Often called "self-plagiarism," text recycling occurs frequently in scientific writing. Over the past decade, increasing numbers of scientific journals have begun using plagiarism detection software to screen submitted manuscripts. As a result, large numbers of cases of text recycling are being identified, yet there is no consensus on what constitutes ethically acceptable practice. Text recycling is thus an increasingly important and controversial ethical issue in scientific communication. However, little actual research has been conducted on text recycling and it is rarely addressed in the ethical training of researchers or in scientific writing textbooks or websites. To promote the ethical and appropriate use of text recycling, this project will be conducted in two phases: In Phase 1, the researchers will investigate the ethical, practical, and legal aspects of text recycling as relevant for professional researchers, students, and publishers. In Phase 2, the investigators will produce educational materials and develop model language for text recycling guidelines and author-publisher contracts that can be adapted by educational institutions, research organizations, and publishers.
This project is a multi-institutional, multidisciplinary investigation of text recycling, the reuse of material from one?s previous work in a new manuscript. In Phase 1, the researchers will investigate questions such as these: What do expert researchers, students, and others involved in scientific communication believe to be appropriate practice, and why? Where is there a clear consensus among experts and where is there substantive disagreement? How often do professional scientists actually recycle material, and in what ways? Under what circumstances does text recycling violate publisher contracts or copyright laws? One facet of this research will involve interviewing and surveying experienced STEM faculty, students, journal editors, and others regarding the ethics of text recycling. A second facet will analyze a corpus of published scientific papers to investigate how researchers recycle text in practice and how this has changed over time. The third facet involves analyzing publisher contracts to better understand the rights of publishers and authors regarding text recycling and to assess their legal validity. In Phase 2, the investigators will use findings from Phase 1 to develop, test, and disseminate two kinds of materials: The first are web and print based instructional materials for STEM students (and others new to STEM research) explaining the ethical, legal, and practical issues involved with text recycling, as well as accompanying documents for faculty, administrators, and librarians. The second are model policies and guidelines for text recycling that address appropriate practice in both academic and professional settings. The investigators will obtain feedback on drafts of these materials from potential users and revise them accordingly, after which they will be disseminated.
Cary Moskovitz
resourceprojectProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education (CAISE) is a National Science Foundation (NSF) funded resource center, working in cooperation with the NSF Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program to build and advance the informal STEM education field. CAISE continues the work it began in 2007--serving professional audiences in informal STEM learning, which includes those working in science centers and museums, zoos and aquariums, parks, botanical gardens and nature centers, events and festivals, libraries, making and tinkering spaces, media (TV, radio, film, social), cyberlearning and gaming, and youth, community, and out-of-school time programs.
What We Do:
CAISE seeks to characterize, highlight, and connect quality, evidence-based informal STEM learning work supported by a diversity of federal, local, and private funders by providing access to over 8,000 (and growing) resources that include project descriptions, research literature, evaluation reports and other documentation on the InformalScience.org website. In addition, CAISE convenes inquiry groups, workshops and principal investigator meetings designed to facilitate discussion and identify the needs and opportunities for informal STEM learning.
In this award, CAISE is also tasked with advancing and better integrating the professional fields of informal STEM learning and science communication by (1) broadening participation in these fields, (2) deepening links between research and practice, and (3) building capacity in evaluation and measurement. These activities are being undertaken by cross-sector task forces of established and emerging who will be responsible for conducting field-level analyses, engaging stakeholders, and creating roadmaps for future efforts. CAISE is also building on existing communication channels for dissemination to the larger field, and through the InformalScience.org website. An External Review Board and Inverness Research are providing oversight of CAISE's program activities and evaluation of the center.
Who We Are:
CAISE operates as a network of core staff housed at the Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) in Washington, D.C. and co-principal investigators and other collaborators at academic institutions and informal STEM education (ISE) organizations across the U.S. Other key collaborators are the American Association for the Advancement of Science's Center for Public Engagement with Science, the National Informal STEM Education Network, and Arizona State University.