Museum professionals have become increasingly interested in the behavior of their visitors--why the come, what they do while in the museum, and what they take with them from the experience. Research is beginning to provide evidence for the common-sense notion that all vistiors are not alike (e.g., Diamond, 1979; Dierking et. al., in review; McManus, 1987). The two studies reported here represent attmeps to better understand the gross outlines of family behavior in natural history museums. The first is a follow-up to an earlier study suggesting that visitors' behavior is strongly influenced by
What do people learn from visiting museums and how do they learn it? The editors approach this question by focusing on conversations as both the process and the outcome of museum learning. People do not come to museums to talk, but they often do talk. This talk can drift from discussions of managing the visit, to remembrances of family members and friends not present, to close analyses of particular objects or displays. This volume explores how these conversations reflect and change a visitor's identity, discipline-specific knowledge, and engagement with an informal learning environment that
Lessons Without Limit is not just another book about school reform but a highly readable guide to transforming the entire experience of learning across a lifetime. Free-choice learning is all about what you choose to do in your learning time. We learn every day at home, at school, at work, and out in the world, from books, in museums, watching television, hearing a symphony, building a model rocket. Our motivations and expectations change over our lifetime but learning never stops. This book will give you a new understanding of the learning process and guide you in maximizing your lifelong
This landmark publication identifies strategies for determining the extent and content of museum learning and the visitor experience. Takes into account prior knowledge and experience; subsequent, reinforcing experiences; motivation and attitudes; culture and background; social mediation; design and representation; and the physical setting. Includes possible measurement techniques for the museum context, and recommendations for future research in museum training.
Describes the use of the "Plant Wheel" by the University of California Botanical Garden as a means of providing elementary school children with a structured activity as they explore the Garden at their own pace. This activity accommodates the children's curiosity, energy, and attention span.
This seminal book describes the nature and extent of science learning in America with particular attention to the innumerable sources of science education existing outside the formal education system.
Institute for Learning InnovationJohn H Falk
This report describes the findings of an evaluation of the Gallery Guide program at the Frye Art Museum in Seattle, Washington. It aimed to determine if and how 6 identified public tour goals are being met and examined how visitors are generally engaging during public tours at the museum. List of Key Findings: Overall all Gallery Guide goals were met to varying degrees. The majority of surveyed visitors reported they would feel comfortable leading a friend through the Frye after their tour experience. Gallery Guides provided a high number of informative statements (47%). Visitors appear more
Peder NelsonMark RosenRose Paquet KinsleyThe Frye Art Museum
Front-line educators are arguably critical to the visitor experience at museums and science centers across the country. However, little research exists to inform staff facilitation strategies or professional development efforts. In this article, we describe the results of a qualitative study of 63 staff-family interactions in a science center, focusing particularly on the role of adult family members.We observed three distinct phases of interaction, during which adult family members acted as gatekeepers to deeper staff engagement. The results suggest that in order to successfully facilitate
The January 2013 issue includes articles and features on crowdsourcing, partnerships in natural history museums, communicating science through art, theater as climate change education, case studies on informal science education-related projects like gigapixel imaging and museum educators collaborating with scientists to engage visitors, and more.
Poster on NSF grant DRL-1132393 (Cyberlearning Research Summit 2012: Imagining the Future of Learning, Systems, People, and Technology) from the 2012 ISE PI Meeting.