From May 1 to July 7 of 2008, volunteers had the opportunity to provide feedback on their volunteer experience and offer suggestions for improvement. The survey was a follow up to the May 2007 volunteer survey. The 2008 survey was initially only available as a web-based survey. Volunteers with email accounts were sent a link to the survey. A kiosk was also available in the volunteer check-in area for volunteers to complete the survey while at the museum. After the first month, the survey was made available in paper format in the volunteer break room to help increase the response rate. Paper
Sarah CohnScience Museum of Minnesota
In May 2007, self-administered surveys about their volunteer experience and training were sent to 552 Science Museum of Minnesota volunteers, and 224 volunteers filled it out and returned it for a 41% response rate. The responses from volunteers to many questions were lengthy and detailed; a separate appendix is attached containing all of the commentary provided by volunteer respondents to open-ended questions on the survey. The survey is also included in the appendix. In this summative report, selections of sample responses were included after open-ended questions. Principal Findings 1. A
This evaluation examines the Science Museum of Minnesota's (SMM) Science Live Theater (SLT) program's impact on members. The Science Live Theater Department was interested in understanding how the theatrical productions hosted in the museum were received, enjoyed, and appreciated by the museum's members. Members and visitors were asked about their knowledge of the theater program, how they hear about it when visiting the museum, how it may affect membership decisions, and their interest in a potential magic show. Two surveys were developed to address these questions: an exit survey held in the
This report is the fourth annual report summarizing data collected about the overall impact of the Saint Louis Science Center's educational programs on participants. Data was collected between September 2009 to August 2010. Three programs are spotlighted: Family Med School, Science Communication for Brain Scientists, and SciJourn.
Jennifer HeimElisa IsraelSemilla BlandSaint Louis Science Center
This report is the second annual report summarizing data collected about the overall impact of the Saint Louis Science Center's educational programs on participants. Data was collected between September 2007 to August 2008. Four programs, Challenger Learning Center Student Missions, MySci(TM), Nanofuture Forums, and Travel Programs, are spotlighted.
Jennifer HeimElisa IsraelStaci WillisKaty LoftonYing LiuSaint Louis Science Center
This report is the first annual report summarizing data collected about the overall impact of the Saint Louis Science Center's educational programs on participants. Data was collected between September 2006 to August 2007. Four programs, Summer Science Blast, FIRST Robotics, YES-2-Tech, and Learning Place, are spotlighted.
Jennifer HeimElisa IsraelSaint Louis Science Center
In 2005, the Exhibit Operations Department at the Museum of Science, Boston became concerned by the number of visitor comment cards that cited frustration with broken exhibits. As a result, they approached the Research Department to carry out a study to determine the visitors' perspectives of maintenance issues. The Research Department addressed this matter by seeking answers to the following questions: 1. Where is the discrepancy between what visitors and maintenance workers call broken 2. What factors related to broken exhibits frustrate visitors most? 3. What counts as broken in the eyes of
Museums are places where visitors of all abilities and disabilities are invited to learn. This diversity offers a unique challenge how can museums ensure that everyone can benefit from the learning experience? Universal design, which is the design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design (Center for Universal Design, 2002), puts forward a potential solution. This paper offers an overview of universal design, including its practice in the museum, formal education, and digital media fields, and
The following document summarizes results from a literature review conducted in Fall 2004 to inform the development of a nationwide research project that will explore universal access to the learning of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in museums. Through this project, the Museum of Science, with four collaborating institutions, will further the industry's knowledge and understanding of ways to create museum exhibitions that are inclusive of the learning needs of all museum visitors, including those with disabilities. Guiding the literature review was a topical
ExhibitFiles is an online community for exhibit practitioners developed by the Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) with funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF). The website provides an infrastructure for sharing and building knowledge about exhibition development and design practices. After testing, the site officially opened on April 23, 2007. Influenced by learning theories such a Wenger's community of practice (1998) and Web 2.0 concepts, the project team incorporated site features and management strategies to develop and extend the professional networks and the
Carey TisdalAssociation of Science-Technology Centers
The Science Museum of Minnesota (SMM) carried out a feasibility study to gauge the interest of local educators in a traveling theater program. An online survey was sent to 190 educators who had previously participated in a SMM educational outreach activity. A total of 73 educators responded, for a 38% response rate. Educators commented on their level of interest in bringing such a program to their school, specific features of a program (age level, audience size, cost), and the likelihood they would use such a program. The survey instrument used in this study is included in the report.
This study was designed to assess qualitative and quantitative impacts that the enactor program has on visitor experience at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science (DMNS), using two temporary exhibitions (Benjamin Franklin: In Search of a Better World and Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition) as examples. Of interest was capturing the unique visitor experience that enactors provide by combining visitor engagement, education and interaction. In turn, this affords opportunities to better consider enactor and/or theater-based programming for other areas of the Museum (temporary and permanent) in the