The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) will continue its collaboration in providing scientists and engineers experiential professional development and public service fellowships via the AAAS Science and Technology Fellowship (STPF) Program. The STPF program objectives are to: educate scientists and engineers on the intricacies of federal policy making; provide information and analyses that support decision makers confronting challenges that involve scientific and technological issues; empower civic engagement and leadership by scientists and engineers by enhancing their skills to assess, communicate and apply science and technology in policy contexts; foster STEM leaders with skills and experience in policymaking and policy implementation; increase the involvement and visibility of scientists and engineers in the policy realm; and foster positive exchange between STEM professionals and policymakers. In the long-term, the STPF program seeks to build science and engineering leadership capacity to support evidence-based policy and practice by developing scientists and engineers who understand government and policy-making and are able to develop solutions to the nation's challenges.
Fellows are selected by the AAAS annually through a highly competitive process and placed for one-year fellowships in offices throughout the NSF. Under the guidance of mentors, fellows work on projects of mutual interest to the fellow and the host office. Fellowship activities enable the fellows to gain insight into how national science and technology policy goals are translated into programs at NSF that reflect the agency's mission. The AAAS provides an orientation on executive branch and congressional operations, as well as knowledge- and skill-building professional development seminars throughout the year. The AAAS conducts extensive outreach for recruitment, including scientists and engineers from traditionally underrepresented populations; administers a rigorous merit review process to identify finalists; matches fellows with host offices; and provides support for the fellows throughout their fellowships.

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