This article discusses the preliminary resistance to labels and then the eventual inclusion of labeling in the "Ice Age Exhibit" at the Cincinnati Museum Center's Museum of Natural HIstory & Science. It includes findings from visitor studies that evaluated the effectiveness of the new labeling strategies incorporated into the immersive exhibit.
This article discusses findings from an evaluation conducted by researchers at the Liberty Science Center in planning for a new exhibition about skyscrapers. Members of the exhibition team examined if and how the public's perceptions of skyscrapers changed as a result of the World Trade Center collapse and the media attention towards skyscrapers. Evaluators compared the results of this study to data collected prior to 9/11 as part of the exhibit's front-end evaluation.
In this essay, researchers from King's College London, Work, Interaction and Technology Research Group, discuss a particular approach to the analysis of social interaction in museums and galleries, focusing on video-based field studies. The authors also give a few suggestions as to why it might be important to take verbal and physical interactions more seriously when designing, developing and evaluating exhibits and exhibitions.
Dirk vom LehnChristian HeathJon Hindmarsh
In this article, exhibit developer Hallie Gilbert discusses findings from her master's project in museum studies at John F. Kennedy University. Gilbert investigated the phenomenon of the immersive exhibition, looking specifically at why and how these exhibitions are being developed in increasing numbers in American natural history and science museums. This article summarizes Gilbert's study of why museum professionals are developing immersive exhibitions, what summative evaluations have revealed about this exhibition technique and where the field might go in the future.
This article describes an exhibit evaluation project at the San Diego Natural History Museum, funded by NSF in 2001, which took a participatory approach to better understand their audience. The authors, two participants in this project, discuss their motivations and goals, useful models and lessons learned from a special needs focus group.
In this article, evaluator Randi Korn of Randi Korn & Associates explains how to know when the time is right for front-end evaluation and whether your questions are the ones you should be asking visitors. Korn cites examples from the field, specifically from a study conducted for the Chicago Historical Society.
This article reports findings from a study of some of the museums most active in audience research to identify success factors crucial to effective audience research. The study focused on what makes audience research effective and when audience research can be considered effective. This article reports findings from eight case studies undertaken in Australia and New Zealand. Following an explanation of the research approach, this article outlines the principal criteria for audience research effectiveness found in the institutions studied and highlights the main success factors underlying their
This paper describes a 2002 study conducted by Steve Tokar that was the first of its kind to evaluate universal design practice among North American museums with hands-on science exhibits. Tokar investigated the following questions: (1) For which audiences do museum exhibit professionals think their exhibitions are accessible?; (2) What is the current level of institutional commitment to creating exhibits that are universally designed and accessible for visitors with disabilities?; (3) Which areas need improvement?; and (4) Where have we succeeded? Evaluation methodologies, key findings, and
Steve TokarVisitor Studies Association
This paper is an introduction to the special issue of "Visitor Studies Today" dedicated to museum accessibility for persons with disabilities by guest editor Christine Reich, Senior Research/Evaluation Associate at the Museum of Science, Boston.
This paper discusses the "Scences de Silence/Scenes of Silence" exhibition designed to enable hearing people to gain access to the world of the deaf. This paper describes the exhibition and evaluation findings which examined the project's impact on visitors and deaf guides.
This paper reports a formative evaluation of an interactive exhibit in the Museum of Science, Boston, that encouraged visitors to create a model using everyday materials. The materials provided for visitors to create their models changed during the period of the evaluation, and visitors were observed and interviewed as they engaged with the various prototypes. Evaluation results show that the type of modeling material presented influenced the visitors' model making process and individual learning and behaviors as well as the interactions visitors had with each other.
This paper explores the question “What proportion of the local population can museums expect to attract?”, using data on museum visitation collected by means of a population-based sample survey repeated each six months from July 1991 to February 2004 in Sydney, Australia. The links between reported museum visiting and self-described personality attributes are also explored. The findings suggest that there is a limit to the audience for museums and that this limit appears to be driven by people's preferences for conceptual cognitive activity.