hundreds of cams around the world, little research has been conducted on the use of live cams for collaborative work in formal or informal science education. The infrastructure and open-source framework created for this project will expand the capacity for online communities of people from diverse career backgrounds and perspectives to collaborative on solving personally meaningful questions and contribute to new knowledge. Using this project as a prototype, cam operators from around the world could build networks of cams, enabling future studies with broader scope for comparative biological studies and discoveries. Additionally, it will serve as a model for use in classrooms or for online communities exploring other scientific fields using live-streaming content in collaborative research. By involving scientists and participants from across society as collaborators and co-creators, this project can help increase public engagement with science, technology, and environmental stewardship while advancing the understanding of the natural world and informing public decision-making.
TEAM MEMBERS: Miyoko Chu David Bonter Tina Phillips
resource research Media and Technology
Considering whether to volunteer to be an NSF AISL reviewer? Here’s some information to help you decide if you are a good fit. Each year, the NSF Advancing Informal STEM Learning program looks for peer reviewers. New reviewers often have questions about the commitment to review. This slide deck is to help you understand what reviewers do and the commitments they make considering issues about time commitment, activities, money, etc.
resource research Media and Technology
Access to high quality evaluation results is essential for science communicators to identify negative patterns of audience response and improve outcomes. However, there are many good reasons why robust evaluation linked is not routinely conducted and linked to science communication practice. This essay begins by identifying some of the common challenges that explain this gap between evaluation evidence and practice. Automating evaluation processes through new technologies is then explicated as one solution to these challenges, capable of yielding accurate real-time results that can directly