The FIRST Longitudinal Study is a multi-year longitudinal study assessing the impacts of FIRST’s afterschool robotics programs on the STEM related interests and educational and career trajectories of program participants. FIRST is one of the nation’s largest after-school robotics programs, serving more than 460,000 youth aged 6-18 annually through the FIRST LEGO League (Ages 7-14), the FIRST Tech Challenge (grades 7-12) and the FIRST Robotics Competition (grades 9-12). The study is tracking over 1200 program participants and comparison students, using a quasi-experimental design, over a
Alan MelchiorCathy BurackMatthew HooverJill Marcus
This paper was presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, NARST, Chicago, IL. It describes findings from the Work With a Scientist Program (WWASP), which engages scientists and high school students in cogenerative dialogues.
This poster was presented at 2017 Campus Office of Undergraduate Research Initiatives (COURI) Symposium, El Paso, TX.
One of the principal challenges of the partnership of scientists and high school students are the existent barriers of language between them (Kim & Fortner, 2007). In other words, since scientists are usefully deemed as characters with higher power, status, and knowledge, students may feel nervous or intimidated, especially when scientists speak jargons and complex language. The best educators have a magical way of engaging their audiences with compelling stories. Even the
This poster was presented at 2017 Campus Office of Undergraduate Research Initiatives (COURI) Symposium, El Paso, TX.
Purpose & Problem - According to some existing results identified in the literature, the partnership between high school students and scientist involves several challenges, such as time management, lack of equipment, communication barriers, organization, complexity of the scientific language and scientist availability. The purpose is to address these problems and identify effective ways that can enhance the partnership between the scientist and high school students during
This poster was presented at 2017 Campus Office of Undergraduate Research Initiatives (COURI) Symposium, El Paso, TX.
This study introduces cogenerative dialogues as a pedagogical tool to enhance the communications between students and engineers in a university internship environment. High school student interns worked with engineers for 7 months and were invited to conduct cogenerative dialogues with engineers regularly and discuss any issues, concerns, positives happened in the internship in order to improve their learning experience.
This poster was presented at 2017 Campus Office of Undergraduate Research Initiatives (COURI) Symposium, El Paso, TX. It describes the Work With a Scientist (WWASP) program, in which scientists and high school students engage in co-generative dialogues.
This poster was presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, AERA, San Antonio, TX.
The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS Lead States, 2013) emphasize that K–12 science education should reflect real-world interconnections in science and focus on deeper understanding and application of content. One effective way to help students learn to apply science is to invite them to work with scientists on authentic scientific projects. Internship programs designed for students to work with scientists have been suggested as one of the most productive
This summative evaluation report focuses on the impact that the Working with a Scientist Program at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) had on its student participants. Student participants were recruited from regional high schools that are categorized as Title I schools, due to the large population of low income students that they serve. The participants engaged in mentored research activities a UTEP every other Saturday during the spring semester and on weekdays during the summer. Their mentors were professional scientists from different STEM disciplines, such as Chemistry, Immunology
This report comprises the third part of a 4-year evaluation assessing the impact of the Working with a Scientist Program (WWASP) at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) had on its student-participants. This report includes an assessment of the program’s impact on the third cohort of student-participants. To assess the students’ overall performance, several measures were used. First, a review of participant’s academic performance before and after their involvement in the program was conducted. Second, the impacts that the programs’ cogenerative dialogues (cogens) had in the third cohort of
This report is part of a four-year evaluation assessing the impact of the Working with a Scientist Program (WWASP) at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) had on its student-participants. This report includes an assessment of the impact on the first two cohorts of student-participants. This program selected participants from local high schools to take part in research activities for the spring and summer semester. To assess the students’ overall performance, several measures were used. First, a review of participant’s academic performance before and after their involvement in the program
Lizely Madrigal-GonzalezGuadalupe Corral
Be a 4-H Scientist! Materials in a Green, Clean World is an inquiry-based science curriculum focusing on concepts of materials; plastics; reuse, recycle, and reduce; and the work of scientists and engineers. It is designed to build foundational skills of science and engineering: observation, asking questions, sorting and classifying, and communicating. The curriculum contains six learning modules intended for delivery in out-of-school time facilitated by an educator (trained volunteers or program staff). Most modules also include a “Science At Home” activity which parents/other adults and children can do at home.
Ideas from social justice can help us understand how equity issues are woven through out-of-school science learning practices. In this paper, I outline how social justice theories, in combination with the concepts of infrastructure access, literacies and community acceptance, can be used to think about equity in out-of-school science learning. I apply these ideas to out-of-school science learning via television, science clubs and maker spaces, looking at research as well as illustrative examples to see how equity challenges are being addressed in practice. I argue that out-of-school science