In this paper, Sanford S. Shaman, of the Gallery of Art at the University of Haifa, discusses the spiritual void in contemporary art that accounts for the art's inability to communicate with visitors. Shaman describes how this lack of spiritual content renders much of today's art private and non-communicative in the eyes of many critics.
In this paper, Margaret M. Ropp of the Michigan State University Museum discusses a study that explored visitors' experiences with the exhibit, "Ethiopia: Traditions of Creativity" and the role that the video interpretation played. The exhibition team was concerned that African art is often seen as primitive, anonymous, and devoid of creativity, so they developed individual videos for the 11 featured artists in an effort to counter those stereotypes. The major finding is that the videos helped the visitors who watched them to connect the creative process, the artist and the final product
In this paper, Robert C. Webb, of Suffolk University, presents literature related to much-debated topic about using music in an exhibit. In particular, Webb discusses four topics of interest to museum professionals: (1) the complexity of the term "background music" (2) the roles and uses of mood created by music (3) the use of music to cue appropriate behavior and perceptions and (4) the influence of background music on the comprehension of verbal material.
This article is a report of the impact assessment of two outreach programs to primary schools run by the Botswana National Museum. The oldest of the programs, Zebra-on-Wheels was officially launched in 1980 and has involved all the primary schools in the country at least twice. The study aimed to establish the impact of the two programs and make recommendations for possible improvements. Thirty-eight schools throughout Botswana participated in the study. Teachers in these schools were interviewed and classroom observation sessions were carried out. Teachers’ observations about the two programs
In this paper, researchers at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid discuss their evaluation study of the Tiphlologic Museum, a special project of the National Organization for Blind people in Spain. Key study objects, methodology, and findings are defined.
This is a brief summary of a 1982 article in "Curator" entitled "Video vs Wall-Panel Display: An Experiment in Museum Learning," which discusses key findings from a survey of visitors who viewed a special painting exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum. Information about an artist and his work was alternately provided for visitors by color wall panels, a video display, a combination of the two, or the information was not provided at all.
Visitor Studies AssociationJ. LandayR Bridge
This is a summary of A.W. Melton's 1935 paper, "Problems of Installation in Museums of Art." Melton described a series of studies that demonstrated two important factors that influence visitor behavior: (1) the tendency to turn right when entering a museum gallery and (2) the strong attraction of exits.
This is a brief summary of Edward S. Robinson's 1928 AAM Monograph "The Behavior of the Museum Visitor." Robinson highlights the importance of object size, positioning, and density for determining visitor attention in art museums.
In this article, Donna M. McElroy, education curator at the Sangre de Cristo Arts Center (Pueblo, Colorado), discusses evaluation strategies and key findings used to create and improve a self-guide "birds-eye view" map to the Asian Collection at the Denver Art Museum.
In this article, Colorado State University researcher Jerome Dagostino presents a review of three noteworthy museum studies to highlight the variety of different survey techniques used to evaluate art museums.
This is an abstract of Barbara J. Soren's 1990 Ph.D. Dissertation at Toronto University. Soren used an interpretive approach to understand the educational function of museums in curriculum-making terms. Soren conducted research at three informal sites in Ontario and found that planning for public education has features typical of a formal. curriculum-making process.