This report provides an overview of the rationale and design of the STEM Excellence Project, the key findings and takeaways from the research, and future directions for raising the aspirations of rural students for success in STEM fields.
This document provides information about the quantitative and qualitative data collected and analyzed for this project with hopes that it informs future research and evaluation efforts for STEM education in rural contexts.
The project team published a research synopsis article with Futurum Science Careers in Feb 2023 called “How Can Place Attachment Improve Scientific Literacy?”
An adapted three-dimensional model of place attachment is proposed as a theoretical framework from which place-based citizen science experiences and outcomes might be empirically examined in depth.
Julia ParrishYurong HeBenjamin Haywood
We examined an approach to reaching audiences who may not ordinarily engage with science. Termed Guerilla Science, this approach blends elements of access, by removing barriers to participation by embedding science into unexpected places, with those of inclusion, by designing activities that speak to the learning identities of participants.
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) will continue its collaboration in providing scientists and engineers experiential professional development and public service fellowships via the AAAS Science and Technology Fellowship (STPF) Program.
This REU Site award to TERC, located in Cambridge, MA, will support the training of eight students for ten weeks during the summers of 2023-2025. Students will perform research in the field of informal STEM education. Their projects will have a theme of advancing social justice and equity.
Re-Living Paleontology conducted usability and comparison studies on immersion and interactivity in augmented reality (AR) and visitors' engagement and understanding of science. Two "Tar AR" experiences were designed and studied.
Benjamin D. NyeWilliam SwartoutDavid NelsonGale M. SinatraEmily LindseyMolly Porter
This essay centers on the voices of leading scholars in science and STEM education on how equity can and should be centered in reviewing proposals for granting organizations.
Stefanie L. MarshallAmy O. Salter
resourceevaluationMuseum and Science Center Exhibits
The linked repository contains select resources from the SICIIT NSF project (Supporting Science and Engineering Identity Change in Immersive Interactive Technologies). The project did not reach its main objective, mainly due to disruptions caused by COVID, but we hope that the materials will be a useful resource for follow-up research.
Stefan RankAyana AllenGlen MuschioAroutis FosterKapil Dandekar