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resource research Public Programs
Presentation on NSF grant DRL-0840230 (""Communities of Learning for Urban Environments"") presented at the CAISE Convening on Organizational Networks, November 17th, 2011.
resource research Public Programs
Presentation on NSF grant DRL-1113648 "Creating Communities of Learners for Informal Cognitive Science Education" presented at the CAISE Convening on ISE Organizational Networks, November 17, 2011.
resource research Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
Meeting project visuals for the CAISE Convening on ISE Organizational Networks, November 17-18, 2011
resource research Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
Meeting participant list for the CAISE Convening on ISE Organizational Networks, November 17-18, 2011
resource research Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
Meeting agenda for the CAISE Convening on ISE Organizational Networks, November 17-18, 2011
resource research Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
Meeting Overview for the CAISE Convening on ISE Organizational Networks, November 17-18, 2011
resource research Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
Companies have increasingly shifted from innovation initiatives that are centered on internal resources to those that are centered on external networks (said another way, a shift from firm-centric innovation to network-centric innovation). In this paper, we combine insights from product development and network theory with evidence from an extensive field study to describe the nature of a hub firm’s orchestration processes in network-centric innovation. Our analysis indicates that network orchestration processes reflect the interplay between elements of innovation design and network design
TEAM MEMBERS: Satish Nambisan Mohanbir Sawhney
resource research Media and Technology
This article describes elements of an approach to research and development called design-based implementation research. The approach represents an expansion of design research, which typically focuses on classrooms, to include development and testing of innovations that foster alignment and coordination of supports for improving teaching and learning. As in policy research, implementation is a key focus of theoretical development and analysis. What distinguishes this approach from both traditional design research and policy research is the presence of four key elements: (a) a focus on
TEAM MEMBERS: Bill Penuel Barry Fishman Britt Haugan Cheng Nora Sabelli
resource research Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
Report from an ITEST meeting to define a research agenda for the afterschool field convened by the ITEST Learning Resource Center at Education Development Center, Inc.
TEAM MEMBERS: Siobhan Bredin Caroline Parker Karen Peterson Kate Goddard Wendy Rivenburgh Tony Streit
resource research Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
Article on networked improvement communities.
TEAM MEMBERS: Anthony Bryk Louis Gomez Alicia Grunow Maureen Hallinan
resource research
This study examines student choices relating to the selection of STEM courses for high school and university study. The main focus here is on the subjective value of the choice as perceived by the individual, and the individual’s expectation of success in the subject or the study. The argument put forward in this study is supported by a broad and international body of literature, and highlights a number of key factors affecting students’ (and especially girls’) engagement with STEM subjects. This discussion will have particular significance for ISE educators currently working to promote youth
TEAM MEMBERS: Heather King
resource research Museum and Science Center Programs
The Australian Museum, Sydney, has been working with students aged 5–18 from a coalition of around 20 schools to gain advice on the development of exhibitions, programs, and the design of learning experiences, particularly regarding the use of digital environment. This paper discusses some of the results of this working relationship.
TEAM MEMBERS: Heather King