This paper discusses a study aimed to answer some preliminary questions about the kinds of information remembered 20-30 years after a visit and the role that visitation frequency might play in influencing these recollections. In this study, twelve museum professionals were asked to recall their earliest, or a very early, museum experience and to relate it in as much detail as possible.
The article describes the purpose of the evaluation for Statistics for Action (SfA): to learn to what extent SfA's set of materials and resources and training developed by math educators with input from environmental organizers, could increase numeracy among environmental organizers and the community members they serve. For this generally unpopular content (math) in an unusual context (environmental campaigns), the author describes project and evaluation design choices that worked, and those that didn’t.
This paper discusses one research method used in front-end evaluation studies: focus groups. It provides an assessment of the fit of focus groups and front-end evaluation as well as suggests issues and considerations for maximizing the fit between focus groups and front-end evaluation
This paper discusses the history of museums as cultural institutions and presents the Model of the Dynamic Museum Environment as a useful method to help provide an understanding of what is happening in a given museum as well as a planning tool for designers. This model links the characteristics of the visitor, the museum environment, and the specific visitor-related goals of the institution.
This paper discusses how numerous methods and theories from sociological and anthropological research are applicable and useful in museum settings. These concepts can provide clues to new approaches to audience development and exhibit design. This paper relates to papers written by Dr. Adrian Aveni and Dr. Jeffrey Bonner featured earlier in this issue of "Visitor Studies."
This paper begins with a discussion of what is meant by the "anthropological perspective" and then demonstrates how the unique viewpoint of anthropology can cause evaluators to rethink what is interpreted in the museum context and on how it is interpreted. Secondly, this paper presents an example of how the subject matter of anthropology can inform museology. Finally, this paper briefly examines how anthropological research methods can expand the repertoire of msuuem researchers.
This paper focuses on the group context of visitor behavior. It includes an introduction of a simple model of behavior that describes how human behavior is influenced by group memberships, which is central to thinking in sociology and compatible to thinking in psychology and anthropology. Suggestions on how this model can be applied to visitor studies are also described.
In this paper, Harris H. Shettel, Chair of the AAM Visitor Research & Evaluation Standing Professional Committee, discusses the meaning and importance of research and evaluation as two distinct terms that often share some of the same elements. Shettel elucidates this position by examining some of the ways these terms have been used by others and noting the implications this has for the kinds of work evaluators do in various projects.
This paper is discusses the role of the evaluator during the exhibit planning process. Using an exhibit planned by the Memphis Museum System, "Mr. Crump's Memphis," this paper will elucidate the evaluator's role in exhibit planning, particularly in helping the planning team determine, articulate, and maintain clear exhibit goals, which translate into specific exhibit objectives.
This paper is a summary of presentation and panel discussion at the 1990 Visitor Studies Conference held in Washington, D.C. This discussion between evaluators and educators focused on their commitment to visitors and to understanding why visitors do or do not enjoy museum visits. Participants discussed different ways to define and quantify informal learning, as well as successes and failures in measuring informal learning at their institutions.
In this paper, Word Craft's Chris Parsons examines the question, "Is an exhibit's goal to change visitor behavior?" Parsons also proposes a way to develop so the goal is change through two methods: (1) defining who our visitors are; and (2) developing clearly stated behavioral objectives when planning new exhibits. This discussion can be applied to educational programs as well.
The intent of this paper is to offer an introduction to this volume and to (hopefully) place the 1990 Visitor Studies Conference held in Washington, D.C., in the perspective of the general field of visitor studies. About 300 professionals from all over the world participated in the 1990 Conference, an increase from 175 attendees the year before. The collection of papers in this volume, although not inclusive of all papers presented at the Conference, should give the reader a feeling for the issues and discussions that took place.