The Exploratorium, in partnership with Qualcomm, proposes to develop and test a highly accurate indoor positioning system (IPS) at full museum scale. Such a system would increase the feasibility and power of whole-visit research studies and open up opportunities for using IPS to support new and innovative informal STEM learning experiences. Within 3-5 years, museums will likely possess infrastructures capable of easily and effectively integrating IPS. The Exploratorium's project will generate early knowledge about using this technology for developing innovative programmatic strategies and for improving research and evaluation of STEM learning in museums. Program activities include developing processes for creating and updating indoor maps; testing IPS as a tool for program development and delivery; prototyping a research data management system; and the dissemination project findings.
The National Federation of the Blind (NFB), with six science centers across the U.S., will develop, implement, and evaluate the National Center for Blind Youth in Science (NCBYS), a three-year full-scale development project to increase informal learning opportunities for blind youth in STEM. Through partnerships and companion research, the NCBYS will lead to greater capacity to engage the blind in informal STEM learning. The NCBYS confronts a critical area of need in STEM education, and a priority for the AISL program: the underrepresentation of people with disabilities in STEM. Educators are often unaware of methods to deliver STEM concepts to blind students, and students do not have the experience with which to advocate for accommodations. Many parents of blind students are ill-equipped to provide support or request accessible STEM adaptations. The NCBYS will expose blind youth to non-visual methods that facilitate their involvement in STEM; introduce science centers to additional non-visual methods that facilitate the involvement of the blind in their exhibits; educate parents as to their students' ability to be independent both inside and outside the STEM classroom; provide preservice teachers of blind students with hands-on experience with blind students in STEM; and conduct research to inform a field that is lacking in published material. The NCBYS will a) conduct six regional, two-day science programs for a total of 180 blind youth, one day taking place at a local science center; b) conduct concurrent onsite parent training sessions; c) incorporate preservice teachers of blind students in hands-on activities; and d) perform separate, week-long, advanced-study residential programs for 60 blind high school juniors and seniors focused on the design process and preparation for post-secondary STEM education. The NCBYS will advance knowledge and understanding in informal settings, particularly as they pertain to the underrepresented disability demographic; but it is also expected that benefits realized from the program will translate to formal arenas. The proposed team represents the varied fields that the project seeks to inform, and holds expertise in blindness education, STEM education, museum education, parent outreach, teacher training, disability research, and project management. The initiative is a unique opportunity for science centers and the disability population to collaborate for mutual benefit, with lasting implications in informal STEM delivery, parent engagement, and teacher training. It is also an innovative approach to inspiring problem-solving skills in blind high school students through the design process. A panel of experts in various STEM fields will inform content development. NCBYS advances the discovery and understanding of STEM learning for blind students by integrating significant research alongside interactive programs. The audience includes students and those responsible for delivering STEM content and educational services to blind students. For students, the program will demonstrate their ability to interface with science center activities. Students will also gain mentoring experience through activities paired with younger blind students. Parents and teachers of blind students, as well as science center personnel, will gain understanding in the experiences of the blind in STEM, and steps to facilitate their complete involvement. Older students will pursue design inquiries into STEM at a more advanced level, processes that would be explored in post-secondary pursuits. By engaging these groups, the NCBYS will build infrastructure in the informal and formal arenas. Society benefits from the inclusion of new scientific minds, resulting in a diverse workforce. The possibility for advanced study and eventual employment for blind students also reduces the possibility that they would be dependent upon society for daily care in the future. The results of the proposed project will be disseminated and published broadly through Web sites; e-mail lists; social media; student-developed e-portfolios of the design program; an audio-described video; and presentations at workshops for STEM educators, teachers of blind students, blind consumer groups, researchers in disability education, and museum personnel.
This nationwide study sought to detect and evaluate the shifting priorities of today's attractions visitors and how their needs and wants drive their behavior. The data revealed trends in how people view, plan for, and react to their world as they travel throughout the country. The research compares recent findings to pre-recession studies to track key shifts in consumer behavior in the post-recession era.
This article discusses research conducted among families and museum visitors in the Midwest from 1996-1998. The study found that women, more often than men, initiate family museum visits and that a mother's parenting strategies are strongly related to her ideas about the nature of knowledge and how she comes to know and understand herself and the world.
This paper describes how an understanding of visitors could improve visitor services and museum experiences in order to maximize the attainment of museum objectives. Data from preliminary research at the Nehru Science Centre in India and implementation of findings in day-to-day management of science centre activities has brought about perceptible results, especially in creating new audiences and retaining visitors, thereby increasing overall visitor numbers and, above all, creating a renewed interest in the science centre among the community.
This article briefly outlines the unique evaluation strategy developed by staff at the Science Museum in London as part of the £50 million Wellcome Wing expansion project. The project aimed to produce "visit-centered" exhibitions that illustrate the impact of contemporary science and technology on ordinary people's lives.
The "Bridges to Understanding Children's Museums" publication is a seven-chapter research report of the field of children's museums. This excerpt from chapter 5 includes a policy study highlighting some of the issues museums and other nonprofits confront in questions of funding and support.
This article presents an overview of two studies from a broader program of research designed to extend prior laboratory-based research on children's scientific thinking to the everyday contexts where it actually occurs. Author Kevin Crowley, a researcher at the University of Pittsburgh's Learning Research and Development Center, discusses their work designed to create a body of empirical findings and new theoretical models that could make a direct practical contribution to improving the ways that families learn about science during trips to museums. This article focuses on applied side of
This article analyzes findings from the PISEC Family Learning Project in Philadelphia to better understand gender-based visitor behavior in science museums. It includes a brief review of the PISEC project, a discussion of gender differences among PISEC families, and a comparison of PISEC data to findings from from another study conducted by Kevin Crowley of the Learning Research Collaborative at the University of Pittsburgh's Learning and Research Development Center.
This article discusses the goals, methods, and findings of a research study conducted by staff at the Monterey Bay Aquarium to evaluate their revised sea otter feeding program. The study evaluated the success of the volunteer training and peer coaching program as well as the effectiveness of the new program format in promoting the aquarium's mission.
This article discusses the development of the "New Heart of the Zoo" exhibit project at the San Diego Zoo. Old monkey cages and a bird yard from the 1930's will be replaced with multispecies habitats representing both Asian and African rainforests. This article outlines goals, methods and findings of a three-week formative evaluation for the new exhibit.
In this article, Christine L. Brandenburg, of Rice University's Center for Technology in Teaching and Learning, discusses her research of the use of computer technology in children's museums. Bradenburg focuses on the research methods used to address how and why visitors use computer technology in children's museums. The first section of the article presents the research methods, placing them in the context of the naturalistic inquiry design of the research. The second section discusses the research methods with respect to visitor studies and to studies of computer technology in museums.