The Exploratorium, in partnership with Qualcomm, proposes to develop and test a highly accurate indoor positioning system (IPS) at full museum scale. Such a system would increase the feasibility and power of whole-visit research studies and open up opportunities for using IPS to support new and innovative informal STEM learning experiences. Within 3-5 years, museums will likely possess infrastructures capable of easily and effectively integrating IPS. The Exploratorium's project will generate early knowledge about using this technology for developing innovative programmatic strategies and for improving research and evaluation of STEM learning in museums. Program activities include developing processes for creating and updating indoor maps; testing IPS as a tool for program development and delivery; prototyping a research data management system; and the dissemination project findings.
Using STEM America (USA) is a two-year Pathways project designed to examine the feasibility of using informal STEM learning opportunities to improve science literacy among English Language Learner (ELL) students in Imperial County, California. Project partners include the Rueben H. Fleet Science Center and the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). The project's goals are to support teachers in the development of informal science education opportunities for English learners, partner with students in grades 7-12 to create activities and exhibits, deliver student-produced products to community members, and sustain and disseminate the activities through the development of web-based teacher tools. The teachers will work with informal science education experts, STEM professionals, and undergraduate students to develop and implement the program lessons with their 7-12 grade students. The activities and exhibits designed for community audiences will be used in the Imperial Valley Discovery Zone, slated for completion in fall 2013. Special emphasis will be placed on understanding English scientific word frames and science content specific vocabulary to help ELL students express complex scientific concepts in English. The project deliverables in this pilot project include a comprehensive teacher professional development strategy, student-developed informal science activities and exhibits, a project website, and multiple teacher resources (lesson plans, how-to guides, training materials, and social networking tools). Teachers will receive 45 hours of professional development during the summer with an additional 20 hours of support provided during the school year. UCSD's Jacob's School of Engineering will provide training on solar energy micro-grids using a micro-grid observatory to be located in Imperial Valley. English language development training will be provided by the University of California's Professional Development Institute (UCPDI) and address the role of language objectives in scientific conceptual knowledge and language development; using science and language to improve classroom questioning/discussion; and teaching academic language to English learners. The informal science education component of the training provided by the Fleet Science Center will address topics such as questioning strategies, scientific reasoning frameworks, communicating science to public audiences, and learning "high level" science content using hands-on approaches. The project design builds on research which supports an active learning approach that mirrors scientific practice and is one of the strengths of informal science learning environments. The question to be addressed by the USA Project is: "Can informal STEM activities with embedded English Language development strategies assist English learner students to increase their English language competency and their interest in STEM subjects?" The PI seeks to identify the impact that teachers have on guiding students in inquiry-based informal STEM education, evaluate the academic outcomes for students, and measure changes in community interest, understanding, and attitudes towards STEM and STEM occupations. The USA Project is designed to reach approximately 200 underserved students and will promote the participation of at least 400 additional students, parents, and other rural community members. It is anticipated that this project will result in the development of a model for teacher-led informal STEM education, increased STEM learning opportunities for the community, and the development of a network of educational institutions that helps to bridge formal and informal STEM learning and learning environments.
This proposal is for a one day workshop including researchers from multiple research disciplines (e.g. education, communication, psychology) and key stakeholders from the giant screen film industry to develop key research questions, priorities, and strategies related to giant screen cinema characteristics that impact STEM learning. The workshop would be held preceding the October, 2013 meeting of ASTC in Albuquerque, NM. There has been little research performed on the unique components of STEM giant screen films related to the role of immersion, presence, and effect on cognition. This workshop would begin with an online forum where invited participants would develop a list of questions, organize prior research, and identify relevant readings. During the workshop day at ASTC, participants would engage in roundtable exercises to develop the research program strategies (methods, collaborative communities, etc.) for the prioritized questions. The workshop outcomes include development of future research proposals and collaborative communities that will address the questions related to the impact of giant screen films and the role of immersion and presence on learning.
This report is the result of a project to investigate through a sociocultural lens whether girls-only, informal STEM experiences have potential long-term influences on young women's lives, both in terms of STEM but also more generally. The authors documented young women's perceptions of their program experiences and the ways in which they influenced their future choices in education, careers, leisure pursuits, and ways of thinking about what science is and who does it. This report includes the questionnaire used in the study.
In this article, Christine L. Brandenburg, of Rice University's Center for Technology in Teaching and Learning, discusses her research of the use of computer technology in children's museums. Bradenburg focuses on the research methods used to address how and why visitors use computer technology in children's museums. The first section of the article presents the research methods, placing them in the context of the naturalistic inquiry design of the research. The second section discusses the research methods with respect to visitor studies and to studies of computer technology in museums.
In this essay, researchers from King's College London, Work, Interaction and Technology Research Group, discuss a particular approach to the analysis of social interaction in museums and galleries, focusing on video-based field studies. The authors also give a few suggestions as to why it might be important to take verbal and physical interactions more seriously when designing, developing and evaluating exhibits and exhibitions.
Dirk vom LehnChristian HeathJon Hindmarsh
This article develops an argument that the type of intervention research most useful for improving science teaching and learning and leading to scalable interventions includes both research to develop and gather evidence of the efficacy of innovations and a different kind of research, design-based implementation research (DBIR). DBIR in education focuses on what is required to bring interventions and knowledge about learning to all students, wherever they might engage in science learning. This research focuses on implementation, both in the development and initial testing of interventions and
SciGirls CONNECT is a broad national outreach effort to encourage educators, both formal and informal, to adopt new, research-based strategies to engage girls in STEM. SciGirls ( is an Emmy award-winning television program and outreach program that draws on cutting-edge research about what engages girls in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) learning and careers. The PBS television show, kids' website, and educational outreach program have reached over 14 million girls, educators, and families, making it the most widely accessed girls' STEM program available nationally. SciGirls' videos, interactive website and hands-on activities work together to address a singular but powerful goal: to inspire, enable, and maximize STEM learning and participation for all girls, with an eye toward future STEM careers. The goal of SciGirls is to change how millions of girls think about STEM. SciGirls CONNECT ( includes 60 partner organizations located in schools, museums, community organizations and universities who host SciGirls clubs, camps and afterschool programs for girls. This number is intended grow to over 100 by the end of the project in 2016. SciGirls CONNECT provides mini-grants, leader training and educational resources to partner organizations. Each partner training session involves educators from a score of regional educational institutions. To date, over 700 educators have received training from over 250 affiliated organizations. The SciGirls CONNECT network is a supportive community of dedicated educators who provide the spark, the excitement and the promise of a new generation of women in STEM careers. Through our partner, the National Girls Collaborative Project, we have networked educational organizations hosting SciGirls programs with dozens of female role models from a variety of STEM fields. The SciGirls CONNECT website hosts monthly webinars, a quarterly newsletter, gender equity resources, SciGirls videos and hands-on activities. SciGirls also promotes the television, website and outreach program to thousands of elementary and middle school girls and their teachers both locally and nationally at various events.
This funding solicitation for FY2014 in the Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program at the National Science Foundation seeks to advance new approaches to and evidence-based understanding of the design and development of STEM learning in informal environments; provide multiple pathways for broadening access to and engagement in STEM learning experiences; advance innovative research on and assessment of STEM learning in informal environments; and develop understandings of deeper learning by participants. The AISL program supports five kinds of projects: 1) Pathways, 2) Research in
National Science FoundationNational Science Foundation
In this paper, the Franklin Institute's Ann Mintz discusses the managerial challenges associated with evaluation projects. Mintz explains how evaluators teeter on a continuum serving as both as artists and educators throughout the evaluation process. She cites evidence from an ongoing project at the Franklin Institute called the The Franklin Institute Computer Network that serves seven categories of museum visitors.
In this paper, researchers at Colorado State University discuss the advantages of using Virtual Reality (VR) to promote science learning in museum environments. The authors define the four leading features of VR and human factors guidelines and show, from evaluation of Mead Diorama Hall at the Denver Museum of Natural History, how renovated exhibits fit the effective learning criteria which were developed through VR research. This paper will also present results, derived from methods used to study the immersion experience in museums, to demonstrate that the renovated museum Hall elicits an
Mark HarveyAndrej BirjulinRoss Loomis
In this paper, Pedro J.E. Casaleiro of the University of Leicester, Department of Museum Studies, discusses research that considers the investigation of evidence in mass media other than museums to help define a communications policy that bears the visitor in mind. In doing so, Casaleiro aims to broaden understanding about audiences' concerns with science, recognizing the presence of shared symbolic values created by both museums and traditional mass media. Casaleiro cites findings from studies of Portuguese newspapers and a natural history museum to support his claims.